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Sun striking the Clocktower

Sarah MeldrumSarah Meldrum
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Information Science) Although she could have studied anywhere in New Zealand, Information Science honours student Sarah Meldrum chose Otago for its reputation and the great lifestyle Dunedin offers.

“I'm loving the whole Otago experience – although I'm often busy studying, there are so many opportunities to meet new people and experience new things.”

Sarah says she initially considered a variety of subjects for her major, and Otago's flexible study options meant she could explore them all before deciding to focus on Information Science.

“When I was thinking about university study, science and commerce both really appealed – I'm so pleased I settled on Information Science because it offers the best of both worlds, combining business and technology in the one degree.

“The staff and lecturers are so helpful and are always willing to answer questions, which makes study more enjoyable – when you have a good relationship with your teachers, it makes it easier to learn.

In addition to enjoying studying the subject, Sarah can see how relevant Information Science is to potential career paths.

“I've learnt so much about the role information and information systems play in the constantly changing 'digital age'. This knowledge will allow me to work in corporate organisations, bringing people and business together with new technologies in innovative ways.”

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