Thursday 23 September 2021 10:01am
Christchurch alumni event July 2021
The University of Otago's Christchurch 2021 alumni event was held at the University's Christchurch campus on Wednesday 28 July and was the first event of the 2021 Winter Symposium Series.
Visit the Alumni Facebook page to view photos from the event.
Professor David Murdoch, Dean of the University of Otago, Christchurch as guest speaker, spoke about the advances the world has taken to develop and roll out vaccines for COVID-19. His presentation explained how the COVID-19 vaccines were developed so quickly in comparison to other vaccines through to the challenges faced implementing a vaccination programme on such a large scale.
You can also view his full presentation here
Guests were also able to ask questions directly to Professor Murdoch which resulted in several interesting and thought-provoking topics opened for discussion.
The evening concluded with the opportunity to chat informally with other guests and discuss the content of the presentation.
Greymouth alumni event July 2021
Alumni and friends of the University of Otago gathered in Greymouth on 29 July to reminisce of times at Otago, connect with other alumni, learn of University highlights, and to hear from current Burns Fellow and award-winning author of Auē Becky Manawatu.
Becky's presentation started with her concern that language can fail to meet expectations. She then took guests on a journey through vivid imagery told with sumptuous words and phrases that spoke to the core of all who were there.
After the presentation guests had the opportunity to chat personally with Becky. Guests armed with their copy of Auē were also able to have it signed.
As conversation wound up and guests left the venue, there is no doubt that everyone went home feeling that their expectations had been well and truly met.
Auckland alumni event July 2021
Otago's newest graduates and youngest alumni relived some of their University memories at the recent young alumni event in Auckland on July 13th.
Despite the date being inauspicious, the event was full of good conversation, fabulous hospitality, and much laughter as stories were swapped and shared either with or without embellishment.
The format for the evening included an update from Professor Robin Gauld and a panel discussion between alumni which highlighted the aspects of an Otago education that have positively impacted on professional and personal lives.
Among the guests were members of the Auckland Alumni Advisory Board who were able to offer their knowledge, support, and insight to the University's newest alumni in Auckland.
Whether established or the newest; alumni were able to spend the evening in the familiarity of shared Otago experiences.
Wellington alumni event July 2021
Speaker and host, Deputy Prime Minister and alumnus the Hon. Grant Robertson entertained guests with memories of his time as a student and thoughts about how the University had progressed.
Guests who attended the 2021 Wellington alumni event held at the beautiful Grand Hall in Parliament on 14 July all found something in his speech that reminded them of their own time at university.
Grant touched on his time as Otago University Student Association's President and provided guests with the same advice as he did as president; “Take it easy but, take it”.
The current and future were also featured when the University's Chancellor, Dr Royden Somerville QC and Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Helen Nicholson spoke about the current developments at the University and thanked everyone for their support of the University during 2020 as, like all institutions, changes needed to be made to support our students and researchers.
Many memories and stories were told and shared as guests enjoyed once again the strength of the Otago spirit.
Visit the Alumni Facebook page to view photos from the event.
In this issue...

In this issue...
Young pianist Sara Lee tops international competition
Alumni awarded prestigious Fulbright scholarships
Keeping KiwiRail's energy efficiency goals on track
Your Story - Legacy of Dr Edward Grant supports a generation of young doctors
Networks and Events - Galleries from a variety of events that have taken place during 2021
Making a Difference - Classics alumna Elizabeth Carvalho
Supporting Otago - SIX60
Alumni Global Lens photography competition
Our Inside Word video chat series - meet Ray O'Brien, Head of Sustainability
Why We ♥ Otago - Otago staff making us proud
Otago Images - A special focus on our magnificent magnolia!
You can see here how Pūtea Tautoko has been helping our students
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Alumni in the news