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During your application for admission in eVision you are required to attach a research proposal detailing the nature of your proposed research project. Please consult the following guidelines to ensure your proposal contains the necessary information.

Attach a two page document that provides a concise but adequate explanation of what your proposed research is attempting to discover and how it will be conducted, so that the Department can determine whether the objectives are realistic and achievable within the time period of the research project.

  • Give a working title that encapsulates the subject matter of your research.
  • Define a research question that captures the central problem, concept or issue being addressed by the research.
  • Describe the relationship between the research question and the background research literature. If you are applying for PhD study it will be useful to show how the project will advance knowledge in this area.
  • Outline the general aim and the specific objectives of the research and how your proposed programme of research addresses the research question.
  • Explain the way in which you think that research can be designed to provide answers to the questions you have identified. This should include a discussion of the theoretical or epistemological perspectives you are considering for use in your data analysis.
  • Outline the methods you propose to use and why they are appropriate.
  • List resources you will need to conduct the research, including specialist equipment, expertise, community access, institutional access, database or collection access etc. Identify potential research costs, and possible sources of funding to cover them.
  • Provide a timeline for the proposed research.
  • You should also identify whether any special permissions or ethical approval will need to be sought. Depending on the type of research this may include Human Category A Ethics Approval and Ngai Tahu Research Committee Consultation. Country permissions may also be required for international work, as well as consents based on individual community negotiations within New Zealand.

Find out more about Human Category A Ethics Approval

Find out more about Ngai Tahu Research Committee Consultation

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