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botany marine lacture

You can undertake a Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Botany or you can do a minor in Botany as part of your BSc, Bachelor of Applied Science (BAppSci), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Theology (Btheol) or Bachelor of Commerce (BCom).

Our BSc in Botany provides students with a foundation in the general biology, ecology and physiology of plants and associated organisms such as cynobacteria and fungi. The requirements for a major in Botany are (for existing students the requirements will vary depending on when you enrolled):

Papers needed for a major in Botany
First year Plants: How They Shape the World (BIOL 123)
One of BIOL 112, CELS 191, ECOL 111, HUBS 191, HUBS 192
One of CHEM 111, CHEM 191, STAT 110, STAT 115, PHIS 191
Second year Plant Functional Biology and Biotechnology (BTNY 201)
Plant and Fungal Diversity (BTNY 202)
Marine and Freshwater Botany (BTNY 203)
Third year Four of
Plant Ecology (BTNY 301)
Plant Interactions (BTNY 302)
Topics in Field Botany (BTNY 303)
Applied Plant Science (PLBI 301)
Plants for the Future (PLBI 302)
Papers needed for a minor in Botany
First year BIOL 123
Second year Two of BTNY 201, BNTY 202, BTNY 203
Third year Two of BTNY 301-303, or one of BTNY 301-303 and one of PLBI 301, PLBI 302

More information about a Botany degree requirements:

Visit the courses and subjects page.

For guidance on constructing your degree program we provide suggested degree programs with emphases on:

  • Terrestrial Ecology
  • Marine Ecology
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Plant Molecular Biology
  • Plant Evolutionary Biology
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