Individual members of staff in the Department of Biochemistry belong to wider topic-based research centres and themes in the University. These are areas of research that are seen as being particularly strong at Otago.
Research Centres
University of Otago Research Centres are research flagships for the University.
Centre for Translational Cancer Research
Translational cancer research bridges the gap between laboratory-based science and treatment in the clinic.
Genetics Otago
The world of genetics is enormous. It touches our every day lives in ways we can't even begin to imagine. Ground-breaking and informative, genetics research provides us with the framework for a better, brighter future.
Otago Global Health Institute
Fostering partnerships to help solve global health problems.
Edgar Diabetes & Obesity Research Centre
We aim to reduce the prevalence, and to improve the management, of diabetes and obesity by finding new ways to prevent and treat these conditions.
Genomics Aotearoa
Genomics Aotearoa is a new collaborative research platform for genomics and bioinformatics. Its partners include several New Zealand universities and Crown Research Institutes.
Research Themes
A University of Otago Research Theme signals developing or potential research excellence in areas of strength within the University.
Allan Wilson@Otago
Allan Wilson at Otago explores the health and histories of New Zealand populations using evolutionary genomics.
Agriculture at Otago is advancing profitability and environmental sustainability of primary industry in New Zealand.
Polar Environments
The Polar Environments Research Theme is a multidisciplinary network of University of Otago scientists with an interest in polar regions.