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PhD graduates


Florian Weller
Monitoring bird abundance on New Zealand pastoral farms


Josh Adams
Movements, migration, and ocean habits of six Pacific seabird species

Sarah Meadows
Birds as indicators of agroecosystem resilience and sentinels of market accreditation: A case study of New Zealand South Island sheep/beef farms

Stephanie Rotarangi
Maori decision drivers for forest management and national sustainability


Daniela Serra
Implementation of a marine protected area in Chile: consequences of neglecting local socio-cultural factors


Angga Dwiartama
Investigating resilience of agriculture and food systems: insights from two theories and two case studies

Bonface Manono
Effects of irrigation, effluent dispersal and organic farming on earthworms and soil microbes in New Zealand dairy farms

Sophal Chhun
Valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services to improve spatial management of near-shore marine areas in New Zealand

Ikerne Aguirre-Bielschowsky
Electricity Saving Behaviours and Energy Literacy of New Zealand Children

David McKay
Environmental Education/Education for Sustainability informed by Maori Culture

Rachel Buxton
Ecological drivers of seabird recovery after the eradication of introduced predators


Cinzia Piatti
Enacting the alter-native: A theoretical reframing of local food initiatives in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Grant Humphries
Estimating Regions of Oceanographic Importance for Seabirds Using A-Spatial Data


Daniel Gnoth
Residential mobility and changing energy related behaviour

Yuan Lu
The role of local knowledge in Yancheng National Nature Reserve management


Karly Burch
Eating a nuclear disaster: A vital institutional ethnography of everyday eating in the aftermath of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster

Gilles Marciniak
The Landscapes of Today and Tomorrow - A phenomenological exploration of experience and anticipation in the context of climate change

Karyn Stein
Māori Women Promoting Food Sovereignty in Aotearoa (New Zealand)


Salma Bakr
Dynamic Demand Response in Residential Prosumer Collectives

Imran Khan
A Temporal Approach to Characterizing Electrical Peak Demand: Assessment of GHG Emissions at the Supply Side and Identification of Dominant Household Factors at the Demand Side

Fatima McKague
Fuel Poverty in New Zealand - Implications for Policy


Raaniera Te Whata
Ināianei, i Mua, ā Muri Ake – Now, then, next: A whakapapa analysis of engagement approaches to tangata, whenua and wai: A community case study in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland)

Katharine Cresswell-Riol
Paying with dignity: Neoliberalisation and the human cost of food charity

Rudi Kresna
Social Capital, Resilience, and Smallholder Dairy Farmers:  A Case Study of Four Communities in West Java, Indonesia

Will Stovall
Face of stone: environmental history and cultures of Paha Sapa (The Black Hills), USA

David Wither
Social resilience:  The impact of institutional arrangements


Abbi Virens
Seeing the city for the weeds: A genealogical exploration of foraging in Dunedin, New Zealand

Shakti Raj Shrestha
Risk, ethics, and control: Post-earthquake cordons in theory and in practice


Carsten Dortans
Shifting energy cultures:  Do household electricity consumptions patterns change after adoption of solar PV?

Benjamin Dudley Tombs
Property Purgatory

Masters' graduates


Guinivere Coleman
Birds as indicators of sustainable management practices on New Zealand kiwifruit orchards.


Angela MacKenzie
Constructing the Tory Channel / Kura Te Au Mataitai Reserve proposal through different eyes.


Nicole McCrossin
Intention and Implementation: Piecing Together Provisions for Māori in the Resource Management Act 1991

Alison Stoddart
A Matter of Waste: Making experiences and perceptions of household food waste visible


Felicity Topp
From Vision to Action: Transitions to Sustainability in Otago's Tertiary Education Institutions

Diana Ocampo
Developing an energy-related Time-Use Diary for gaining insights into New Zealand households' electricity consumption


Madeline Hall
From 'Producers' to 'Polluters': Farmers' experience in the Lake Taupō Water Quality Trading Program

David Reynolds
The Depoliticisation of Deprivation: Food Insecurity in Aotearoa New Zealand

Mark Specht
The Ethics of Killing Invasive Animals in Ecological Restoration


Letisha Nicholas
On Common Ground: How landlords and tenants shape thermal performance of private rental properties

Carsten Dortans
Estimating the Technical Potential for Residential Household Appliances to Reduce Daily Peak Electricity Demand in New Zealand


Trixie Croad
Investigating 'Food Waste Regimes' in Primary Production: Lessons from The Kiwifruit Industry in Aotearoa New Zealand

Mira O'Connor
Master of Arts (Coursework)


Jamie MacKenzie
Telling Stories: Community engagement in a complex and dynamic natural hazards adaptation context at the Head of Lake Whakatipu

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