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The Department of Biochemistry is a great place to develop your abilities in creative scientific research. We provide skilled staff and cutting-edge facilities to support student research. Our world-class research groups offer a diverse range of projects: from the molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis, the structure and function of enzymes, the evolution of embryo development, all the way through to the genetics of cancer.

Students also enjoy a collegial and supportive environment. We have weekly seminars where local, national and international speakers present their research, a weekly Journal Club for staff and postgraduate students to present recent papers from the literature, and fortnightly postgraduate colloquia where students present and discuss their research among themselves. Community spirit is further fostered through regular social events.

Read more about our research, staff and facilities:

Research at Otago Biochemistry

Otago Biochemistry staff

Research facilities available

If you have any questions about postgraduate study in the Department of Biochemistry, please contact us:


What is it like to do study and research in our department?

Let some of our staff and students show you:

You can find out more about postgraduate study at Otago Biochemistry in this video featuring one of our research leaders, Dr Anita Dunbier and PhD student Tom Brew, recorded at a recent virtual information evening:

Contacts for student advice, support and assistance

Alumni profiles

Dr Anita Dunbier

Anita Dunbier lab image

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