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If you are an aspiring academic or want to explore your passion, an Otago Business School Master of Commerce, PhD or Doctor of Business Administration by research can make the difference.

Research degrees involve independent research under the supervision of academic staff, and the completion of a thesis.

Research degrees can be challenging and highly rewarding – find answers to the big research questions, make significant discoveries and help your wider community.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Shanghai or New Zealand

The aim of the programme is to ensure that knowledge is developed to have direct and practical application for businesses with a strong focus on socially responsible business. The degree is structured to allow candidates to continue working and to focus on specific business problems within their own workplace as part of their degree. Two locations: New Zealand or Shanghai.

Master of Commerce (MCom)

The Master of Commerce (MCom) degree allows for the development of individual research in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Science, International Business, Management, Marketing or Tourism. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to existing fields or to begin to develop new areas of research. A one-year thesis-only research degree.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree offered by the University of Otago. It is awarded on the submission of a thesis which must meet rigorous standards. It requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. A three-year thesis-only research degree.

Postgraduate enrolment and applications

Postgraduate students are required both to enrol with the University of Otago, and also apply to the Otago Business School for admission to a programme of study.

Apply for a postgraduate Business course

If you have further questions, please contact:

University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

Tel 0800 80 80 98 (callers within New Zealand)
Tel +64 3 479 7000 (callers outside New Zealand)

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