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Arana College is scheduled for upgrades in 2024. We will welcome students back in 2025.

Informed decisions

Before you apply to Arana, make sure you have a good look around this website and check us out in the University of Otago prospectus. If you have the opportunity it would be great to come and see Arana in action.

Tours of Arana College

Tours can be arranged by phoning our reception team on 03 479 5509 and as well, by emailing us at

We prefer to schedule tours  in order to give intending residents and their family/whanau the best possible experience of the College. For 2022 we are having tours daily at 10:30 and 2:30 pm, except for Wednesdays afternoons - there are no tours on Wednesday afternoons.

“Walk in”  visitors will always be made welcome and we will do our very best to facilitate a  tour as well as a meeting with Arana staff.

Arana staff and residents really enjoy meeting residents and their family/whanau who are touring Otagos Colleges and we are rightly proud of Arana and indeed all of the other Colleges.

Arana staff will show visitors the range of facilities, discuss pastoral care and support as well as academic results and all programmes for  our academic, social and cultural activities.

We will also answer questions in a very honest and direct manner, which parallels our work in the everyday sense at our community.

Online application

Once you have decided that Arana is the place for you, you need to apply online. Please start the process of applying for a Residential College through eVision. You will need to select a qualification first and then select Apply Now to register through eVision. After you have created your eVision account, find the link on the right to apply for a Residential College.

If you have an MSN email account e.g. hotmail,, please ensure you add the University of Otago as a safe sender otherwise you may not receive any emails from us. When you log onto the Portal you will see instructions on how to do this.


Applications should be completed online by 30 September of the preceding year to be considered in the first round of offers. The Accommodation Office will then forward the forms to the College.

There is no limitation on the number of applicants accepted from any particular school or institution. Residents will be chosen based on the information they provide in their application.

The Warden will notify the successful applicants in October.

Please note that all applications should be forwarded to the University's Accommodation Office, not directly to Arana College.

Further information on applications


The Accommodation Office
University of Otago
PO Box 56

Tel +64 3 479 8950
Fax +64 3 479 8249

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