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What is it?

Otago Mentor Match (OMM) connects undergraduate and postgraduate final-year students with experienced Otago alumni from all over the world for valuable industry insights, networking, and skill development to help prepare them for the professional world. Alumni mentors offer guidance on career development, goal setting, job search strategies, enhancing students' readiness for workplace transitions.

Linked by common experiences, our alumni mentors present an amazing resource to our current students by helping them find out what it takes to succeed in their future careers. Simultaneously, the programme provides a platform for alumni mentors to share their rich knowledge and develop their mentoring skills.

How it works

Pairing Process

Interested individuals fill out a registration form. Matches are based on professional backgrounds, career goals, and shared interests, fostering relevant and impactful mentorships.


Mentor-mentee pairs typically engage through email, phone, and video calls, with face-to-face meetings possible if agreed upon. Each pairing is expected to meet at least three times during the programme.


The programme begins at the start of semester one and runs through the end of semester two, with no obligation to continue the relationship post-programme.


The Career Development Centre offers ongoing webinars and discussion forums that provide resources to get the most out of OMM.

Participation benefits


  • Access to mentor's accumulated knowledge and expertise.
  • Expanding networks and increasing visibility.
  • Encouragement, support, different perspectives, and constructive feedback.
  • Sounding board for innovative ideas and working through challenges.
  • Increased self-awareness and confidence to make a successful transition from university into graduate employment.


  • Enhancing leadership and communication skills by sharing skills and expertise.
  • Opportunity to reflect on own practice, attitudes, and values.
  • An expanded network of colleagues.
  • Learning from mentee's experiences and knowledge.
  • Satisfaction in supporting the growth of Otago’s next alumni.

Mentoring Guidelines

Why students join

I am so grateful for the opportunities that signing up for this programme has led to. I started out with no idea as to how to navigate the working world and I'm leaving the programme feeling more informed and with a connection that will last years. My mentor is incredibly kind and knowledgeable and has set me up with new connections. Forever grateful!

Eva R, Psychology

Why alumni join

Getting to mentor students is a rewarding way to give back to (U Otago). What makes the experience even better is that the mentees are actively involved in wanting to better their future. It's a fantastic opportunity for the mentor to develop leadership qualities and build confidence in this area, which is a crucial quality to have in the workforce. I implore everyone to consider being a mentor at some point!

Daniel W, Mentor

Programme focus

Students enrolled in the following programmes will be given priority in the matching process:

  • Accountancy and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Film and Communication
  • History
  • HR Management
  • Human Nutrition
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Media
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Physical Education
  • Psychology
  • Sport and Exercise Sciences

Students enrolled in other programmes are welcome to apply. However, preference will be given to those in our current target programmes. If you are a head of department/school and would like to know more about Otago Mentor Match and how your programme can become one of our future target programmes, contact the Programme Co-ordinator (details below).


Registration for 2024 has closed. If you have questions about next year's programme, please contact the Programme Co-ordinator.


For registration questions and more detailed programme information, please contact:

Patrick Mazzocco
Programme Co-ordinator

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