All Carrington residents belong to a "Flouse” (a unique term to describe a floor/house). Each Flouse is assigned a Sub-Warden, who is somewhat like an older sibling.
Each Flouse is equipped with a kitchen space which includes basic appliances to refrigerate perishable foods and prepare hot drinks and snacks. Some Flouses have full cooking facilities which you are welcome to use, as long as you clean up after yourself. Please wash, dry and properly store all dishes used, whether personal or communal.
Our catering team offers cake packs to make birthday cakes for people within your Flouse!
Milk for tea and coffee is also provided.
The ratio of bathrooms to students in each Flouse is approximately 1:5, meaning you will never have to wait long to have a shower in the morning. All toilets and showers are located in individual units to ensure your privacy. Bathrooms are cleaned daily by our fantastic team of cleaners.
We have placed washing machines and dryers in each Flouse for your convenience. There is also a selection of clothes lines around the College.
The College is staffed 24/7, with the Tautaiki, Deputy and Sub-Warden team living on site. Sub-Wardens complete evening duties which are followed by contracted security on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Our Reception number – 03 479 5533 – is monitored 24/7. Senior Management also liaises with the University's Campus Watch security team who are on duty at all times. In the case of an emergency, Senior Management can be phoned at any time.
Security measures
- Individual room keys and time-programmed electronic keys for building access
- Automatically locking doors
- Highly trained residential staff
- Surveillance cameras
- Emergency evacuation procedures
- Smoke or heat detection systems in all areas.