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Bioethics Seminar: Public deliberation on mandatory childhood vaccination policy

Public, All university
Event type
Open seminar
Bioethics Centre

A public deliberation in Ontario, Canada to attempted to develop policy advice from an informed and deliberative mini public on the issue of mandatory childhood vaccination policy. The outcomes considered accounts from groups and participants who expressed hesitation about the need and safety of vaccines. Nonetheless, the discrediting of scientific claims behind vaccine hesitancy may distract deliberation participants and decision makers from important ethical dimensions that are important for democratic governances of childhood vaccines.

This week's presenter,Michael Burgess , is Professor and research Chair at the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, School of Population and Public Health, with an appointment in Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia. He works from the Okanagan campus of UBC in Kelowna, to help developing graduate learning and research collaborations between campuses. Over the last decade, Burgess has developed and implemented a model for deliberative public engagement to inform health and biotechnology policy, in collaboration with Kieran O'Doherty.




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