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Bioethics Seminar: Should BMI be used in the clinical setting?

Career advisers, Future students, Parents, Public, Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Staff, Alumni, Allied health professionals
Event type
Academic, Lecture, Seminar, Online and in person
Bioethics Centre

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used measure of obesity and is commonly referred to in discourses regarding health.

However, health professionals should be wary of using BMI in the clinic because:

  • The relationship between high BMI and poor health is not as strong as conventionally thought
  • Using BMI may contribute to harmful weight stigma

This presentation considers whether and how BMI could be used in the clinic in a way that both recognises the limitations of BMI and reduces weight stigma.

In-person attendance

For those who wish to attend the seminar in person, please come to the Bioethics Seminar Room (Room 119), Level 1, 71 Frederick Street, Dunedin 9016.

The Bioethics Centre has two big grey doors off Frederick Street. Come up the stairs through the 'Bioethics' door, take a left down the corridor at the top of the stairs, and room 119 will be on your right.

Streaming information

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 922 351 556
Password: 595584

To those joining online, we ask that you please mute yourselves upon arrival to avoid any accidental interruptions.




+64 3471 6123

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