Ashleigh de Gouw, Susan McAllister, Jane Bruning, Judith Mukakayange, Jerram Bateman, Patricia Priest. HIV in women in Aotearoa New Zealand: 25 years of surveillance data (PDF)
Jerram P Bateman, Peter JWSaxton, Ashleigh de Gouw, Jacek Kolodziej, Patricia C Priest and Susan M McAllister. Late presentation of HIV infection among adults in New Zealand from 2011 to 2020 (PDF)
Susan McAllister, Ella Iosua, Brooke Hollingshead, Jane Bruning, Mark Fisher, Rodrigo Olin, Judith Mukakayange, Carl Greenwood, Ashleigh de Gouw & Patricia Priest. Quality of life in people living with HIV in Aotearoa New Zealand: an exploratory cross-sectional study (PDF)
Saxton P, McAllister S, Thirkell C, Ludlam A, Bateman J, Anglemyer A, Priest P, Sonder G. 2021. Population rates of HIV, gonorrhoea and syphilis diagnoses by sexual orientation in New Zealand. (PDF)
Saxton P, McAllister S, Noller G, Newcombe D, Leafe K. 2020. Injecting drug use among gay and bisexual men in New Zealand: Findings from national human immunodeficiency virus epidemiological and behavioural surveillance. (PDF)
McAllister S, vanAsten H, Anglemeyer A, Crengle S, Zeng J, Raymond N, Handy R, Giola M, Dickson N, Priest P. 2020. Cascade of care of people diagnosed with HIV in New Zealand between 2006 and 2017. (PDF)
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Saxton P, Dickson N, Griffiths R, Hughes AJ, Rowden J. 2012. Actual and undiagnosed HIV prevalence in a community sample of men who have sex with men in Auckland, New Zealand. (PDF)
Saxton P, McAllister S, Dickson N, Hughes A, Sharples K. Estimating HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men in New Zealand 1985-2009: 25 years of public health monitoring. (PDF) International Journal of STD & AIDS 2012, 23:274-279.
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Saxton P, Dickson NP, McAllister SM, Sharples K, Hughes AJ. Increase in HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men in New Zealand from a stable low period. Sexual Health 2011, 8:311-318.
Shea B, Aspin C, Ward J, Archibald C, Dickson N, McDonald A, Penehira M, Halverson J, Masching R, McAllister S, Tuhiwai Smith L, Kaldor J, Andersson N. HIV diagnoses in indigenous peoples: comparison of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. International Health 2011.
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Nisbet S M, Reeve A M, Ellis-Pegler R B, Woodhouse A F, Ingram R J, Roberts S A, McAllister S M, & Thomas M G. (2007). Good outcome in HIV-infected refugees after resettlement in New Zealand: Population study. Internal Medicine Journal, 37, 290-294.
Das D, Baker M, Venugopal K, & McAllister S. (2006). Why tuberculosis incidence rates are not falling in New Zealand. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 119 (PDF)
Hughes A, Saxton P. Geographic micro-clustering of homosexual men: Implications for research and social policy. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 2006; 28:158-178.
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Grierson J, Pitts M, Herewini T, Rua'ine G, Hughes A, Saxton P, Whyte M, Thomas M. Mate Aaraikore A Muri Ake Nei: Experiences of Maori New Zealanders Living with HIV. Sexual Health 2004; 1:175-80.
Grierson J, Pitts M, Whyte M, Misson S, Hughes A, Saxton P, Thomas M. Living with HIV in New Zealand: Balancing health and quality of life. New Zealand Medical Journal 2004; 117: No.1200.
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Sexual health
Bell M L, van Roode T, Dickson N P, Jiang Z-J, & Paul C (2010). Consistency and reliability of self-reported lifetime number of heterosexual partners by gender and age in a cohort study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37(7), 425-431.
Skegg K, Nada-Raja S, Dickson N, & Paul C. (2010). Perceived ″out of control″ sexual behavior in a cohort of young adults from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 968-978.
Dickson N P, Ryding J, van Roode T, Paul C, Herbison P, Dillner J, & Skegg D C G. (2009). Male circumcision and serologically determined human papillomavirus infection in a birth cohort. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 18(1), 177-183.
Paul C, van Roode T, Herbison P, & Dickson N. (2009). Longitudinal study of self-reported sexually transmitted infection incidence by gender and age up to age thirty-two years. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 36(2), 63-69.
van Roode T, Dickson N, Herbison P, & Paul C. (2009). Child sexual abuse and persistence of risky sexual behaviors and negative sexual outcomes over adulthood: Findings from a birth cohort. Child Abuse and Neglect, 33(3), 161-172.
Dickson N P, van Roode T, Herbison P, & Paul C. (2008). Circumcision and risk of sexually transmitted infections in a birth cohort. Journal of Pediatrics, 152, 383-387.
Dickson N, van Roode T, Herbison P, Taylor J, Cunningham A, & Paul C. (2007). Risk of herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition increases over early adulthood: Evidence from a cohort study. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 83(2), 87-90.
Skegg K, Nada-Raja S, Paul C, & Skegg D C G. (2007). Body piercing, personality, and sexual behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 47-54.
Ramrakha S, Bell M L, Paul C, Dickson N, Moffitt T E, & Caspi A. (2007). Childhood behavior problems linked to sexual risk taking in young adulthood: A birth cohort study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(10), 1272-1279.
Dickson N, van Roode T & Paul C. (2005). Herpes simplex virus type 2 status at age 26 is not related to early circumcision in a birth cohort. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 32(8), 517-519.
Dickson N P, Paul CE, & Herbison G P (2003). Same-sex attraction in a birth cohort: Prevalence and persistence in early adulthood. Social Science and Medicine, 56, 1607-1615.
Humblet O, Paul C E & Dickson N P. (2003). Core group evolution over time: High-risk sexual behavior in a birth cohort between sexual debut and age 26. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 30(11), 818-824.
Skegg K M, Nada-Raja S, Dickson N P, Paul C E, & Williams S. (2003). Sexual orientation and self-harm in men and women. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(3), 541-546.
Eberhart-Phillips J E, Dickson N P, Paul C E, Herbison G P, Taylor J & Cunningham A L. (2001). Rising incidence and prevalence of herpes simplex type 2 infection in a cohort of 26 year old New Zealanders. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 77(5), 353-357.
Paul C E, Fitzjohn J, Eberhart-Phillips J E, Herbison G P, & Dickson N P (2000). Sexual abstinence at age 21 in New Zealand: The importance of religion. Social Science and Medicine, 51, 1-10.
Paul C E, Fitzjohn J, Herbison G P & Dickson N P. (2000). The determinants of sexual intercourse before age 16. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27, 136-147.
Ramrakha S K, Caspi A, Dickson N P, Moffitt T E, Paul C. Mental health and risky sexual behaviour. BMJ 2000;321:263-6
Paul C, Fitzjohn J, Herbison P, Dickson N. The determinants of sexual intercourse before age 16 in a birth cohort. Journal of Adolescent Health 2000;27:136-47
Paul C, Fitzjohn J, Eberhart-Phillips J, Herbison P, Dickson N. Twenty-one year olds who have never had intercourse: The importance of religion. Social Science and Medicine 2000;51:1-10
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Dickson N P, Paul C E, & Herbison G P. (1998). Where young people with multiple sexual partners seek medical care: implications for screening for chlamydial infection. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 74, 445-447.
Dickson N P, Paul C E, Herbison G P, & Silva P A. (1998). First sexual intercourse: age, coercion, and later regrets reported by a birth cohort. British Medical Journal, 316, 29-33.
Caspi A, Harrington H, Moffitt T E, Begg D J, Dickson N P, Langley J D, & Silva P A. (1997). Personality differences predict health-risk behaviors in young adulthood: evidence from a longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(5), 1052-1063.
Dickson N P, Paul C E, Herbison G P, Silva P A, & McNoe B M. (1996). The lifetime occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases among a cohort aged 21. New Zealand Medical Journal, 109, 308-312.
Dickson N P. (1996). Sexual behaviour. In P.A. Silva and W.R. Stanton (Eds.), From Child to Adult: the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (pp. 225-234). Auckland: Oxford University Press.