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Market scene The Anthropology programme has maintained active research projects in Archaeology and Social Anthropology since the 1960s.

Our primary geographic focus has always been New Zealand, the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

We specialise in the broad sweep of human history within this region, from the earliest arrivals of our human ancestors to contemporary patterns of increasing globalisation and diaspora.

Visit  individual staff pages to read about their current research.

Postgraduate student research

The Anthropology programme has a long history of supporting student research. We consider this research to be some of our most valuable output.

Current student research

Completed theses and dissertations

Most University of Otago theses and dissertations are now found on OURArchive. These are all open access.

In addition, the documents linked below contain lists and abstracts of completed theses and dissertations by Social Anthropology postgraduate students. These are available to read as hard copies in our departmental library. The MA and PhD theses can be interloaned from the University Library if they are not in OURArchive.

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