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Discover the world of work and job opportunities

Each year employers visit the University of Otago to talk about the opportunities their organisation has to offer through expos, festivals and pathway events. In addition, the Career Development Centre runs a series of weekly webinars and workshops throughout the year to help students develop job search skills and connect with employers.

Start developing your professional network

It's on campus, and it's free:

  • Meet face-to-face with employers
  • Find out about graduate-level job openings and internships
  • Know what employers look for in graduates
  • Start networking at career expos and presentations
  • Learn about companies' culture and values

Career events at Otago

Log in for expos, festivals, employer presentations, pathways events,
webinars and workshops


Search for vacancies

Start your job search with the NZUni Talent job board

Casual vacancies on campus

Tutoring, demonstrating, assistant and
other casual positions at the University of Otago

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