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Fausia ma tausia so’otaga, Vauci ka susugi na veiwekani, Feohi mo tauhi va, Matutaki mo e atihakeaga he tau fakafetuiaga, Fakatupuga o vaasia 'lei – Connecting and nurturing relationships

The Pacific Community Engagement Office is based in Auckland and is responsible for connecting and nurturing relationships with the Pacific communities in Aotearoa and the wider Pacific region. The office is led by le afioga ia Tofilau Nina Kirifi Alai, Tula Malae, Head of Pacific Community Engagement.

Tofilau Nina Kirifi-Alai in Auckland Office 2021 image 1xContact details

Tofilau Nina Kirifi-Alai QSM MIndS BA LLB
Tula Malae | Head, Pacific Community Engagement

University of Otago House
385 Queen Street, PO Box 5543
Auckland 1141
New Zealand

Le Afioaga o Aotearoa Gate A - Ground Level
5 Otara Road, Otara
Auckland 2023
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 373 9706
Mob +64 21 279 4574

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