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Interview reading material

Read our booklet and build confidence for your next interview.
Interview Skills booklet (PDF)

Read our eBook for tips on finding employment in the digital age – and learn how to turn rejection into successful job hunting.

CareersNZ's Job Hunters (eBook)

Seminars on interview skills

Student in seminarOur career advisers run seminars and workshops on interview skills and techniques throughout the year.

Visit OtagoCareerHub for information about upcoming sessions


Interview360 is both a question library and an interview practicing tool. Browse hundreds of interview questions including behavioural and competency-based questions and learn how to answer them. Then practice your interview technique in a mock video interview. You can choose from three options - or try all of them:

  • AI supported interview based on the content of your CV
  • Auto-generated interview
  • Custom interview - you select the questions

Need more help with preparing for your interview?

Find out how to succeed at interviewing

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