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Trent Smith - image

06 Jun 2023

Background in biology helps economics research

Economics and neuroscience may seem like an unlikely combination, but Associate...

06 Jun 2023

Background in biology helps economics research

Economics and neuroscience may seem like an unlikely combination, but Associate...

Isobella Sigley - image

17 May 2023

Creating positive change through sustainable finance

When Isobella Te-Iringa-A-Rangi O Te Moana Nui Sigley (Ngāpuhi) learned that inv...

17 May 2023

Creating positive change through sustainable finance

When Isobella Te-Iringa-A-Rangi O Te Moana Nui Sigley (Ngāpuhi) learned that inv...

Ros Whiting image

08 May 2023

Associate Professor Ros Whiting retires

Interacting with, mentoring and advising students has been a highlight of Associ...

28 Apr 2023

Associate Professor Ros Whiting retires

Interacting with, mentoring and advising students has been a highlight of Associ...

Brock students 2023 - image

31 Mar 2023

From Ontario to Te Waipounamu - Summer School Abroad rekindles international connections

This summer, tauira from Canada’s Brock University attended Otago as part of the...

31 Mar 2023

From Ontario to Te Waipounamu - Summer School Abroad rekindles international connections

This summer, tauira from Canada’s Brock University attended Otago as part of the...

28 Mar 2023

People key to tourism’s role in post-COVID recovery

The tourism industry is poised to pull New Zealand through the aftermath of the...

28 Mar 2023

People key to tourism’s role in post-COVID recovery

The tourism industry is poised to pull New Zealand through the aftermath of the...

24 Mar 2023

Walking trail’s new project to “renew, restore, rebuild”

The kaitiaki of New Zealand’s longest trail hopes it will become the world’s “fi...

24 Mar 2023

Walking trail’s new project to “renew, restore, rebuild”

The kaitiaki of New Zealand’s longest trail hopes it will become the world’s “fi...

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