Murray spends his time facilitating learning alongside leaders in school- or centre-based sessions, with an emphasis on teams as well as with individuals. His focus is primarily in Early Years, Primary and Intermediate school settings.
Murray takes a strengths-based approach in his coaching and focuses on creating dialogue through rich learning conversations. He places emphasis on appreciative inquiry and on leadership as a relational endeavour through his human-centric practice.
Murray is a leadership coach with individuals and teams, with an emphasis on supervision from a strengths-based perspective. He has a particular connection to the narratives shared by leaders as he walks alongside each of them in their own context. Murray has recently completed his Ph.D. exploring the inner aspects of Being, with leaders in transformative learning.
Murray has a background in teacher education with experience gained as a school facilitator and coach, after spending time in leadership roles in schools.
Murray has been an online learning facilitator involved in co-teaching effective principal ship as a postgraduate university qualification; has been involved in developing aspiring principal learning and has focused, as a both a researcher and a practitioner, on learning facilitation. His personal learning continues through Te Wānanga O Aotearoa.