Agriculture and food research projects
- Adapting Principles from Te Rongoa into ecologically and culturally sustainable farm practice
- Agriculture and Energy (Fitzgerald)
- Agricultural Intensification and Climate Change
- Agriculture Research Group on Sustainability (ARGOS): Pathways to sustainability in primary production – social
- Agriculture Research Group on Sustainability (ARGOS): Pathways to sustainability in primary production – environment
- ARGOS (Agriculture Research Group on Sustainability)
- Biological Economies
- Constructive Conversations: Biotechnologies dialogue and informed decision making
- Dairy Farm Management and Monitoring (Manono)
- Enacting the alter-native: a theoretical reframing of Māori food initiatives in Aotearoa New Zealand (Piatti)
- Farmers' participation in water pollution reduction programs in New Zealand (Hall)
- Farmer Subjectivities and Imagined Landscapes: Reponses to climate change in New Zealand
- Fighting for Food Safety in Post-Fukushima Japan (Burch)
- Global and Local: Agri-Food Systems (Dwiartama)
- Greening Food: Social and industry dynamics
- How green was my valley?
- Indigenous Agroecology
- Indigenous Anti-Parasitic Plants: Contributions to biodiversity and agricultural sustainability
- Social resilience: the impact of institutional arrangements (Wither)
- Investigating ‘Food Waste Regimes’ in primary production: lessons from the Kiwifruit Industry in Aotearoa New Zealand. (Croad)
- Maori Women and Food sovereignty (Stein)
- New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard
- Rural Futures
- Social Capital, Resilience, and Smallholder Dairy Farmers: A Case Study for Four Communities in West Java, Indonesia (Kresna)
- Sub-clinical Parasitism in Red Deer
- The Depoliticisation of Deprivation: Food Insecurity in Aotearoa New Zealand (Reynolds)
- The Fate of Biotechnology: Why do some of the public reject scientific technologies?
- The political nature of food banks (Cresswell Riol)
Energy transitions research projects
- Agriculture and Energy
- Attitudes of non-submitters towards windfarms
- Children's Energy Consumption (Aguirre-Bielschowsky)
- Developing an energy-related Time-Use Diary for gaining insights into New Zealand households' electricity consumption (Ocampo)
- Driver Behaviour
- Energy Cultures 1
- Generation Y mobilities
- Household Energy (Gnoth)
- Lighting Vanuatu
- Long term modelling of the NZ power system: the impacts of rapid electric vehicle uptake. (Powell)
- Mobility Trends in New Zealand
- Shifting energy cultures: Do household electricity consumption patterns change after adoption of solar PV? (Dortans)
- Social Acceptance of Renewable Electricity Developments in New Zealand
Environment and community research projects
- Applying Mātauranga Māori to restore and protect coastal environments
- Assessing awareness of and attitudes towards climate change in the New Zealand pastoral sector
- Climate Change Impacts on Māori
- Computer decision support to aid sustainable customary use of taonga species
- “Faces of Stone”: environmental history and cultures of Paha Sapa (The Black Hills), USA (Stovall)
- Ka ora te whenua, kaora te tangata
- Knowledge use in co-management (researcher moved to a different organistaion)
- Māori knowledge & RMA
- Researching case studies that demonstrate adaption to climate change
- Restitution of Marae and communities through Mahinga Kai
- Mauri and Museums: Who really cares? The tensions between kaitiakitanga and museology (Metzger)
- Telling Stories: Community engagement in a complex and dynamic natural hazards adaptation context at the Head of Lake Whakatipu (MacKenzie)
- The Built Environment and Active Transport to School (BEATS)
- The role of local knowledge in Yancheng National Nature Reserve management (Lu)
- Tirohia he Huarahi: Plans, Power, Partnerships
- Voluntary Carbon Markets: Analysis of risks and opportunities – Investigating the social dynamics of emissions trading scenarios in New Zealand's pastoral sector
Environment and ecological systems research projects
- Absolving the Sins of Emission: Emerging governance of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand
- He reo reiuru, he reo rauriki: whakataukī and conservation in Aotearoa (research moved to different organisation)
- Kia Mau Te Titi Mo Ake Tonu Atu – Harvests of Titi by Rakiura Maori
- Māori Customary Seabird Harvest
- Modelling Mātauranga
- Ecological drivers of seabird recovery after the eradication of introduced predators (Buxton)
- Sooty Shearwater Trends (Humphries)
- Sustaining toheroa (Paphies ventricosa) in Murihiku: Mātauranga Māori, monitoring and management
- The Ethics of Killing Invasive Animals in Ecological Restoration (Specht)
- Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai: Application of traditional knowledge and social-ecological research to enhance environmental and cultural wellbeing through mātaitai and taiāpure
- Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai (sub-projects)
- Te Hirringa Tangata Ki Te Tai Timu Ki TeTai Pari – Facilitating bicultural restoration of coastal forests using seabirds as ecosystem engineers
- Te Hononga o nga Au: Joining science and matauranga for ecosystem co-management
- Traditional Māori and scientific methods for translocating and reseeding Paua (Haliotis iris)
- Weka and rat impact studies on the Titi Islands
- Whakamana Whanau: Managing metapopulations using matauranga and science for more productive and sustainable fishing
- Who is catching what?