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A variety of bedroom options

Aquinas room

There are different sized bedrooms with various orientations of furniture at Aquinas. However, all rooms are at a very high quality and have modern furniture.

All of the bedrooms are of a good size and there is sufficient space for storage. The beds are all King Single beds and the rooms all have double glazed windows and excellent insulation.

Alcohol free floors are available for those residents who prefer to live on a quieter floor. Single sex floors are also available on request.

House rooms

Middle Priory Room

Aquinas also has an on-site house, which is a good place to live if you feel more comfortable living with a smaller group of people or simply want a better person to bathroom ratio!

Residents in the house still eat at the College and are a part of College life. It is still easy to interact and be a part of the College community but you have the upside of a quieter space to call home.

Room allocation

3rd Floor Room

The Warden is responsible for the allocation of bedrooms to students. This is done in late January.

It is based on the personal information form you complete during the offer process. The basic idea is to ensure a mix of students on each floor with the aim that you will know people from your home-town (maybe), people in your course, and your neighbours. In this way the community is developed very quickly as you will easily meet people in the College.

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