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Media-wide sharing needed: Academic

Anaru Eketone: I celebrated when I turned 60, because life expectancy for Māori is 59

Four-year $5.2m project to improve water health

Anaru Eketone - It’s no coincidence: the rise in gang numbers alongside the housing crisis


MPs' report ignores track record of crypto boosterism

Emissions need both a price and a cap

Māori lecturers selected for prestigious programme

How much would a Taylor Swift concert benefit NZ's economy?

“Anti-Racism, Anti-Colonialism and Climate Change”: Christine J. Winter

A concerted effort to centre the voices of the disenfranchised

Meet Kaya Tanoa-Kaivananga, President of Te Tai Tuarā (TTT)

Meet the woman putting culture at the heart of urban planning

Te Maea members attend Murihuku Marae opening

We should recall co-governance is nothing new

New guide released to help communities in Aotearoa New Zealand tackle major challenges

Anaru Eketone: There’s a lot of scaremongering about Māori elite, but what about the Pākehā elite?

Lessons from Bola unheeded: "We created a false sense of security"


NZ Productivity Commission welcomes new Commissioner

Otago Study provides ESG Lemons

How Māori tourism is sharing our land and stories with manuhiri

Māori and Pacific bear the brunt of our need for structural unemployment

Māori Business students celebrated at annual Recognition Awards

CODE Marks Limited Company Status With Grants To Dunedin Video Game Developers

Last-century Maori writing published

How one iwi is navigating farming while caring for wai māori

Study prompted by climate change impacts

Embedding sustainability in the business

Co-ordinating a focus on purpose

Moana Jackson was the most articulate, original and forceful intellectual of his generation

Air NZ $1.2b rights offer was a test of how Sharesies serves its members

Some sustainability talk may be hot air: report

Talk is cheap: Kiwi investors aren't as ethical as they claim

Forecasting the next five years of the COVID-19 crisis – Expert Reaction


Book done and edited by Katharina Ruckstuhl, Merata Kawharu, Maria Amoamo He Pou Hiringa: Grounding science and Technology in Te Ao Māori

NZIER Summer reading list for the Prime Minister (PDF)

Otago research could inform future cannabis legalisation policies

Excellence in teaching celebrated at Otago Staff Awards

What's going on with Facebook's new Meta rebrand and why should we care?

Māori leadership is crucial in Kiwi business

Cryptocurrency stands by itself

Covid-19: Why so many people thought Delta was in the South Island

Otago survey provides insights into working from home

Indigenous scholars struggle to be heard in the mainstream. Here's how journal editors and reviewers can help

Researchers and scholars elected to Academy

Bachelor of Entrepreneurship ready to launch

Course aims to inspire Maori entrepreneurs

Workers are increasingly blurring the lines between home and work since lockdown

Collaboration high on the minds of NZ startup ecosystem

The month the meetings stopped: How summer makes us work smarter

Power restructure needed to enhance Indigenous engagement in planning, research shows

Property demand high despite advice


Tourism business built on whanau values

Curious Minds: Diane Ruwhiu

'Bottleneck' in design of food traceability systems

Rebuilding Aotearoa

Why we shouldn't take down statues

Awakening the taniwha: Unleashing community potential from the rubble of Covid-19

Rethink for Māori economy

Recovery chance for real change

E-commerce as Covid antidote

Budget 2020 – Expert Reaction

Urgent need to decolonise urban planning: Otago researcher

Working past crisis

Dr. Katharina Ruckstuhl speaks to us about ORCID an Open Researcher and Contributor Platform

Indigenous challenge to big data use

Coronavirus: Why we do what we're told when our society is shut down

Five research projects to increase Māori knowledge – none of them led by Māori

Ire over lack of Māori academics in Māori research projects

Cannabis 'normal' among students

Entrepreneurship Nurturing Organisations (ENOs) foster business growth and well-being

Indigenous genomics under the microscope at SING conference


Maya meet Māori: the indigenous people learning from each other in Aotearoa

New indigenous Māori paper launching next month

Rethinking Plastics in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Visiting our billion-dollar neighbour CSIRO

Katharina Ruckstuhl on inclusive Innovation

The past is present


Paths to Innovation

New programme to boost Māori entrepreneurship

10 questions with…Lyn Carter

P1 researchers release initial findings

'Madness' to search for more fossil fuels, but can NZ pay the price of giving it up?

How will climate change impact Aotearoa?

Study calls for sugar tax


Scholarships awarded to young Māori forging path in accounting

Developing a Mātauranga framework for better land and water use - Mauri Whenua Ora

CPA Australia Māori Scholarship awarded to Otago commerce student

World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education


Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa (National Māori Accountants Network)

Which way will the city go

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