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Alumni news and events

Kura Lacey social

04 Apr 2023

Q&A with Kura Lacey - 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Kura Lacey (Te Arawa, Ngāruahine), BDS. In recognition of work to deliver equita...

Margaret-Rae Clark social

04 Apr 2023

Q&A with Margaret-Rae Clark – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Margaret-Rae Clark (Ngāti Awa), BDS. In recognition for work championing Māori o...

Troy Portrait social

03 Apr 2023

Q&A with Troy Ruhe – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Troy Ruhe, BPhEd(Hons), PhD: For research which positively impacts Pacific commu...

Finn Shewell social

03 Apr 2023

Q&A with Finn Shewell – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Finn Shewell, BA, majoring in Psychology. For commitment to furthering youth-led...

hannah moore social

03 Apr 2023

Q & A with Hannah Moore – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Hannah Moore, BA, majoring in Communication Studies. For giving back to communit...

Cherokee, te hono social

03 Apr 2023

Q&A with Cherokee Walters – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Cherokee Walters (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Te Arawa), BSc majoring in Physiology,...

Ajay Kumar social

03 Apr 2023

Q&A with Ajay Kumar – 20Twenties 2022 recipient

Ajay Kumar, BSc majoring in Pharmacology, BPharm (Dist). For the promotion of ho...

At Medical School in the seventies

27 Mar 2023

Recognised for major improvements to Māori healthcare

His high school careers advisor told him he would be wasting his time if he chos...

Tony and Barbara Johnson

27 Mar 2023

Something in the water – the story of an alumni family

Fulfilling careers and a life-long partnership all started in Chemistry class at...

novins main

27 Mar 2023

Fellowship allows virtual reality expert to share expertise at Otago

Even in an increasingly online world, and even when virtual reality is your own...

Hot Picks @Otago web thumbnail

23 Mar 2023

Hot Picks 

Be entertained and feed your mind with our Hot Picks. You can relax in the comfo...

otago image thumb

23 Mar 2023

Otago Images 

To celebrate 150 years of Law at Otago, we thought we’d bring a well-known face...

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