Congratulations to all of the Otago Biochemistry students who received scholarships from outside the Department in recognition of their academic achievements as undergraduates last year.
Two of our international students, Yinghua Chen and Moizle Ocariza, have received School of Biomedical Science 400-level International awards, which cover the full cost of their tuition fees for 2020.
Moizle Ocariza (left) and Yinghua Chen.
Yinghua grew up in a small fishing village in southeast China before coming to study at Otago. She is in Professor Catherine Day's lab this year, figuring out the real function of a protein that helps to control cell signalling. Moizle was originally from the Phillipines, and is now working in Professor Iain Lamont's lab investigating antibiotic resistance genes in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (which causes chronic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis).
Other students who have received awards include:
Jennifer Palmer - Sir George Grey Senior Scholarship and Premier Undergraduate Prize (Science). Jennifer was also co-recipient of the prestigious Prince of Wales Prize.
Gareth Jones - Junior Smeaton Scholarship in Experimental Science
Maria Larsen and Josh Scadden - University of Otago Prestige Scholarships in Science
University of Otago Scholarships were also awarded to: Jordan Compton, Claudia Forster, Andrew Heaps, Tyler McCourt, Michael Pudjihartono, Nicole Strawbridge, and Kaitlyn Tippett.
Department of Biochemistry awards for academic achievement in 2019 were announced earlier this year. You can read more about the Department prizes and scholarships here, and look back at the names of all prize recipients through the years here.