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Wednesday 28 June 2017 9:47am


Dr Louise Parr-Brownlie has received $1.1M funding from the Health Research Council of New Zealand for a 3 year project grant which aims to improve the quality of life for Parkinson's disease patients by developing the next generation of deep brain stimulation technology which has greater target specificity and reduced stimulation side effects.

The pre-clinical study will create an implantable light stimulator capable of delivering optical stimulation patterns to support lifetime treatment options for Parkinson's patients. It is hoped the effect of chronic light stimulation will improve precise hand movements and general daily activities of those living with Parkinson's disease.

Professor Dirk de Ridder, Roseanna Smither and a PDF (Otago) and Associate Professor Budgett, Professor Malpas and Beverly Chen (Auckland) are co-researchers on this project.

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