Surgical Approaches for Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Clinical Workshops 1st & 2nd May 2021
The success of a surgical procedure is a direct result of the chosen approach to a surgical site. Therefore, an in-depth knowledge of topographical anatomy is crucial.
This 2-day workshop gives you a unique hands-on opportunity to practice standard surgical approaches for the upper and lower extremities and the pelvis in addition to improving knowledge of relevant anatomical structures, with input from course faculty.
This course is supported by the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association.
Course Details:
The course includes interactive tutorials with prosections and plastinates and expert-guided training of the respective approaches on human cadavers. The course will take place in a surgically equipped laboratory at the University of Otago.
Maximum number of participants: 12 (4 participants/cadaver)
Covered contents include common approaches to:
- Shoulder - Humerus - Elbow - Forearm - Hand,
- Pelvis - Hip joint,
- Femur - Knee - Tibia - Ankle - Foot
Course fee
3,300 NZD (excl. GST, travel & accommodation costs)
Applications closed on 5th April 2021. However, if you are interested in this, or other future courses, please make contact with us.
Contact & registration
Dr Johann Zwirner
Mr Pierre Navarre
Course Faculty
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Dr Johann Zwirner is a trained medical doctor and lecturer at the University of Otago, Department of Anatomy. His research group focuses on experimental biomechanics with a strong clinical link. |
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Mr Pierre Navarre is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Invercargill, specialised in paediatric and adult trauma, post-traumatic reconstruction, pelvic/acetabular surgery and arthroplasty. He is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Otago. |
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Mr Louis LeBlond is a Canadian trained Orthopaedic surgeon working as a Senior Medical Officer in Dunedin. His practice involves mainly paediatric and adult trauma as well as lower limb reconstruction. |
Past Workshops
Invasive Interventions in Intensive Care, 9–10 November 2019 – Registrations closed
An interactive masterclass in anatomy and hands-on training for invasive interventions and advanced airway management
Welcome to the only course in New Zealand providing an in-depth training of invasive interventions for intensive care and advanced airway management in a realistic cadaver lab environment.
This two-day workshop is jointly run by the Department of Surgical Sciences - Section of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, and the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago.
Participants will be provided with the unique opportunity to practice invasive interventions and to train their dexterity, problem-solving and team-working skills. This in-depth training will be facilitated using Thiel-embalmed human tissues with life-like haptic and optical properties as in real patients.
The Department of Anatomy provides a unique environment with operation-theatre-like facilities, and an encompassing collection of prosections and plastinates enhancing the learning experience.
Suitable for trainees and experienced practitioners in Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesia and Rural Hospital Medicine, participants will learn in small groups with only four participants per cadaver and instructor. The sessions will be supplemented by focused tutorials on the relevant topographic anatomy.
Course flyer with programme, instructors, and costs (PDF)
Registration deadline: 27 September 2019
Contact and registration: Dr Yusuf Cakmak
Surgical Approaches for Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery – Registrations close 30 November 2018 – Registrations closed
Advanced Course 25 – 27 March 2019
Download the information sheet
The success of a surgical procedure is broadly based on the chosen approach to a surgical site. For this to happen, an in-depth knowledge of topographical anatomy is vital.
In this 3-day workshop participants will be given a unique hands-on opportunity to observe and practice standard surgical approaches for the upper and lower extremities and the pelvis.
The 'Advanced Course' aims at more experienced trainees. Assistance will be available throughout the course by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon and an anatomist. Each of the workshops is open for 8 participants. A certificate will be issued after successful completion.
This course is supported by the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association and attendance will be recognized with points for the training scheme.
Registration deadline: 30 November 2018
Contact & registration: (email) or +64 3 479 5992 (tel)
Course Details:
The course will include interactive lectures and tutorials with prosections and plastinates, followed by expert-guided training of the respective approaches as the core component of the workshop. There will be plenty of time to exercise, using human cadavers with lifelike haptical and optic properties for a realistic surgery-like experience. The course will take place in the Surgical Anatomy Laboratory facilities of the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago.
Maximum number of participants: 8 (4 students / cadaver)
Covered contents will include common approaches of the:
- Shoulder, Humerus, Elbow, Forearm, Hand,
- Pelvis, Hip joint,
- Femur, Knee and Tibia, Ankle, Foot
Course fee
NZD$3,600 (excludes GST, travel and accommodation costs)
Provided materials:
Course script, disposable gowns and gloves, surgical instruments and catering on site
Recommended Literature
Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches, Second Edition, Miller, Chambra et al. (Eds.)
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Assoc. Professor Niels Hammer Clinical Anatomy Department of Anatomy School of Biomedical Sciences Division of Health Sciences University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054 New Zealand Email: |
Mr. Stefan Klima General Surgeon, Orthopaedist and Trauma Surgeon MD, PD Dr. med. habil. University of Leipzig Germany |
Faculty Dr. David Kieser, University of Otago, Christchurch Dr. Dirk Zajonz, University of Leipzig, Germany |
4i: Invasive Interventions In Intensive Care – Registrations closed
An interactive masterclass in anatomy and hands-on training for invasive interventions and advanced airway management: 22-23 September 2018
This course is DAS – Difficult Airway Society accredited.
Download the information sheet
Welcome to the only course in New Zealand providing an in-depth training of invasive interventions for intensive care and advanced airway management in a realistic cadaver lab environment. This two-day workshop is jointly run by the Department of Surgical Sciences - Section of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago. Participants will be provided with the unique opportunity to practice invasive interventions and to train their dexterity, problem-solving and team-working skills. This indepth training will be facilitated using Thiel-embalmed human tissues with lifelike haptical and optical properties as in real patients.
The Department of Anatomy provides a unique environment with operation-theatre-like facilities, and an encompassing collection of prosections and plastinates enhancing the learning experience. Trainees in intensive care will learn in small groups with only four participants per cadaver and instructor. The sessions will be supplemented by focused tutorials on the relevant topographic anatomy.
This will be the second of two courses in 2018.
Registration deadline: 31 July 2018 – Registrations are now closed.
Contact and registration: Dr. Niels Hammer
Course Details
The course will include short lectures and tutorials with prosections and plastinates, followed by expert-guided training of the respective interventions as the core component. Assistance will be available throughout by experienced intensivists and anatomists. Participants will find plenty of time to exercise, using human cadavers with lifelike tissue properties only available at the University of Otago. The course will take place in the Surgical Anatomy Laboratory facilities of the Anatomy Department. A script will be provided for all participants.
Maximum number of participants: 8 (4 students / cadaver)
- Thoracic procedures
- Lung ultrasound
- Detection of pneumothorax and identification of lung point
- Detection and quantification of pleural effusion
- Interventions
- Anterior needle thoracocentesis
- Chest drain insertion using the Seldinger technique and mini-thoracotomy
- Advanced airway management
- Fibre-optic intubation (both oral and nasal)
- Fibre-optic intubation via second generation supraglottic airway
- Percutaneous tracheostomy
- Crico-thyroidotomy
Course fee
NZD$1,560 excl. GST (also excludes travel and accommodation costs, credit card fees)
Provided materials:
Course script, disposable gowns and gloves, all materials. Catering will be provided throughout the course on site.
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Dr. med. Hansjoerg Waibel, MD Clinical Senior Lecturer Dunedin School of Medicine Email: |
Dr. Martin Dvoarcek, MD, DEAA Clinical Senior Lecturer Dunedin School of Medicine Email: |
A/Prof. Niels Hammer, MD, Dr. habil. Clinical Anatomist, Specialist Anatomist Department of Anatomy Email: |
Surgical Approaches for Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery - Registrations closed
Advanced Course 4 – 6 April 2018
Download the information sheet
The success of a surgical procedure is broadly based on the chosen approach to a surgical site. For this to happen, an in-depth knowledge of topographical anatomy is vital.
In this 3-day workshop participants will be given a unique hands-on opportunity to observe and practice standard surgical approaches for the upper and lower extremities and the pelvis.
The 'Advanced Course' aims at more experienced trainees. Assistance will be available throughout the course by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon and an anatomist. Each of the workshops is open for 8 participants. A certificate will be issued after successful completion.
This course is supported by the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association and attendance will be recognized with points for the training scheme.
Registration deadline: 15 November 2017 – Registrations are now closed.
Contact & registration: (email) or +64 3 479 5992 (tel)
Course Details:
The course will include interactive lectures and tutorials with prosections and plastinates, followed by expert-guided training of the respective approaches as the core component of the workshop. There will be plenty of time to exercise, using human cadavers with lifelike haptical and optic properties for a realistic surgery-like experience. The course will take place in the Surgical Anatomy Laboratory facilities of the Department of Anatomy, University of Otago.
Maximum number of participants: 8 (4 students / cadaver)
Covered contents will include common approaches of the:
- Shoulder, Humerus, Elbow, Forearm, Hand,
- Pelvis, Hip joint,
- Femur, Knee and Tibia, Ankle, Foot
Course fee
NZD$3,500 (excludes GST, travel and accommodation costs)
Provided materials:
Course script, disposable gowns and gloves, surgical instruments and catering on site
Recommended Literature
Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches, Second Edition, Miller, Chambra et al. (Eds.)
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Assoc. Professor Niels Hammer Clinical Anatomy Department of Anatomy School of Biomedical Sciences Division of Health Sciences University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054 New Zealand Email: |
Mr. Stefan Klima General Surgeon, Orthopaedist and Trauma Surgeon MD, PD Dr. med. habil. University of Leipzig Germany |