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Thursday 22 September 2022 11:42am

Keeping with the sporty theme of Your Story, we've unearthed some precious photos of Otago sports clubs across the decades – from the football team of 1886 and the cricket team and cycling club of 1897, through to mid-century mixed hockey and tramping, and some of our sports clubs today. Enjoy!

If you have any clubs and socs photos from your time at Otago we'd love to share them in future @Otago issues – send them to

hocken cycling previewmountain bike club OUSA previewhocken rowing previewotago rowing recent previewhockey tramping previewnew tramping previewhocken football previewotago football 150th previewhocken mixed hockey game previewUni Games 2004 fencing previewhocken cricket previewotago uni A rugby playing at 150th previewhocken athletics previewsalmond knox rugby preview
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