Phone: +64 3 479 9060
Research interests
- Evolution of plants and fungi
- Molecular ecology
Teaching involvement
BIOL 123 | Plants: How they Shape the World |
BTNY 202 | Plant and Fungal Diversity |
BTNY 302 | Plant Interactions |
GENE 312 | Evolutionary Genetics |
BTNY 365 | Research Skills |
BTNY 465 | Plant and Environment |
BTNY 467 | New Zealand Plant Ecology and Evolution |
Other activities
- President of the Fungal Network of New Zealand Inc
Soop, K., Cooper, J. A., Nilsen, A. R., Siegel, N., & Orlovich, D. A. (2025). Review of phlegmacioid Cortinariaceae (Agaricales) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 63(1), 78-107. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2023.2255159 Journal - Research Article
Nilsen, A. R., Plett, J. M., May, T. W., Lebel, T., Brown, C. M., Catcheside, D. E. A., & Orlovich, D. A. (2024). Navigating the labyrinth: Searching for mechanistic clues to explain the evolution of sequestrate Agaricales with labyrinthine internal chambers. Fungal Biology Reviews, 49, 100380. doi: 10.1016/j.fbr.2024.100380 Journal - Research Article
Chyou, T., Fox, W., Padilla, E., Nilsen, A., Mendoza, A., Plett, J., Summerfield, T., Orlovich, D., & Brown, C. M. (2023, August). Detecting non-coding genes in mushroom and truffle-like fungal genomes. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Genomics Satellite, Queenstown, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Dobbie, F. L. W., Orlovich, D. A., & Brown, C. M. (2023). A genetic analysis of the causes of truffle-like morphology: What makes a fungus go round. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium & Workshops. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D. (2023, July). Exploring the fungal underworld. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture]. Other Research Output
Journal - Research Article
Soop, K., Cooper, J. A., Nilsen, A. R., Siegel, N., & Orlovich, D. A. (2025). Review of phlegmacioid Cortinariaceae (Agaricales) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 63(1), 78-107. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2023.2255159
Journal - Research Article
Nilsen, A. R., Plett, J. M., May, T. W., Lebel, T., Brown, C. M., Catcheside, D. E. A., & Orlovich, D. A. (2024). Navigating the labyrinth: Searching for mechanistic clues to explain the evolution of sequestrate Agaricales with labyrinthine internal chambers. Fungal Biology Reviews, 49, 100380. doi: 10.1016/j.fbr.2024.100380
Journal - Research Article
Soop, K., Nilsen, A. R., Orlovich, D. A., Ammirati, J. F., & Dima, B. (2023). Cortinarius subgenus Vibratiles (Agaricales), a new myxacioid taxon of global scope. Taxon, 72(4), 751-765. doi: 10.1002/tax.12978
van Galen, L. G., Orlovich, D. A., Lord, J. M., Nilsen, A. R., Dutoit, L., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). Correlated evolution in an ectomycorrhizal host-symbiont system. New Phytologist, 238(3), 1215-1229. doi: 10.1111/nph.18802
van Galen, L. G., Orlovich, D. A., Lord, J. M., Bohorquez, J., Nilsen, A. R., Summerfield, T. C., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). Zeta diversity differentiates factors driving community assembly of rare and common ectomycorrhizal fungi. Molecular Ecology, 32(8), 2092-2109. doi: 10.1111/mec.16860
van Galen, L. G., Lord, J. M., Orlovich, D. A., Jowett, T., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). Barriers to seedling establishment in grasslands: Implications for Nothofagus forest restoration and migration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 291-304. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.14331
Soop, K., Cooper, J. A., Nilsen, A. R., & Orlovich, D. A. (2023). Cortinarius subgenus Leprocybe (Agaricales) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 61(4), 282-303. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2022.2129077
Journal - Research Other
van Galen, L. G., Lord, J. M., Orlovich, D. A., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). The effect of stratification and shade on germination of Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Oerst seeds. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 61(4), 351-360. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2022.2156355
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Dobbie, F. L. W., Orlovich, D. A., & Brown, C. M. (2023). A genetic analysis of the causes of truffle-like morphology: What makes a fungus go round. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium & Workshops. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Chyou, T., Fox, W., Padilla, E., Nilsen, A., Mendoza, A., Plett, J., Summerfield, T., Orlovich, D., & Brown, C. M. (2023, August). Detecting non-coding genes in mushroom and truffle-like fungal genomes. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Genomics Satellite, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Orlovich, D. (2023, July). Exploring the fungal underworld. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Journal - Research Article
Saldivia, P., Wagstaff, S. J., Breitwieser, I., Orlovich, D. A., & Lord, J. M. (2022). A generic taxonomic synopsis of the Pleurophyllum clade (Asteraceae: Astereae: Celmisiinae) with the recognition of the New Zealand rndemic new henus Macrolearia. Systematic Biology, 47(2), 607-634. doi: 10.1600/036364422X16512564801722
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Orlovich, D. (2022, November). Mapping phylogenetic species of ectomycorrhizal fungi using eDNA and herbarium specimens. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Microbiology Society (ASM) Symposium at the NZ Microbiological Society Annual Conference: Microbes Rule! Wellington, New Zealand.
McGovern, J. J., Nilsen, A. R., Summerfield, T. C., & Orlovich, D. A. (2022, May). Takahē, scouts for fungal diversity. Verbal presentation at the Fungal Network of New Zealand 35th New Zealand 'Virtual' Fungal Foray including the 20th Mycology Colloquium, [Online].
van Galen, L., Orlovich, D., Lord, J., Bohorquez, J., Nilsen, A., Summerfield, T., Dutoit, L., & Larcombe, M. (2022, May). Environment and host effects on New Zealand Nothofagus ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. Verbal presentation at the Fungal Network of New Zealand 35th New Zealand 'Virtual' Fungal Foray including the 20th Mycology Colloquium, [Online].
Lasham, S. T., van Galen, L. G., Nilsen, A. R., Larcombe, M. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2022, May). The use of specimen and eDNA ITS barcodes to map Cortinarius species distribution and ascertain species threat status. Verbal presentation at the Fungal Network of New Zealand 35th New Zealand 'Virtual' Fungal Foray including the 20th Mycology Colloquium, [Online].
Cervantes, P. B., Guy, P. L., & Orlovich, D. A. (2022, May). The core endophytic mycobiome in Chionochloa rubra and C. rigida. Verbal presentation at the Fungal Network of New Zealand 35th New Zealand 'Virtual' Fungal Foray including the 20th Mycology Colloquium, [Online].
Nilsen, A. R., Chyou, D., Summerfield, T. C., Catcheside, D., Brown, C. M., & Orlovich, D. A. (2022, May). Molecular evolution of truffle like fungi in NZ: Clues from Leratiomyces. Verbal presentation at the Fungal Network of New Zealand 35th New Zealand 'Virtual' Fungal Foray including the 20th Mycology Colloquium, [Online].
Journal - Research Article
Soop, K., Nilsen, A. R., Orlovich, D. A., & Dima, B. (2021). An emended subgenus Myxacium in the light of a global Cortinarius (Agaricales) phylogeny. Mycological Progress, 20(3), 247-260. doi: 10.1007/s11557-020-01665-6
Nilsen, A. R., Macrae, O. C., Andrew, K., Wang, X. Y., Te Tana, M. C., Soop, K., Brown, C. M., Summerfield, T. C., & Orlovich, D. A. (2021). Studies of New Zealand Cortinarius: Resolution of taxonomic conflicts in section Subcastanelli (Agaricales), new species and key to rozitoid species. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 59(4), 457-475. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2021.1879877
Bohórquez, J., Nilsen, A. R., Larcombe, M. J., Orlovich, D. A., & Lord, J. M. (2021). Spore viability and germination of some ectomycorrhizal fungi from New Zealand and implications for forest restoration. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 59(2), 250-266. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2020.1862877
van Galen, L. G., Lord, J. M., Orlovich, D. A., & Larcombe, M. J. (2021). Restoration of southern hemisphere beech (Nothofagaceae) forests: A meta-analysis. Restoration Ecology, 29(3), e13333. doi: 10.1111/rec.13333
Rawlence, N. J., Potter, B. C. M., Dussex, N., Scarsbrook, L., Orlovich, D. A., Waters, J. M., … Knapp, M. (2021). Plio-Pleistocene environmental changes shape present day phylogeography of New Zealand’s southern beeches (Nothofagaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany, 59(1), 55-71. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2020.1791915
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Nilsen, A., Chyou, D., Summerfield, T., Catcheside, D., Brown, C., & Orlovich, D. (2021). Molecular evolution of truffle like fungi in NZ: Clues from comparative genomics. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 220). Retrieved from
Orlovich, D. A., van Galen, L. G., Nilsen, A. R., Larcombe, M. J., Lord, J. M., Summerfield, T. C., & Brown, C. M. (2021). eDNA for detecting data-deficient fungi. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 89). Retrieved from
Orlovich, D. A., Nilsen, A. R., McGovern, J., Lasham, S., Williams, D., van Galen, L. G., Summerfield, T. C., Larcombe, M. J., Lord, J. M., & Brown, C. M. (2021). Bush genomics: Using genetics and genomics tools to discover and understand New Zealand's truffle-like fungi [Invited]. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Saldivia, P., Wood, K. R., Orlovich, D. A., & Lord, J. M. (2020). Pacifigeron indivisus (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new species endemic to Rapa, Austral Islands, and a new delimitation of the Celmisia group. Phytotaxa, 442(4), 239-266. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.442.4.1
Ludwig, L. R., Kantvilas, G., Nilsen, A. R., Orlovich, D. A., Ohmura, Y., Summerfield, T. C., … Lord, J. M. (2020). A molecular-genetic reassessment of the circumscription of the lichen genus Icmadophila. Lichenologist, 52(3), 213-220. doi: 10.1017/S0024282920000122
Nilsen, A. R., Wang, X. Y., Soop, K., Cooper, J. A., Ridley, G. S., Wallace, M., Summerfield, T. C., Brown, C. M., & Orlovich, D. A. (2020). Purple haze: Cryptic purple sequestrate Cortinarius in New Zealand. Mycologia, 112(3), 588-605. doi: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730120
Nilsen, A. R., Teasdale, S. E., Guy, P. L., Summerfield, T. C., & Orlovich, D. A. (2020). Fungal diversity in canopy soil of silver beech, Nothofagus menziesii (Nothofagaceae). PLoS ONE, 15(1), e0227860. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227860
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Tan, Y. X., Brown, C. M., & Orlovich, D. (2020). Activity of Bacillus sp. as a biocontrol agent in controlling green mould disease in oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus sp.). Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Zoom Symposium. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Saldivia, P., Vargas, O. M., Orlovich, D. A., & Lord, J. M. (2019). Nomenclatural priority of the genus Linochilus over Piofontia (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytotaxa, 424(3), 158-166. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.424.3.3
Nilsen, A. R., Brown, C. M., Summerfield, T. C., & Orlovich, D. A. (2019). Cortinarius atropileatus sp. nov. (Cortinariaceae) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 57(1), 50-61. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2018.1548493
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Saldivia, P., Lord, J., & Orlovich, D. (2019). Systematics of the Celmisia group (Asteraceae, Astereae) with an emphasis on Celmisia subgenus Lignosae. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS) and the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN): Taxonomy for Plant Conservation: Ruia mai i Rangiātea. (pp. 54). Retrieved from
Orlovich, D. A., Nilsen, A. R., Summerfield, T. C., Brown, C. M., Ohlemüller, R., van Galen, L., Larcombe, M., & Lord, J. (2019). Using genomics tools to understand beech forests and their fungi. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS) and the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN): Taxonomy for Plant Conservation: Ruia mai i Rangiātea. (pp. 38). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Lear, G., Dickie, I., Banks, J., Boyer, S., Buckley, H. L., Buckley, T. R., … Morales, S. E., Orlovich, D. A., … Holdaway, R. (2018). Methods for the extraction, storage, amplification and sequencing of DNA from environmental samples. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 42(1), 10. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.42.9
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D. A., Nilsen, A. R., Teasdale, S. E., Guy, P. L., & Summerfield, T. C. (2018). Detecting and identifying ectomycorrhizal fungi in New Zealand silver beech (Lophozonia menziesii, Nothofagaceae) forest: A case study. Biodiversity Information Science & Standards, 2, e25982. doi: 10.3897/biss.2.25982
Nilsen, A., Summerfield, T., Brown, C., & Orlovich, D. (2018). Evolution of sequestrate fungi in New Zealand, with emphasis on the genus Cortinarius. Proceedings of the New Zealand Microbiological Society (NZMS) New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB) Joint Annual Conference: Microbes & Molecules. (pp. 56). Retrieved from
Orlovich, D. A., Nilsen, A. R., Kahlert, B. C., Teasdale, S. E., Guy, P. L., & Summerfield, T. C. (2018). Microbial diversity in aerial "canopy soil" microhabitats. Proceedings of the New Zealand Microbiological Society (NZMS) New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB) Joint Annual Conference: Microbes & Molecules. (pp. 54). Retrieved from
Brown, C., Chyou, T.-y., Lim, C. S., Padilla, E., Nilsen, A., Liu, S., … Summerfield, T., … Orlovich, D. (2018). The functions of non-coding RNAs and elements in fungal genomes: New roles in the regulation of gene expression. Proceedings of the New Zealand Microbiological Society (NZMS) New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB) Joint Annual Conference: Microbes & Molecules. (pp. 53). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Griffith, J. C., Lee, W. G., Orlovich, D. A., & Summerfield, T. C. (2017). Contrasting bacterial communities in two indigenous Chionochloa (Poaceae) grassland soils in New Zealand. PLoS ONE, 12(6), e0179652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179652
Journal - Research Article
Secker, N. H., Chua, J. P. S., Laurie, R. E., McNoe, L., Guy, P. L., Orlovich, D. A., & Summerfield, T. C. (2016). Characterization of the cyanobacteria and associated bacterial community from an ephemeral wetland in New Zealand. Journal of Phycology, 52(5), 761-773. doi: 10.1111/jpy.12434
Konlechner, T. M., Orlovich, D. A., & Hilton, M. J. (2016). Restrictions in the sprouting ability of an invasive coastal plant, Ammophila arenaria, from fragmented rhizomes. Plant Ecology, 217(5), 521-532. doi: 10.1007/s11258-016-0597-6
Anderson, T. P., & Orlovich, D. A. (2016). Cortinarius majestaticus comb. nov.: Phylogenetic evidence for the transfer of Descolea majestatica to Cortinarius. Mycological Progress, 15(3), 20. doi: 10.1007/s11557-016-1164-1
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D. A., Gillard, G., Wang, X., Nilsen, A. R., Brown, C. M., & Summerfield, T. C. (2016). Comparative genomics of a truffle-like fungus Cortinarius beeverorum and its close mushroom relative C. dulciolens. Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Mycological Society (AMS) with the Fungal Network of New Zealand (FUNNZ). (pp. 14). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Orlovich, D. (2016, March). Fungal diversity in canopy soils. Verbal presentation at the Genetics Otago Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D. A., Summerfield, T. C., & Kahlert, B. C. (2015). Microbial diversity in kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) and silver beech (Lophozonia menziesii) canopy and terrrestrial soils. Proceedings of the New Zealand Microbiological Society (NZMS) 60th Conference. (pp. 46). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Orlovich, D. A., Wang, X. Y., & Lebel, T. (2014). Cortinarius beeverorum, a new species of sequestrate Cortinarius from New Zealand. Mycological Progress, 13(3), 915-921. doi: 10.1007/s11557-014-0977-z
Wall, J. M., Wood, S. A., Orlovich, D. A., Rhodes, L. L., & Summerfield, T. C. (2014). Characterisation of freshwater and marine cyanobacteria in the Hokianga region, Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research, 48(2), 177-193. doi: 10.1080/00288330.2013.854814
Chua, J. P. S., Orlovich, D. A., & Summerfield, T. C. (2014). Cyanobacteria in New Zealand indigenous grasslands. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 52(1), 100-115. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2013.862554
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Chua, J. P. S., Secker, N. H., Lee, W. G., Orlovich, D. A., & Summerfield, T. C. (2014). Characterisation of the cyanobacterial community from New Zealand ephemeral wetland and native grasslands. Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria. (pp. 133). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Chua, J., Orlovich, D., Lee, W., & Summerfield, T. (2014, August). Exploring the diversity and abundance of bacterial community in New Zealand grassland soils using 16S rRNA and nifH amplicon sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq. Verbal presentation at the 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME15), Seoul, South Korea.
Lignon, V. A., Orlovich, D. A., Fletcher, J. D., & Guy, P. L. (2014, August). Alfalfa mosaic virus invaded New Zealand how many times? Verbal presentation at the Australasian Plant Virology Workshop (APVW): Plant virology in the 'omics' era, Brisbane, Australia.
Journal - Research Article
Rees, B. J., Midgley, D. J., Marchant, A., Perkins, A., & Orlovich, D. A. (2013). Morphological and molecular data for Australian Hebeloma species do not support the generic status of Anamika. Mycologia, 105(4), 1043-1058. doi: 10.3852/12-404
Konlechner, T. M., Hilton, M. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2013). Accommodation space limits plant invasion: Ammophila arenaria survival on New Zealand beaches. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 17(3), 463-472. doi: 10.1007/s11852-013-0244-5
Lord, J. M., Knight, A., Bannister, J. M., Ludwig, L. R., Malcolm, W. M., & Orlovich, D. A. (2013). Rediscovery of pycnidia in Thamnolia vermicularis: Implications for chemotype occurrence and distribution. Lichenologist, 45(3), 397-411. doi: 10.1017/S0024282913000017
Teasdale, S. E., Beulke, A. K., Guy, P. L., & Orlovich, D. A. (2013). Environmental barcoding of the ectomycorrhizal fungal genus Cortinarius. Fungal Diversity, 58(1), 299-310. doi: 10.1007/s13225-012-0218-1
Orlovich, D. A., Draffin, S. J., Daly, R. A., & Stephenson, S. L. (2013). Piracy in the high trees: Ectomycorrhizal fungi from an aerial 'canopy soil' microhabitat. Mycologia, 105(1), 52-60. doi: 10.3852/11-307
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Teasdale, S., Wang, X., & Orlovich, D. (2013). Diversity detection of ectomycorrhizal fungi in terrestrial and canopy environments of silver beech, New Zealand. In C. Matthewson, M. Taumoepeau, G. Burnett & I. Iati (Eds.), Proceedings of the Pacific Postgraduate Symposium: Pacific Voices X. (pp. 61). Dunedin, New Zealand: Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Orlovich, D. A., Lyttle, D. J., & Guy, P. L. (2013, January). Phylogenetic trees and tree violets: Making sense of the Melicytus alpinus species complex. Verbal presentation at the VII Southern Connection Congress: Southern Lands and Southern Oceans: Life on the Edge? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Orlovich, D. (2012). Fungi. In A. F. Mark (Ed.), Above the treeline: A nature guide to alpine New Zealand. (pp. 384-387). Nelson, New Zealand: Craig Potton Publishing. [Contribution].
Journal - Research Article
Lee, H. J., Zhang, H., Orlovich, D. A., & Fawcett, J. P. (2012). The influence of probiotic treatment on sulfasalazine metabolism in rat. Xenobiotica, 42(8), 791-797. doi: 10.3109/00498254.2012.660508
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Little, L. M., Eidesen, P. B., Orlovich, D. A., & Lord, J. M. (2012). The polar palette: Flower colour and shape in the Arctic and Sub Antarctic. Proceedings of the International Polar Year (IPY) Conference: From Knowledge to Action. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Lyttle, D. J., Orlovich, D. A., & Guy, P. L. (2011). Detection and analysis of endogenous badnaviruses in the New Zealand flora. AoB Plants, plr008. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plr008
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Orlovich, D. (2011, July). Phylogenetic diversity of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Continarius associated with native and introduced forests in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the XVIII International Botanical Congress (IBC), Melbourne, Australia.
Journal - Research Article
Linder, H. P., Baeza, M., Barker, N. P., Galley, C., Humphreys, A., Lloyd, K. M., Orlovich, D. A., … Verboom, G. A. (2010). A generic classification of the Danthonioideae (Poaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 97(3), 306-364. doi: 10.3417/2009006
Lee, H. J., Waller, R. D., Stebbings, S., Highton, J., Orlovich, D. A., Schmierer, D., & Fawcett, J. P. (2010). The effects of an orally administered probiotic on sulfasalazine metabolism in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis: A preliminary study. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 13(1), 48-54. doi: 10.1111/j.1756-185X.2009.01449.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Myles, B., Waters, J., & Orlovich, D. (2010). Do green algal photobionts co-evolve with their ascomycete hosts? A case study using Menegazzia (Parmeliaceae, Lecanoromycetes). Proceedings of the Australian Systematic Botany Society Conference: Systematic botany across the ditch: Links between Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 53). Retrieved from
Myles, B., Knapp, M., Waters, J., & Orlovich, D. (2010). Towards an understanding of the New Zealand 'beech gap': Phylogeographic evidence from Nothofagus menziesii chloroplast DNA. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 89-90). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Little, L., Lord, J., Bronken Eidesen, P., & Orlovich, D. (2010, October). The polar palette: Flower colour in the Arctic and Sub Antarctic. Verbal presentation at the Māori and Indigenous Doctoral Students Conference: He Rangi Tā Matawhānui: Visualising Wider Horizons, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Rees, B. J., Cracknell, R., Marchant, A., & Orlovich, D. A. (2009). A near-fatal case consistent with mushroom poisoning due to Amanita species. Australasian Mycologist, 28(1), 23-28.
Roberts, A. E., Radford, I. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2009). Do alterations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities change interactions between an invader Hieracium lepidulum and two co-occurring species? A glasshouse study. Australasian Mycologist, 28(2-3), 29-35.
Lee, H. J., Orlovich, D. A., Tagg, J. R., & Fawcett, J. P. (2009). Detection and specific enumeration of multi-strain probiotics in the lumen contents and mucus layers of the rat intestine after oral administration. Probiotics & Antimicrobial Proteins, 1(2), 113-120. doi: 10.1007/s12602-009-9019-6
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Lee, H. J., Waller, R. D., Stebbings, S., Highton, J., Orlovich, D. A., & Fawcett, J. P. (2009). The effects of an oral probiotic on sulphasalazine metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis: Potential for interaction? Internal Medicine Journal. 39(Suppl. 2), (pp. A49). doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2009.01951_1.x
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Lee, H. J., Waller, R. D., Stebbings, S., Highton, J., Orlovich, D. A., & Fawcett, J. P. (2009, September). The effects of an oral probiotic on sulphasalazine metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Guy, P. L., Lyttle, D. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2009, January). Integrated badnaviruses at large in the New Zealand flora. Verbal presentation at the XV Latinamerican Congress of Plant Pathology and the XVIII Congress of the Chilean Society of Plant Pathology, Santiago, Chile.
Lee, H. J., Waller, R. D., Stebbings, S., Highton, J., Orlovich, D. A., & Fawcett, J. P. (2009, February). The effect of probiotic supplementation of sulphasalazine metabolism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A pilot study. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Chapter of the Controlled Release Society 11th Conference on Formulation and Delivery of Bioactives, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Pirie, M. D., Humphreys, A. M., Galley, C., Barker, N. P., Verboom, G. A., Orlovich, D., Draffin, S. J., Lloyd, K., … Linder, H. P. (2008). A novel supermatrix approach improves resolution of phylogenetic relationships in a comprehensive sample of danthonioid grasses. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 48(3), 1106-1119. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2008.05.030
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Lee, H. J., Fawcett, J. P., Mikov, M., Orlovich, D. A., & Tagg, J. R. (2008). Detection and specific enumeration of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Streptococcus salivarius K12 in rat intenstinal contents. Proceedings of the New Zealand Microbiological Society Microbiology Conference. (pp. 9). NZMS. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Lyttle, D. J., Orlovich, D. A., & Guy, P. L. (2008, November). Integrated badnaviruses at large in the New Zealand flora. Verbal presentation at the 8th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Lyttle, D. J., Orlovich, D. A., & Guy, P. L. (2008, November). Pararetrovirus sequences in the New Zealand flora. Verbal presentation at the Virology Theme Meeting, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Lloyd, K. M., Hunter, A. M., Orlovich, D. A., Draffin, S. J., Stewart, A. V., & Lee, W. G. (2007). Phylogeny and biogeography of endemic Festuca (Poaceae) from New Zealand based on nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (trnL-trnF) nucleotide sequences. Aliso, 23, 406-419.
Atkinson, T. J., Miller, A. N., Huhndorf, S. M., & Orlovich, D. A. (2007). Unusual new Chaestosphaeria species from New Zealand: Intrafamilial diversity and elucidations of the Chaetosphaeriaceae - Lasiosphaeriaceae relationship (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycotina). New Zealand Journal of Botany, 45(4), 685-706. doi: 10.1080/00288250709509744
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Lord, J., Knight, A., Orlovich, D., Dickinson, K., & Maegli, T. (2006, August-September). Thamnolia lichens: Alpine canaries for climate change? Verbal presentation at the Joint Conference of the New Zealand Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of Australia, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Lucas, E. J., Belsham, S. R., Lughadha, E. M. N., Orlovich, D. A., Sakuragui, C. M., Chase, M. W., & Wilson, P. G. (2005). Phylogenetic patterns in the fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae: Preliminary molecular evidence. Plant Systematics & Evolution, 251, 35-51.
Journal - Research Other
Orlovich, D. (2005). Review of the book The fungi of New Zealand / Nga harore o Aotearoa (vol. 1): Introduction to fungi of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 43, 361-363.
Journal - Research Article
Bagley, S. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2004). Genet size and distribution of Amanita muscaria in a suburban park, Dunedin, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 42, 939-947.
Orlovich, D. A., & Cairney, J. W. G. (2004). Ectomycorrhizal fungi in New Zealand: Current perspectives and future directions. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 42, 721-738.
Hunter, A. M., Orlovich, D. A., Lloyd, K. M., Lee, W. G., & Murphy, D. J. (2004). The generic position of Austrofestuca littoralis and the reinstatement of Hookerochloa and Festucella (Poaceae) based on evidence from nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (trnL-trnF) DNA sequences. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 42, 253-262.
Journal - Research Article
Belsham, S. R., & Orlovich, D. A. (2003). Development of the hypanthium and androecium in South American Myrtoideae (Myrtaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany, 41, 161-169.
Belsham, S. R., & Orlovich, D. A. (2003). Development of the hypanthium and androecium in Acmena smithii and Syzygium australe (Acmena alliance, Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany, 16, 621-628.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D., & Belsham, S. (2003). Floral development and evolution of fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae. Proceedings of the Conference of the Australian Systematic Botany Society and teh Australasian Mycological Society with the 7th Australasian Bryophyte Workshop and the Orchid Conservation Forum II. (pp. 27). [Abstract]
Bagley, S. J., & Orlovich, D. A. (2003). Population ecology of Amanita muscaria as determined by random amplified microsatellites (RAMS). Proceedings of the Conference of the Australian Systematic Botany Society and thh Australasian Mycological Society with the 7th Australasian Bryophyte Workshop and the Orchid Conservation Forum II. (pp. 59). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Bannister, J. M., Lee, D. E., & Orlovich, D. A. (2003, December). Late Eocene epiphyllous fungi from Pikopiko, Southland, New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Geological Society of New Zealand Inc 2003 Annual Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Rees, B. J., Zuccarello, G. C., & Orlovich, D. A. (2002). Relationships between Australian and northern hemisphere Gymnopilus species II. A preliminary phylogeny of species of Gymnopilus and related genera based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA. Mycotaxon, 84, 93-110.
Belsham, S. R., & Orlovich, D. A. (2002). Development of the hypanthium and androecium in New Zealand Myrtoideae (Myrtaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany, 40, 687-695.
Orlovich, D. A., & Oliver, A.-M. B. (2002). The taxonomic identity of Gymnopilus rubrocastaneus recently described from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 40, 481-487.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Stringer, A., Wang, Y., Bulman, S., Hall, I. R., & Orlovich, D. A. (2002). Boletus edulis sensu lato down under. In I. R. Hall, Y. Wang, E. Danell & A. Zambonelli (Eds.), Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms and their cultivation. (pp. CD ROM). Christchurch: NZ Institute for Crop & Food Research. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Orlovich, D. A., Oliver, A. M. B., & Rees, B. J. (2002). A molecular phylogeny of Gymnopilus, using ribosomal ITS DNA sequence data. Proceedings of the 7th International Mycological Congress. (pp. 126). [Abstract]
Oliver, A. M. B., & Orlovich, D. A. (2002). A revision of Gymnopilus in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 7th International Mycological Congress. (pp. 224). [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Rees, B. J., Orlovich, D. A., & Marks, P. B. D. (1999). Treading the fine line between small-statured Gymnopilus and excentrically stipitate Galerina species in Australia. Mycological Research, 103, 427-442.
Ashford, A. E., Vesk, P. A., Orlovich, D. A., Markovina, A.-L., & Allaway, W. G. (1999). Dispersed polyphosphate in fungal vacuoles in Eucalyptus pilularis/Pisolithus tinctorius ectomycorrhizas. Fungal Genetics & Biology, 28, 21-33.
Ladiges, P. Y., McFadden, G. I., Middleton, N., Orlovich, D. A., Treloar, N., & Udovicic, F. (1999). Phylogeny of Melaleuca, Callistemon, and related genera of the Beaufortia suballiance (Myrtaceae) based on 5S and ITS-1 spacer regions of nrDNA. Cladistics, 15(2), 151-172. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.1999.tb00257.x
Orlovich, D. A., Drinnan, A. N., & Laniges, P. Y. (1999). Floral development in Melaleuca and Callistemon (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany, 11, 689-710.
Journal - Research Article
Cole, L., Orlovich, D. A., & Ashford, A. E. (1998). Structure, function and motility of vaccuole in filamentous fungi. Fungal Genetics & Biology, 24, 86-100.