Room 2C23
Tel 64 3 479 8750
Research Interests
The prehistory of mainland Southeast Asia; the implications of archaeogenetics and historic linguistics.
I have two current research projects.
The first centres on the prehistoric Iron Age site of Non Ban Jak, in Northeast Thailand. Co-directed with Associate Professor Hallie Buckley, this focuses on the origins of social inequality during the later Iron Age, that laid the foundations for the origins of early states. Non Ban Jak is unique in providing not only the remains of houses, but the well-preserved skeletons of those who lived there between 200-600 AD. Our research is supported by the Marsden Fund.
My second project involves collaboration with Professor T. Higham and Dr K. Douka of Oxford and Dr F. Petchey of Waikato University, and involves the dating of human bones, shells and plant remains from key prehistoric sites in Southeast Asia to provide a firm chronological framework for interpreting later Southeast Asian prehistory. This is also supported by the Marsden Fund, and results have involved the redating of Non Nok Tha, Ban Chiang, Ban Na Di, Ban Lum Khao and several other prehistoric sites from Myanmar, Vietnam and China.
Higham, C. (2024). The settlement of mainland Southeast Asia By anatomically modern humans. In T. Ueki, G. R. Summerhayes & P. Hiscock (Eds.), In the footsteps of our ancestors: Following Homo sapiens into Asia and Oceania. (pp. 38-68). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003427483-3 Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2024). Mortuary rituals and social change from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in Thailand. Asian Archaeology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s41826-024-00094-8 Journal - Research Article
Eerkens, J. W., Higham, C., & Spero, H. J. (2024). Isotopic and provenance analysis of Neolithic and Bronze Age shell disc beads from Ban Non Wat, north‐east Thailand. Antiquity, 98(400), 905-919. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.86 Journal - Research Article
Jie, F., Yingfu, L., Changcheng, H., Yang, W., Fan, Y., Yunsheng, Z., … Higham, C., & Yuniu, L. (2024). Reassessing Bronze Age metallurgy in Upland Southwest China on the basis of excavations at Longbohe, Yunnan. Journal of World Prehistory. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10963-024-09186-w Journal - Research Article
Fu, J., Li, Y., Hu, C., Pan, G., Yang, X., He, Q., Higham, C., & Li, Y. (2024). Southbound transmission of metallurgy: New excavations at Jicha in the Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan. Antiquity. Advance online publication. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.70 Journal - Research Article
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2024). The settlement of mainland Southeast Asia By anatomically modern humans. In T. Ueki, G. R. Summerhayes & P. Hiscock (Eds.), In the footsteps of our ancestors: Following Homo sapiens into Asia and Oceania. (pp. 38-68). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003427483-3
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2024). Mortuary rituals and social change from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in Thailand. Asian Archaeology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s41826-024-00094-8
Eerkens, J. W., Higham, C., & Spero, H. J. (2024). Isotopic and provenance analysis of Neolithic and Bronze Age shell disc beads from Ban Non Wat, north‐east Thailand. Antiquity, 98(400), 905-919. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.86
Jie, F., Yingfu, L., Changcheng, H., Yang, W., Fan, Y., Yunsheng, Z., … Higham, C., & Yuniu, L. (2024). Reassessing Bronze Age metallurgy in Upland Southwest China on the basis of excavations at Longbohe, Yunnan. Journal of World Prehistory. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10963-024-09186-w
Fu, J., Li, Y., Hu, C., Pan, G., Yang, X., He, Q., Higham, C., & Li, Y. (2024). Southbound transmission of metallurgy: New excavations at Jicha in the Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan. Antiquity. Advance online publication. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.70
Higham, C. (2024). Aggrandisers and the first copper-base metallurgy in Southeast Asia. Antiquity. Advance online publication. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2024.11
Pryce, T. O., Pradier, B., Favereau, A., Naing Oo, U. S., Le Meur, C., Thwe Oo, D. K., … Higham, C. F. W., & Higham, T. F. G. (2024). Late prehistoric and early historic chronology of Myanmar: A four-millennia sequence from Halin. Antiquity. Advance online publication. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2023.190
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2023). Early states of Mainland Southeast Asia. In Reference module in social sciences. (Online ed.) Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00154-3
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2023). The Bronze Age and Southeast Asia. Old World. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1163/26670755-20230004
Cares Henriquez, A., Buckley, H., Domett, K., Halcrow, S., Higham, C., O'Reilly, D., … Oxenham, M. F. (2023). Chronology, duration, and periodicity of linear enamel hypoplasia at the late Iron Age site Non Ban Jak, Thailand: A quantitative microscopic analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103866. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103866
Higham, C. F. W., & Kijngam, A. (2023). Zooarchaeology of Ban Chiang and the rise of early farming communities in mainland Southeast Asia. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 33, 51-69. doi: 10.1002/oa.3174
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. (2023). [Review of the book The Angkorian World]. Antiquity, 97(395), 1352-1354. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2023.112
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C., & Higham, T. F. (2022). Khok Phanom Di: New radiocarbon dates and their implications. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 46, 17-33.
Higham, C., & Higham, T. (2022). New radiocarbon dates for Iron Age Noen U-Loke. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 46, 31-38.
Oliveira, S., Nägele, K., Carlhoff, S., Pugach, I., Koesbardiati, T., Hübner, A., … Higham, C. F. W., … Kinaston, R., … Stoneking, M. (2022). Ancient genomes from the last three millennia support multiple human dispersals into Wallacea. Ecology & Evolution, 6, 1024-1034. doi: 10.1038/s41559-022-01775-2
Higham, C. (2022). Stasis or stimulus? Exotic materials and social display in Southeast Asia: Response to Pfaffenberger. Advances in Archaeomaterials, 3(1), 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.aia.2022.04.001
Conrad, C., Shoocongdej, R., Marwick, B., White, J. C., Thongcharoenchaikit, C., Higham, C., … Jones, E. L. (2022). Re-evaluating Pleistocene–Holocene occupation of cave sites in north-west Thailand: New radiocarbon and luminescence dating. Antiquity, 96(386), 280-297. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2021.44
Journal - Research Article
Fochesato, M., Higham, C., Bogaard, A., & Castillo, C. C. (2021). Changing social inequality from first farmers to early states in Southeast Asia. PNAS, 118(47), e2113598118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2113598118
Higham, C. F. W., & Cawte, H. (2021). Bronze metallurgy in Southeast Asia with particular reference to Northeast Thailand. Journal of World Prehistory, 34, 1-46. doi: 10.1007/s10963-020-09151-3
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. (2021). [Review of the book New frontiers in the neolithic archaeology of Taiwan (5600-1800 BP): A perspective of martime cultural interaction]. American Antiquity, 86(3), 660-661. doi: 10.1017/aaq.2021.25
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Kijngam, A. (Eds.). (2020). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department, 524p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., Manly, B. F. J., Thosarat, R., Buckley, H. R., Chang, N., Halcrow, S. E., Ward, S., … Domett, K. (2020). Summary and conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 493-510). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Buckley, H. R., Halcrow, S., & Domett, K. (2020). The eastern mound burials. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 111-169). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Chang, N., Buckley, H. R., Halcrow, S., & Domett, K. (2020). The human burials: Mortuary phase 4. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 363-385). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Chang, N., Buckley, H. R., Halcrow, S., & Domett, K. (2020). The human burials: Western mound mortuary phase 3. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 309-362). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Chang, N., Buckley, H. R., Halcrow, S., & Domett, K. (2020). The human burials: Mortuary phase 2. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 263-308). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Chang, N., Buckley, H. R., Halcrow, S., & Domett, K. (2020). The human burials: Mortuary phase 1. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7): The excavation of Non Ban Jak. (pp. 229-262). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., Buckley, H. R., & Halcrow, S. (2020). The eastern mound excavation: Square M-N. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The excavation of Non Ban Jak: The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. 7). (pp. 67-109). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Journal - Research Article
Vlok, M., Oxenham, M. F., Domett, K., Minh, T. T., Huong, N. T. M., Matsumura, H., … Higham, C., … Buckley, H. R. (2020). Two probable cases of infection with Treponema pallidum during the Neolithic period in Northern Vietnam (ca. 2000–1500 B.C.). Bioarchaeology International, 4(1), 15-39. doi: 10.5744/bi.2020.1000
Matsumura, H., Hung, H., Higham, C., Zhang, C., Yamagata, M., Nguyen, L. C., … Halcrow, S., … Reinecke, A. (2020). 颅骨测量数据揭示欧亚大陆东部史前 人群扩散的" 二层" 模式 [Skull measurement data reveals the 'two-tier' model of prehistoric population spread in eastern Eurasia]. Nanfang Wenwu, 2, 226-241.
Higham, T. F. G., Weiss, A. D., Higham, C. F. W., Ramsey, C. B., d'Alpoim Guedes, J., Hanson, S., … Pigott, V. C. (2020). A prehistoric copper-production centre in central Thailand: Its dating and wider implications. Antiquity, 94(376), 948-965. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2020.120
d'Alpoim Guedes, J., Hanson, S., Lertcharnrit, T., Weiss, A. D., Pigott, V. C., Higham, C. F. W., … Weber, S. A. (2020). Three thousand years of farming strategies in central Thailand. Antiquity, 94(376), 966-982. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2020.8
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. F. W. (2020). Ban Chiang, the metal remains in the regional context: A review essay. Journal of the Siam Society, 108(1), 161-194. [Review].
Dzung, L. T. M., Thuy, N. T., Quy, T. T. K., Bellwood, P., Higham, C., Petchey, F., … Piper, P. J. (2020). Ru Diep and the Quynh Van culture of central Vietnam. Archaeological Research in Asia, 22, 100190. doi: 10.1016/j.ara.2020.100190
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Schalburg-Clayton, J., King, C., Buckley, H., Halcrow, S., Higham, C., Shewan, L., … Roberts, P. (2020). Innovation or continuation? Development of wet-rice agriculture in prehistoric Northeast Thailand. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(Suppl. 69), (pp. 250-251). doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24023
Ling, N., Halcrow, S., Oxenham, M., Domett, K., Ward, S., Higham, C., … Buckley, H. (2020). New insights into metabolic syndrome among ancient populations in mainland Asia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(Suppl. 69), (pp. 163). doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24023
Journal - Research Article
Ward, S. M., Halcrow, S., Buckley, H. R., Gray, A. R., Higham, C. F. W., Domett, K., … Shewan, L. G. (2019). Social status and its relationship to non-specific stress at Late Iron Age Non Ban Jak, northeast Thailand. Bioarchaeology International, 3(4), 283-304. doi: 10.5744/bi.2019.1017
Pedersen, L. T., Domett, K. M., Chang, N. J., Halcrow, S. E., Buckley, H. R., Higham, C. F. W., … Shewan, L. (2019). A bioarchaeological study of trauma at Late Iron Age to protohistoric Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand. Asian Perspectives, 58(2), 220-249. doi: 10.1353/asi.2019.0014
Higham, C. F. W., Manly, B. F. J., Thosarat, R., Buckley, H. R., Chang, N., Halcrow, S. E., Ward, S., … Domett, K. (2019). Environmental and social change in Northeast Thailand during the Iron Age. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 29(4), 549-569. doi: 10.1017/S0959774319000192
d'Alpoim Guedes, J., Hanson, S., Higham, C., Higham, T., & Lertcharnrit, T. (2019). The wet and the dry, the wild and the cultivated: Subsistence and risk management in ancient Central Thailand. Archaeological & Anthropological Sciences, 11, 6473-6484. doi: 10.1007/s12520-019-00794-8
Matsumara, H., Hung, H.-C., Higham, C., Zhang, C., Yagamata, M., Nguyen, L. C., … Halcrow, S., … Reinecke, A. (2019). Craniometrics reveal "two layers" of prehistoric human dispersal in eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports, 9, 1451. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35426-z
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Higham, C. F. W. (2019). A maritime route brought first farmers to mainland Southeast Asia. In C. Wu & B. V. Rolett (Eds.), Prehistoric maritime cultures and seafaring in East Asia. (pp. 41-52). Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-32-9256-7_2
Chapter in Book - Research
Ward, S. M., Halcrow, S. E., Buckley, H. R., Higham, C. F. W., O’Reilly, D. J. W., Shewan, L., & Domett, K. M. (2018). Developing a new project: The impact of social change on health at the late Iron Age site of Non Ban Jak in Northeast Thailand. In N. H. Tan (Ed.), Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016: Selected papers from the second SEAMEO SPAFA international conference on Southeast Asian archaeology. (pp. 259-275). Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts.
Higham, C. (2018). Complex societies of East and Southeast Asia. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past: World history & the development of human societies. (4th ed.) (pp. 549-589). London, UK: Thames & Hudson.
Higham, C. (2018). East Asian agriculture and its impact. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past: World history & the development of human societies. (4th ed.) (pp. 230-260). London, UK: Thames & Hudson.
Journal - Research Article
Castillo, C. C., Higham, C. F. W., Miller, K., Chang, N., Douka, K., Higham, T. F. G., & Fuller, D. Q. (2018). Social responses to climate change in Iron Age north-east Thailand: New archaeobotanical evidence. Antiquity, 92(365), 1274-1291. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2018.198
Pryce, T. O., Kyaw, A. A., Kyaw, M. M., Win, T. T., Win, T. T., Mon, M. M., … Higham, C., … Zazzo, A. (2018). A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: New AMS14C dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie. Antiquity, 92(363), 690-708. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2018.66
McColl, H., Racimo, F., Vinner, L., Demeter, F., Gakuhari, T., Moreno-Mayar, J. V., … Kinaston, R., Buckley, H., … Higham, C., … Willerslev, E. (2018). The prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia. Science, 361(6397), 88-92. doi: 10.1126/science.aat3628
Martello, R. D., Min, R., Stevens, C., Higham, C., Higham, T., Qin, L., & Fuller, D. Q. (2018). Early agriculture at the crossroads of China and Southeast Asia: Archaeobotanical evidence and radiocarbon dates from Baiyangcun, Yunnan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 20, 711-721. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.06.005
Greig, K., Gosling, A., Collins, C. J., Boocock, J., McDonald, K., Addison, D. J., … Higham, C. F. W., … Walter, R., & Matisoo-Smith, E. (2018). Complex history of dog (Canis familiaris) origins and translocations in the Pacific revealed by ancient mitogenomes. Scientific Reports, 8, 9130. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27363-8
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Domett, K. M., Pedersen, L., Chang, N., Tayles, N., & Higham, C. F. W. (2018). Trauma, society and environment: A contextualised interpretation of injury at Ban Non Wat. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). (pp. 161-162). Retrieved from
Halcrow, S., Tayles, N., Domett, K. M., Higham, C. F. W., Oxenham, M., Shewan, L., O'Reilly, D. J. W., Buckley, H. R., Ward, S. M., & King, C. L. (2018). Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater: Palaeodemographic change with the intensification of agriculture in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). (pp. 161). Retrieved from
Ward, S. M., Halcrow, S. E., Buckley, H. R., Higham, C. F. W., Domett, K. M., O'Reilly, D. J., & Shewan, L. (2018). Does money buy everything? Social inequality and health and at late Iron Age Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). (pp. 160). Retrieved from
Schalburg-Clayton, J., King, C., Buckley, H., Halcrow, S., Higham, C., Shewan, L., Stantis, C., & Domett, K. (2018). Determining diet and mobility of Iron Age Northeast Thailand using stable isotope analyses at the site of Non Ban Jak. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). (pp. 153-154). Retrieved from
Higham, C. F. W. (2018). Mobility, migration, burial practices and social change in the Upper Mun Valley, Northeast Thailand, 4000-2000 BP. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). (pp. 95-96). Retrieved from
Ward, S., Halcrow, S., Buckley, H., Higham, C., Domett, K., O'Reilly, D., & Shewan, L. (2018). Wealth does not equal health: A multidisciplinary study of material inequality and its effect on health at Iron Age Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand. Proceedings of the Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 11th Annual Conference. (pp. 11). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2017). Reflections in a dustbin: Froth flotation and origins of rice cultivation and spread of animal husbandry. In P. Rowley-Conwy, D. Serjeantson & P. Halstead (Eds.), Economic zooarchaeology: Studies in hunting, herding and early agriculture. (pp. 15-21). Oxford, UK: Oxbow.
Higham, C. F. W. (2017). Farming, social change, and state formation in Southeast Asia. In U. Albarella, H. Russ, K. Vickers & S. Viner-Daniels (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of zooarchaeology. (pp. 351-366). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199686476.013.23
Higham, C. (2017). The prehistoric house: A missing factor in Southeast Asia. In P. J. Piper, H. Matsumura & D. Bulbeck (Eds.), New perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific prehistory: Terra Australis 45. (pp. 369-384). Canberra, Australia: ANU Press.
Journal - Research Article
Corny, J., Galland, M., Arzarello, M., Bacon, A.-M., Demeter, F., Grimaud-Hervé, D., Higham, C., … Détroit, F. (2017). Dental phenotypic shape variation supports a multiple dispersal model for anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia. Journal of Human Evolution, 112, 41-56. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.08.017
Higham, C. F. W. (2017). First farmers in mainland Southeast Asia. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 41, 13-21. doi: 10.7152/jipa.v41i0.15014
Yamoah, K. A., Higham, C. F. W., Wohlfarth, B., Chabangborn, A., Chawchai, S., Schenk, F., & Smittenberg, R. H. (2017). Societal response to monsoonal fluctuations in NE Thailand during the demise of Angkor Civilisation. Holocene, 27(10), 1455-1464. doi: 10.1177/0959683617693900
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. (2017). [Review of the book Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak]. Antiquity, 91(359), 1390-1392. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2017.157
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ward, S., Halcrow, S., Buckley, H., Higham, C., O'Reilly, D., Shewan, L., & Domett, K. (2017). Social change and its impact on health at the late Iron Age site of Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand. Proceedings of the University of Otago Student Research Symposium: Te Wānaka Rakahau: Ākoka. (pp. 94). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2016). Vom Beginn der Metallzeit bis zum Ende der Eisenzeit. In A. Reinecke (Ed.), Schätze der Archäologie Vietnams. (pp. 95-124). Mainz am Rhein, Germany: Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media.
Higham, C. F. W. (2016). Death and mortuary rituals in mainland Southeast Asia: From hunter-gatherers to the god kings of Angkor. In C. Renfrew, M. J. Boyd & I. Morley (Eds.), Death rituals, social order and the archaeology of immortality in the ancient world: "Death shall have no dominion". (pp. 280-300). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Conrad, C., Higham, C., Eda, M., & Marwick, B. (2016). Paleoecology and forager subsistence strategies during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: A reinvestigation of the zooarchaeological assemblage from Spirit Cave, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Asian Perspectives, 55(1), 2-27. doi: 10.1353/asi.2016.0013
Wohlfarth, B., Higham, C., Yamoah, K. A., Chabangborn, A., Chawchai, S., & Smittenberg, R. H. (2016). Human adaptation to mid- to late-Holocene climate change in Northeast Thailand. Holocene, 26(11), 1875-1886. doi: 10.1177/0959683616645947
Higham, C. F. W. (2016). At the dawn of history: From Iron Age aggrandisers to Zhenla kings. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 47(3), 418-437. doi: 10.1017/S0022463416000266
Castillo, C. C., Tanaka, K., Sato, Y.-I., Ishikawa, R., Bellina, B., Higham, C., … Fuller, D. Q. (2016). Archaeogenetic study of prehistoric rice remains from Thailand and India: Evidence of early japonica in South and Southeast Asia. Archaeological & Anthropological Sciences, 8, 523-543. doi: 10.1007/s12520-015-0236-5
Journal - Research Other
King, C. L., Tayles, N., Higham, C., Strand-Viđarsdóttir, U., Bentley, R. A., Macpherson, C. G., & Nowell, G. (2016). Letter to the editor: Response to Oxenham and Matsumura. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(2), 352-354. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22875
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Higham, C., & Summerhayes, G. (2016). Brian Vincent (26 March 1938–30 March 2016) [Obituary]. Asian Perspectives, 55(2), 248-249. doi: 10.1353/asi.2016.0021
Higham, C. F. W. (2016). [Review of the book The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands]. Antiquity, 90(354), 1700-1701. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2016.194
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2015). The role of public archaeology in three contrasting contexts: Thailand, Cambodia and China. In Bulletin of the Shanghai Archaeology Forum: Volume II. (pp. 292-300). Beijing, China: China Social Science Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (2015). Social change during the Bronze and Iron Ages of Northeast Thailand. In N. H. Tan (Ed.), Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: Selected papers from the first SEAMEO SPAFA international conference on Southeast Asian archaeology. (pp. 270-278). Bangkok, Thailand: SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts.
Journal - Research Article
Smith, B. A., Davies, T. M., & Higham, C. F. W. (2015). Spatial and social variables in the Bronze Age Phase 4 cemetery of Ban Non Wat, Northeast Thailand. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 4, 362-370. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.003
Higham, C. F. W., Douka, K., & Higham, T. F. G. (2015). A new chronology for the Bronze Age of Northeastern Thailand and its implications for Southeast Asian prehistory. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e137542. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137542
King, C. L., Tayles, N., Higham, C., Strand-Viđarsdóttir, U., Bentley, R. A., Macpherson, C. G., & Nowell, G. (2015). Using isotopic evidence to assess the impact of migration and the two-layer hypothesis in prehistoric Northeast Thailand. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158(1), 141-150. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22772
Higham, C. F. W. (2015). From site formation to social structure in prehistoric Thailand. Journal of Field Archaeology, 40(4), 383-396. doi: 10.1179/2042458214Y.0000000010
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. F. W. (2015). Debating a great site: Ban Non Wat and the wider prehistory of Southeast Asia. Antiquity, 89(347), 1211-1220. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2015.113
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Higham, C. F. W. (2015). The Đông Sơn chiefdom. In A. Reinecke (Ed.), Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Archaeology of Vietnam International Colloquium. (pp. 85-96). Bonn, Germany: German Archaeological Institute. [Full Paper]
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. (2014). Early mainland Southeast Asia: From first humans to Angkor. Bangkok, Thailand: River Books, 447p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2014). Agriculture, feasting and social change in early Southeast Asia. In K. Boyle, R. Rabett & C. Hunt (Eds.), Living in the landscape: Essays in honour of Graeme Barker. (pp. 313-320). Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W., Higham, T. F. G., & Douka, K. (2014). The chronology and status of Non Nok Tha, Northeast Thailand. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 34, 61-75.
Higham, C., Cameron, J., Chang, N., Castillo, C., Halcrow, S., O'Reilly, D., … Shewan, L. (2014). The excavation of Non Ban Jak, Northeast Thailand: A report on the first three seasons. Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 34, 1-41.
Higham, C. F., & Rispoli, F. (2014). The Mun Valley and central Thailand in prehistory: Integrating two cultural sequences. Open Archaeology, 1, 2-28. doi: 10.2478/opar-2014-0002
Higham, C. (2014). From the Iron Age to Angkor: New light on the origins of a state. Antiquity, 88(341), 822-835.
King, C. L., Bentley, R. A., Higham, C., Tayles, N., Viðarsdóttir, U. S., Layton, R., … Nowell, G. (2014). Economic change after the agricultural revolution in Southeast Asia? Antiquity, 88, 112-125.
Pryce, T. O., Baron, S., Bellina, B. H. M., Bellwood, P. S., Chang, N., Chattopadhyay, P., … Higham, C. F. W., … White, J. (2014). More questions than answers: The Southeast Asian Lead Isotope Project 2009-2012. Journal of Archaeological Science, 42, 273-294. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.08.024
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2013). The origins of the civilization of Angkor. London: Bloomsbury, 129p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2013). The comparative archaeology of ancient civilizations. In Bulletin of the Shanghai Archaeology Forum. (pp. 251-303). Beijing, China: Science Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (2013). Southeast Asian mainland: Archaeology. In I. Ness (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley. doi: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm834
Higham, C. (2013). Dating the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia: The cultural implications. In M. J. Klokke & V. Degroot (Eds.), Unearthing Southeast Asia's past: Selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (Vol. 1). (pp. 55-63). Singapore: NUS Press.
Higham, C. (2013). Complex societies of East and Southeast Asia. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past. (3rd ed.) (pp. 552-593). London: Thames & Hudson.
Higham, C. (2013). East Asian agriculture and its impact. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past. (3rd ed.) (pp. 234-263). London: Thames & Hudson.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. (2013). Hunter-gatherers in Southeast Asia: From prehistory to the present. Human Biology, 85(1-3), 21-43.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C., & Thosarat, R. (2012). Early Thailand: From prehistory to Sukhothai. Bangkok, Thailand: Rover Books, 288p.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Kijngam, A. (Eds.). (2012). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol VI): The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department, 403p.
Higham, C. F. W., & Kijngam, A. (Eds.). (2012). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol V): The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part three: The Bronze Age. Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department, 599p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The archaeology of wetlands: A personal journey. In F. Menotti & A. O'Sullivan (Eds.), Oxford handbook of wetland archaeology. (pp. 895-902). Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Iron Age period 2. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 313-320). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The male burials of Bronze Age period 2. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 23-86). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The adult female burials of Iron Age period 1, northern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 157-180). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The adult male burials and other adults of Iron Age period 1, northern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 121-156). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The origins of Angkor: Conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 371-390). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The Iron Age: Synthesis. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 331-369). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Iron Age period 4. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 321-329). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The infant burials of Iron Age period 1, southern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 299-312). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). Adult burials of Iron Age period 1, southern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 275-298). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The male burials of Iron Age period 1, southern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 227-273). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The female burials of Iron Age period 1, southern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 205-226). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The infant burials of Iron Age period 1, northern group. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 181-204). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The Iron Age: Domestic occupation. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 11-30). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The Iron Age: Introduction. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol VI: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Four: The Iron Age, summary and conclusions. (pp. 1-10). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). Conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 505-536). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The copper-base industry. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 451-485). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The male, adult, infant and child burials of Bronze Age period 5. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 417-443). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The female burials of Bronze Age period 5. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 399-415). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 4 group E. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 377-398). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 4 group D. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 351-376). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 4 group C. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 319-349). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 4 group B. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 285-317). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The infant burials of Bronze Age period 4 group A. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 269-284). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The female burials of Bronze Age period 4 group A. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 249-267). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The male burials of Bronze Age period 4 group A. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 227-247). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 3B. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 197-225). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). Bronze Age 3A burials. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 149-196). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The infant burials of Bronze Age period 2. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 117-148). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The female burials of Bronze Age period 2. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 87-116). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). The burials of Bronze Age period 1. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 7-21). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2012). Introduction. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol V: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part Three: The Bronze Age. (pp. 1-6). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Journal - Research Article
Halcrow, S., Tayles, N., Inglis, R., & Higham, C. (2012). Newborn twins from prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia: Birth, death and personhood. Antiquity, 86(333), 838-852. doi: 10.1017/S0003598X00047955
Storey, A. A., Athens, J. S., Bryant, D., Carson, M., Emery, K., deFrance, S., Higham, C., … Walter, R., & Matisoo-Smith, E. (2012). Investigating the global dispersal of chickens in prehistory using ancient mitochondrial DNA signatures. PLoS ONE, 7(7), e39171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039171
Higham, C. (2012). The long and winding road that leads to Angkor. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 22(2), 265-289. doi: 10.1017/s0959774312000261
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Higham, C. F. W., & Higham, T. F. G. (2012). A new chronological framework for Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand. In M. L. Tjoa-Bonatz, A. Reinecke & D. Bonatz (Eds.), Crossing Borders: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (Vol. 1). (pp. 164-170). Singapore: National University of Singapore Press. [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2011). Ritual and religion in South-East Asia. In T. Insoll (Ed.), The archaeology of ritual and religion. (pp. 470-481). Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C., Higham, T., Ciarla, R., Douka, K., Kijngam, A., & Rispoli, F. (2011). The origins of the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia. Journal of World Prehistory, 24(4), 227-274. doi: 10.1007/s10963-011-9054-6
Higham, C. (2011). The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia: New insight on social change from Ban Non Wat. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 21(3), 365-389. doi: 10.1017/s0959774311000424
Higham, C. F. W. (2011). The Iron Age of the Mun Valley, Thailand. Antiquaries Journal, 91, 101-144. doi: 10.1017/s0003581511000114
Higham, C. (2011). The prehistory of Southeast Asia: A retrospective view of 40 years research. Antiquity, 85(328), 639-653.
Higham, C. F. W., Guangmao, X., & Qiang, L. (2011). The prehistory of a friction zone: First farmers and hunters-gatherers in Southeast Asia. Antiquity, 85(328), 529-543.
Higham, C., Higham, T., & Kijngam, A. (2011). Cutting a Gordian Knot: The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia: Origins, timing and impact. Antiquity, 85(328), 583-598.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Kijngam, A. (Eds.). (2010). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. IV): The excavation of Ban Non Wat: The Neolithic occupation. Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department, 223p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2010). Summary and conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol IV: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: The Neolithic occupation. (pp. 199-212). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Wiriyaromp, W. (2010). Neolithic phase one. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol. IV: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: The neolithic occupation. (pp. 15-64). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. (2010). Ian Glover's contribution to the prehistory of mainland Southeast Asia. In B. Bellina, E. A. Bacus, T. O. Pryce & J. Wisseman Christie (Eds.), 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: Essays in honour of Ian Glover. (pp. 41-47). Bangkok, Thailand: River Books.
Higham, C. (2010). The Iron Age of Thailand: Trends to complexity. In B. Bellina, E. A. Bacus, T. O. Pryce & J. W. Christie (Eds.), 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: Essays in honour of Ian Glover. (pp. 129-140). Bangkok, Thailand: River Books.
Mormina, M., & Higham, C. (2010). Climate crises and the population history of Southeast Asia. In A. B. Mainwaring, R. Giegengack & C. Vita-Finzi (Eds.), Climate crises in human history. (pp. 197-212). Philadelphia, PA: Lightning Rod Press.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W., Kuzmin, Y. V., & Burr, G. S. (2010). The AMS 14C dating of Iron Age rice chaff ceramic temper from Ban Non Wat, Thailand: First results and its interpretation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 268(7/8), 1022-1025. doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.087
Journal - Research Other
Higham, C. (2010). [Review of the book Weaving cultural identities on trans-Asiatic networks: Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula: An early socio-political landscape]. Antiquity, 84(323), 265-266.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2009). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. III): The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part one: Introduction. Bangkok, Thailand: Fine Arts Department of Thailand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2009). The mortuary record. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. III): The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Part one: Introduction. (pp. 153-185). Bangkok, Thailand: Fine Arts Department of Thailand.
Higham, C. F. W., & Higham, T. F. G. (2009). The chronology of Ban Non Wat. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol. III: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Introduction. (pp. 17-26). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2009). The excavation of Square Y. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol. III: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Introduction. (pp. 79-138). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2009). Square X. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor: Vol. III: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Introduction. (pp. 139-152). Bangkok, Thailand: The Fine Arts Department of Thailand.
Higham, C. F. W. (2009). The material culture. In C. F. W. Higham & A. Kijngam (Eds.), The origins of the civilisation of Angkor: Vol. III: The excavation of Ban Non Wat: Introduction. (pp. 187-250). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. (2009). Dating the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia: The cultural implications. Southern Ethnology & Archaeology, 6, 151-162.
Bentley, R. A., Cox, K., Tayles, N., Higham, C., Macpherson, C., Nowell, G., … Hayes, T. E. F. (2009). Community diversity at Ban Lum Khao, Thailand: Isotopic evidence from the skeletons. Asian Perspectives, 48(1), 79-97. doi: 10.1353/asi.0.0017
Higham, C., & Higham, T. (2009). A new chronological framework for prehistoric Southeast Asia, based on a Bayesian model from Ban Non Wat. Antiquity, 83(319), 125-144.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Higham, C. (2009). Cultural implications of the chronology of the Ban Non Wat. Proceedings of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) 19th Congress. (pp. 24). Retrieved from
Higham, C. (2009). The express train and mainland Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) 19th Congress. (pp. 34). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2008). Ban Non Wat: The first five seasons. In J.-P. Pautreau, A.-S. Coupey, V. Zeitoun & E. Rambault (Eds.), From Homo Erectus to the living traditions: Choice of Papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. (pp. 83-90). EurASEAA.
Higham, C. (2008). Whither archaeogenetics? A view from the trenches. In S. Matsumura, P. Forster & C. Renfrew (Eds.), Simulations, genetics and human prehistory. (pp. 183-190). Cambridge, England: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Higham, C. (2008). [Review of the book Early landscapes of Myanmar]. Antiquity, 82(316), 507-509.
Higham, C. (2008). [Review of the book Cultural Exchange between India and Southeast Asia: Production and distribution of hard stone ornaments]. Antiquity, 82(315), 230-231.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Higham, C., & Higham, T. (2008). The chronology of the prehistoric occupation of Ban Non Wat, Northeast Thailand. Proceedings of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists 12th International Conference. EURASEAA. Retrieved from
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., Kijngam, A., & Talbot, S. (Eds.). (2007). The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department, 656p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Rivett, P., & Higham, C. F. W. (2007). The archaeology of salt production. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 589-594). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2007). Summary and conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 595-610). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of mortuary phase 4 cluster D. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 213-218). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of mortuary phase 4 cluster B. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 187-194). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of mortuary phase 4 cluster C. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 197-208). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of Noen U-Loke mortuary phase five. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 223-243). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The sequence during layers 3 and 2. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 123-142). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The sequence during layer four. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 99-122). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The miscellaneous burials of mortuary phase 4. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 219-222). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of mortuary phases 1 and 2. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 143-152). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of Noen U-Loke: Mortuary phase 3 cluster A. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 153-157). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). The burials of mortuary phase 3 cluster B. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 159-167). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2007). The material culture. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 353-358). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2007). Introduction: The stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 75-84). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2007). Layers five and six. In C. F. W. Higham, A. Kijngam & S. Talbot (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. II): The excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao. (pp. 85-98). Bangkok, Thailand: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Journal - Research Article
Bentley, R. A., Tayles, N., Higham, C., Macpherson, C., & Atkinson, T. C. (2007). Shifting gender relations at Khok Phanom Di, Thailand: Isotopic evidence from the skeletons. Current Anthropology, 48(2), 301-314.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2006). Crossing national boundaries: Southern China and Southeast Asia in prehistory. In E. A. Bacus, I. C. Glover & V. C. Pigot (Eds.), Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: Selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. (pp. 13-21). Singapore: NUS Press.
Higham, C., & Thosarat, R. (2006). Ban Non Wat: The first three seasons. In E. A. Bacus, I. C. Glover & V. C. Pigot (Eds.), Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: Selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. (pp. 98-104). Singapore: NUS Press.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Higham, C. (2006). Ancient bronze drums of Southeast Asia. National Palace Museum Bulletin. 38(January), (pp. 23-39). [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. (2005). Complex societies of East and Southeast Asia. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past: World prehistory & the development of human societies. (pp. 552-593). London: Thames & Hudson.
Higham, C. (2005). East Asian agriculture and its impact. In C. Scarre (Ed.), The human past: World prehistory & the development of human societies. (pp. 234-263). London: Thames & Hudson.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Encyclopedia of ancient Asian civilizations. New York: Facts on File.
Higham, C. F. W., Thosarat, R., Manly, B. F. J., & Bentley, R. A. (2004). The excavation of Khok Phanom Di, a prehistoric site in central Thailand: Volume VII: Summary and conclusions. London: The Society of Antiquaries of London.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (Eds.). (2004). The origins of the civilization of Angkor, volume 1: The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department, 339p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Mather, D. W. (2004). Principal component analysis of all complete burials. In chapter 'Social aspects of the Ban Lum Khao Cemetery'. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 321). Bangkok: The Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Mainland Southeast Asia from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. In I. Glover & P. Bellwood (Eds.), Southeast Asia: From prehistory to history. (pp. 41-67). Abingdon, UK: RoutledgeCurzon.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Before Devanika: Social change and state formation in the Mekong Valley. In J. Cherry, C. Scarre & S. Shennan (Eds.), Studies in honour of Colin Renfrew: Explaining social change. (pp. 203-214). Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.
Higham, C. F. W., Thosarat, R., & O'Reilly, D. J. W. (2004). Conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 325-333). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & O'Reilly, D. J. W. (2004). Social aspects of the Ban Lum Khao cemetery. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 301-321). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). The corpus of complete ceramic vessels. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 239-300). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). The artefacts. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 191-216). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). The faunal remains. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 159-170). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2004). The burials from mortuary phase three. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 99-112). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2004). The burials from mortuary phase two. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 33-98). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2004). The burials from mortuary phase one. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 23-32). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2004). The excavation, stratigraphy, spatial variables and chronology. In The origins of the civilization of Angkor (Vol. I): The excavation of Ban Lum Khao. (pp. 1-21). Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Fine Arts Department.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Ban Non Wat: Lessons from the field. In Southeast Asian archaeology. Diliman, Philippines: The University of the Philippines Press.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. (2004). The opposed human figure at Khok Phanom Di. Journal of the Siam Society, 92, 15-36.
Film/Video/CD Rom
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). ″The beast within″: Deep jungle, programme 3 Television documentary. Bristol, UK: Granada.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). The Diva Mummy / Chinese miracle mummy Television documentary [Video recording]. Dunedin, New Zealand: Natural History New Zealand.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Tales of the living dead: Thai super burials Television documentary [Video recording]. USA: National Geographic Television.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Tales of the living dead: The Thai princess and her baby Television documentary [Video recording]. USA: National Geographic Television.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Guardians of Angkor Television documentary [Video recording]. USA: National Geographic Television.
Higham, C. F. W. (2004). Unlocking the past Television documentary [Video recording]. Wellington, New Zealand: Channel 4 Television.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2003). Cambodge. Grandeur de l'Empire Khmer. Paris: Selection de Reader's Digest, 192p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2003). Reflections on thiry-three years of achaeological research in Thailand. In Dedications to Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra on her 80th birthday. (pp. 65-86). Bangkok: The Siam Society.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2003). The origins of the civilisation of Angkor. Proceedings of the British Academy, 121, 41-89.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2002). Early Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia. Bangkok: River Books, 375p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2002). Women in the prehistory of Southeast Asia. In S. M. Nelson & M. Rosen-Ayalon (Eds.), In Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches. (pp. 207-224). Oxford: Altimira Press.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2002). Archaeology in Myanmar: Past, present and future. Asian Perspectives, 40(1), 127-138.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). Az angkori civilizáció (The civilization of Angkor). Budapest, Hungary: Gold Book, 253p.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). The Civilization of Angkor. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 192p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). Prehistory, language and human biology. Is there a consensus in Southeast Asia? In L. Jin, M. Seielstad & C. Xiao (Eds.), Genetic, Linguistic and Archaeological Perspectives on Human Diversity in Southeast Asia. (pp. 3-16). New Jersey: World Scientific.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). De oorsprong van de rujstbouw. In P. Bahn (Ed.), Wereldatlas van de Archaeologie. (pp. 174-175). Leuven: Uitgeverij Uniepers.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). De bronstijd in Zuidoost-Asie. In P. Bahn (Ed.), Wereldatlas van de Archaeologie. (pp. 180-181). Leuven: Uitgeverij Uniepers.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). De ijzertijd in Zuidoost-Asie. In P. Bahn (Ed.), Wereldatlas van de Archaeologie. (pp. 182-183). Leuven: Uitgeverij Uniepers.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). Overview. In D. R. Brothwell & A. M. Pollard (Eds.), Handbook of Archaeological Science. (pp. 357-359). New York: John Wiley.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). The tomb of China's first emperor. In B. Fagan (Ed.), The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Ancient World. (pp. 227-230). London: Thames and Hudson.
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). Eurasia east of the Urals. In B. W. Cunliffe & A. C. Renfrew (Eds.), Archaeology: The Widening Debate. (pp. 335-362). London: The British Academy.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2001). Cambodian archaeology after the nightmare. Scientific American: Discovering Archaeology, 3(1), 30-35.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (2000). Thailand's good mound. In J. M. Bayman & M. T. Stark (Eds.), Exploring the Past. (pp. 147-158). Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (2000). The Iron Age of Southeast Asia. In P. Bahn (Ed.), The Atlas of World Archaeology. (pp. 124-125). London: Time-Life.
Higham, C. F. W. (2000). The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia. In P. Bahn (Ed.), The Atlas of World Archaeology. (pp. 118-119). New York: Checkmark Books.
Higham, C. F. W. (2000). The origins of rice cultivation. In P. Bahn (Ed.), The Atlas of World Archaeology. (pp. 112-113). London: Time-Life.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (2000). The origins of the civilization of Angkor. Antiquity, 74, 27-28.
Higham, C. F. W. (2000). The symbolism of the Angkorian city. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 19(2), 348-351.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F., & Thosarat, R. (Eds.). (1999). The Excavation of Knok Phanom Di: Volume V: The People by N. G Tayles. London: The Society of Antiquaries of London, 386p.
Higham, C. F., & Thosarat, R. (Eds.). (1999). Prehistoric Thailand, from First Settlement to Sukhothai (Thai language edition). Thailand: River Books, 236p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. (1999). The social and chronological contexts of early bronze working in Southeast Asia. In F. D. Bulbeck (Ed.), Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian Bronze Age Cultures. (pp. 821-888). Taipei: SMC Publishing.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Recent advances in the prehistory of South-East Asia. In J. Coles, R. Bewley & P. Mellars (Eds.), World Prehistory. Studies in Memory of Grahame Clark. (pp. 75-86). London: The British Academy.
Higham, C. F., & Thosarat, R. (1999). The Prehistory of Thailand. In Thailand: Culture and Society. (pp. 5-18). Bangkok: The Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Hoabinhian. In I. Shaw & R. Jameson (Eds.), A Dictionary of Archaeology. (pp. 280). Oxford: Blackwell.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Ban Ang, Ban Chiang, Ban Chiang Huan, Ban Don Ta Phet, Ban Kao, Ban Muang Phruk, Ban Na Di, Ban Phak Top, Ban Tamyae, Banteay Chhmar, Ban Tha Kae. In I. Shaw & R. Jameson (Eds.), A Dictionary of Archaeology. (pp. 105-108). Oxford: Blackwell.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Khao Chang Ngam, Khao Wong Prachan Valley, Khok Charoen, Khok Phanom Di and Khok Phlap. In I. Shaw & R. Jameson (Eds.), A Dictionary of Archaeology. (pp. 334-335). Oxford: Blackwell.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Southeast Asia. In I. Shaw & R. Jameson (Eds.), A Dictionary of Archaeology. (pp. 85-88). Oxford: Blackwell.
Higham, C. F. (1999). Angkor. In I. Shaw & R. Jameson (Eds.), A Dictionary of Archaeology. (pp. 62-63). Oxford: Blackwell.
Journal - Research Article
Boyd, W. E., McGrath, R., & Higham, C. F. W. (1999). The geoarchaeology of Iron Age moated sites of the Upper Mae Nam Mun Valley, N.E. Thailand I Palaeodrainage, site-landscape relationships and the origins of the moats. Geoarchaeology, 14(7), 675-716.
Boyd, W. E., & Higham, C. F. W. (1999). The geoarchaeology of the prehistoric ditched sites of the upper Mun Valley N. E. Thailand, II: Stratigraphy and morphological sections the encircling earthworks. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 18, 169-179.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1998). Prehistoric Thailand. From First Settlement to Sukhothai. River Books and Thames and Hudson, 226p.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F., & Thosarat, R. (Eds.). (1998). The excavation on Nong Nor, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand (Oxford and University of Otago Studies in Prehistoric Anthropology No. 18). Oxford: Oxbow Books, 576p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1998). Thailand's Good Mound. In L. L. Hasten (Ed.), Annual Editions: Archaeology. (pp. 84-87).
Higham, C. F. W. (1998). Archaeology, linguistics and the expansion of the East and Southeast Asian Neolithic. In R. M. Blench & M. Spriggs (Eds.), Archaeology and Languages. (pp. 103-114). London: Routledge.
Higham, C. F. W., Fordyce, R. E., & O'Reilly, D. J. W. (1998). The Faunal Remains and Worked Bone. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The excavation of Nong Nor: A Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand (Otago Monographs in Prehistoric Anthropology XVIII, Dunedin). (pp. 119-126).
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F., & Tracey, L.-D. L. (1998). The origins and dispersal of rice cultivation. Antiquity, 72, 867-877.
Higham, C. F. W. (1998). The transition from prehistory to the historic period in the Upper Mun Valley. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2(3), 235-261.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1997). The conclusions. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The Excavation of Nong Nor, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. (pp. 523-550). Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1997). The statistical analysis of the burials. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The Excavation of Nong Nor, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. (pp. 491-508). Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1997). The human burials. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The Excavation of Nong Nor, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. (pp. 369-490). Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Higham, C. F. W. (1997). The faunal remains from the cemetery. In C. F. W. Higham & R. Thosarat (Eds.), The Excavation of Nong Nor, a Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. (pp. 315-320). Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Authored Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 381p.
Edited Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (Eds.). (1996). The Excavation of Khok Phanom Di: A Prehistoric Site in Central Thailand. London: Society of Antiquaries of London, 312p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Mainland Southeast Asia. In A. H. Dani & J. P. Mohen (Eds.), From the Third Millennium to the Seventh Century BC History of humanity, Vol. 2. (pp. 401-408). Paris: UNESCO.
Higham, C. F. W., & Glover, I. C. (1996). New evidence for early rice cultivation in South, Southeast and East Asia. In D. R. Harris (Ed.), The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia. (pp. 413-441). London: University College London Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The Princess of Khok Phanom Di, Thailand. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), Eyewitness to Discovery: First-Person Accounts of More Than Fifty of the World's Greatest Archaeological Discoveries. (pp. 280-287). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Spirit Cave. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 686). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The kingdoms and empires of Southeast Asia. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 678-680). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Non Nok Tha. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 505). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The Khmer civilization and the empire of Angkor. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 369-372). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Chinese and Southeast Asian archaeology. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 296-297). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The Funan culture. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 243). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Origins of food production in Southeast Asia. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 62-64). New York: Oxford University Press.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). The prehistory and early history of Southeast Asia. In B. M. Fagan (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. (pp. 54-57). New York: Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). A review of the archaeology of mainland Southeast Asia. Journal of Archaeological Research, 4(1), 3-50.
Higham, C. F. W. (1996). Archaeology and linguistics in Southeast Asia: implications of the Austric hypothesis. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 14, 110-118.
Boyd, W. E., Higham, C. F. W., & Thosarat, R. (1996). The Holocene palaeogeography of the southeast margin of the Bangkok Plain, Thailand and its archaeological implications. Asian Perspectives, 35(2), 193-207.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F. W. (1995). The transition to rice cultivation in Southeast Asia. In T. D. Price & A. B. Gebauer (Eds.), Last Hunters, First Farmers: New Perspectives on the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture. (pp. 127-156). Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Higham, C. F., Higham, T. F., Hogg, A., & Rachanieq, T. (1992). The excavation of Khok Phanom Di, 1991-3. In R. Ciarla & F. Rispoli (Eds.), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992. (pp. 175-191). Rome: Istituto Italiano per L'Africa e L'Oriente.