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Music, Theatre and Performing Arts Facility

AA18 Arts facility main
150th funds Performing Arts orchestra

At Otago we are deeply committed to performing arts for our students and for Dunedin. We want to create a permanent modern building, consolidating staff, students and performing arts activities – music, theatre and dance and provide purpose-built, state-of-the-art multi-use recording and performance spaces for Otago students and the local Dunedin community.

The University has committed to a NZ $28 million project to construct a new building and refurbish existing buildings.

We believe our new School of Performing Arts facility will bring many benefits and national and international visitors to the University and to Dunedin, helping Otago to continue to provide unique and internationally recognised programmes and curricula and increasing our reputation in providing contemporary music performance and studio production programmes.

Building work has already begun. We are committed to delivering on our vision and on this significant investment; we would like you to be part of our vision too. Your financial support will go towards making our vision a reality.

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Otago University Debating Society

150th funds Debating Society logo
150th funds Debating Society

Established in 1878, the Otago University Debating Society (OUDS) is Otago's oldest society and in 2018 was awarded Otago's Society of the Year.

The Society enjoys national and international success at all levels of debating and adjudicating.

As a member, students develop oral communication and critical-thinking skills important in their future careers and day-to-day lives. They learn about teamwork and how to examine arguments, construct their own opinions and the values of the world in which they live. Working with Dunedin high schools, members volunteer to mentor and judge students in the art of debating and public speaking.

Our goal is to raise an endowment fund of NZ$1 million to allow the Society to continue to foster a culture of debating excellence at Otago.

By financially supporting the University of Otago's oldest society, you will help OUDS to continue to compete, judge and host at the highest level nationally and internationally and provide students with the amazing life-changing and life-coaching opportunities the Society offers.

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Otago University Rowing Club

150th funds Rowing scholarship logo

150th funds Rowing scholarship

Otago University Rowing Club (OURC) was formed in 1929. Its purpose-built facilities on the Otago Harbour offer year-round indoor training and rowing for all Otago students, local community groups and visiting international students, successfully building on tradition.

The Club's rowing teams regularly and successfully compete nationally and internationally against the world's top universities. Otago rowing alumni include New Zealand representatives, Olympic and world champion rowers.

Our goal is to raise an endowment fund of NZ$1 million so that interest generated from the endowment can support a full-time Club Manager and Club Coach.

By financially supporting this very valuable student club you will be contributing towards its continued success and provide our student rowers with the opportunity to compete, travel and grow as athletes and as people. Club boats, facilities and awards may be named in recognition of your generous support.

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Social Impact Studio

150th funds Social Impact studio landscape

Student-driven change through volunteering and leadership

The Social Impact Studio is the next evolution of the University Volunteer Centre. The Studio is about student-driven change through volunteering and leadership. It will be a hub for social impact through creativity and innovation … a place where Otago students, staff, faculty and community work together to design and implement projects that benefit our society and environment.

Students care deeply about social issues like belonging, purpose, quality education, mental health and wellbeing and these are reflected in our key student-led social action projects.

Our vision for a Social Impact Studio relies on your financial support to succeed. Become part of our future story by supporting our key student-led social action projects and helping to maximise Otago's positive student-led involvement and engagement.

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