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What to expect

Contact hours

Aim for a minimum of 3 contact hours by October.

While meeting more is certainly beneficial, it is important to that neither the mentor nor mentee be burdened by or pressured by participation in OMM .

Open communication

Mentors, please be generous and conscientious in sharing insights. Our student mentees are developing professionals and look to you for guidance.

Mentees, please be respectful and courteous toward your mentors. They are busy professionals who are volunteering their time to support you in your career development.

Should any mentor or mentee experience concerns or conflict related to OMM and feel unsure how to handle it, they should contact the Programme Coordinator immediately so the issue can be resolved in a way that is in the best interest of everyone involved.

Initial meeting

Establish preferred communication methods and availability.

Decide on the frequency and modality of interactions.

Set goals and expectations.


You may wish to tell your mentor about:

  • What you would like to gain from this experience
  • Your career ideas and what you want to do after graduation
  • Setting goals for the mentorship and being open with your mentor about areas you feel you need to develop on


You may wish to tell your mentee about:

  • Your career path and why you chose it
  • Your current position and the kinds of tasks you do on a daily basis
  • What you like most about your current role, and if there are any parts you find challenging
  • Your experience of the transition from being a student to working in a professional capacity and what you wish you had known during this transition

Mid-Programme review

Reflect on goal progress and any challenges.

Consider if there is a need to adjust initial goals.

Final meeting

Wrap up discussions and review long-term plans.

Develop an action plan for the mentee’s future.

Share experiences and feedback on the mentorship programme via the evaluation form.

Next steps for engagement

  1. Registration: Sign up to become an OMM alumni mentor or student mentee.
  2. Initial contact: Upon matching, introduce yourself to your mentee or mentor, expressing your enthusiasm.
  3. Preparation: Review the OMM Handbook and plan your first mentoring session.
  4. Documentation: Keep notes of your meetings and communicate with the Programme Coordinator as needed.
  5. Community involvement: Unmatched participants are encouraged to engage in OMM community events for continuous learning and networking.

Defining success

Success in the OMM programme is characterised by sharing industry insights, enhancing employability skills, networking, career strategy development, relationship and trust-building, and boosting the mentee’s confidence.

Additional information

Alumni mentors’ details will be shared with the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) to enhance programme participation and offer continuous engagement opportunities.

Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO)

The OMM guidelines are designed to foster focused and effective mentorship experiences. By following these guidelines, mentors and mentees can navigate their mentorship journey effectively, ensuring a mutually beneficial and enriching experience.

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