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Apiculture to conservation, law to netball: alumni shine in Honours

Congratulations to all the Otago alumni and staff recognised for exceptional service to their communities and professions in the King’s Birthday Honours. Read about their reactions and their service here.
Don, Greg and Rose
From garage bands to global artists – vinyl start-up pressed into service

Otago alumni Ben Wallace and Joel Woods joined forces in 2018 to set up New Zealand’s first vinyl record pressing plant since the 1980s. Recently they introduced a biovinyl record to their range, which produces 92 per cent fewer emissions.
Jaime Wood
Lessons and life-skills learned at Otago shape distinguished career

From outdoor education student to Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris in Malaysia - Professor Dato’ Dr Md Amin Bin Md Taff returns to Otago to share with graduates insights and experiences from his time as an International student.
John, Martin
Your Story: Building a global business around a merino T-shirt

Just a couple of years after graduating with his Master of Commerce, Jeremy Moon set up the world-leading merino clothing company Icebreaker. We talk to him about what he learnt at Otago, his approach to building a business, and how he came up with the idea of merino T-shirts.

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scholarship recipients
Supporting Otago
NZ Superfund awards first Sustainable Finance scholarships

Third-year Commerce and Science student Laura Beagley is the inaugural Otago recipient of the Superfund’s new scholarship. Laura is majoring in Finance and Ecology, with a minor in Sustainable Finance.

Supporting Otago...
John Stewart
Making a difference
Generous gift to medical research at Christchurch campus

A substantial gift from Canterbury farmer James Hobson Smedley has opened up exciting new opportunities for early and mid-career researchers at the University of Otago, Christchurch.

Making a Difference...
hot picks story image
Hot Picks

Be entertained and feed your mind with our Hot Picks. You can relax in the comfort of your own home, while listening to a selection of podcasts, interviews, and lectures from Otago academics, visiting lecturers, and alumni.

Hot picks... 
Lisa blackie
University Snapshot

The University is delighted to announce two new senior leadership appointments. Ms Trish Oakley will take up the role of University of Otago Chancellor on 1 October. Ms Oakley is the current Pro-Chancellor, and an Otago alumna. Legal scholar Professor Jessica Palmer has been appointed as the University of Otago’s next Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement). Professor Palmer is currently the University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities – Te Kete Aronui). The University of Otago contributed almost $2 billion to the New Zealand economy last year, a new report shows.

students in lab
Otago Images

It’s the mid-year exam period, so we thought we’d look back and bring some colour to a favourite student study and social space, the library. Opening in 1965,  the Central Library was located half-way between the medical school and the main university buildings on the corner of Albany and Cumberland streets. This building then made way for the Information Services Building, which opened in 2001. 

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Upcoming 2024 Reunions and Events

For more details on upcoming events visit our alumni events calendar, information will be updated as it becomes available. Email reunions.alumni@otago.ac.nz if you would like more details or are interested in organising a reunion for your class.
Medical Class of 1979
Dental Class of 1984
Medical Class of 1972 Medical Class of 1974
students in lab
Love to read?

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Justin Roake
Why We Otago
“I remember thinking I’m so lucky”

Support and encouragement from Otago helped pave the way for medical student Roshit Bothara to gain a prestigious scholarship to Johns Hopkins University in the US, to study for a Master of Public Health.

Why We Otago...

Opportunities for Alumni 

Alumni bookshelf
Alumni authors – you can now share your recently published books on our virtual bookshelf. Fill in the form to have your publication added to the Alumni bookshelf webpage. 

Young Alumni Awards the 20Twenties
We are thrilled to open nominations for the above awards to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our youngest alumni. Help raise the profile of our young alumni and make a nomination.
alumni in the news
Alumni in the News 

Professor Robert Patman is Critic and Conscience of Society Award winner. Graduates Sammy Heyward and Beth Scott selected for Ice Fernz. Dr Jade La Paz is made a Fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Shah Aslam is bringing all-electric seagliders to Aotearoa. Hamish Prince is working for NASA. 

Alumni in the News...
networks and events
Networks and Events 

Our newest alumni celebrated with whānau at Graduations in May; the Auckland Young Alumni event was a resounding success; and in an exciting development the Kiribati Alumni Chapter was launched in May.

Networks and events ...
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Development and Alumni Relations Office  –  64 3 479 4516  –  PO Box 56, Dunedin, 9054

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