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12 Aug 2021

COVID-19 antibodies and heart health, focus of new study

Christchurch researchers are aiming to get a handle on the number of Kiwis exposed to COVID-19 and how long antibodies t...

Rehua marae thumbnail

08 Jul 2021

Raising awareness of Māori heart health

The Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI), Rangahau Manawa o Ōtautahi, is working alongside the Māori community to raise aw...

31 May 2021

Otago projects receive $1.64m Health Research Council funding

Better outcomes for women suffering from New Zealand’s most common gynaecological cancer and a bioactive toothpaste that...

12 Mar 2021

Keeping on track

Professor Vicky Cameron ran the Buller Half Marathon recently, coming second in the 65+ age group.

12 Mar 2021

New Māori Research Adviser at the Christchurch Heart Institute

The Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI) has recruited a Māori Research Adviser to help them appropriately respond to the...

12 Mar 2021

A gut response

Working in a lab to help further research into the relationship between the microbiome and cardiovascular disease, may n...

12 Mar 2021

Medical student’s summer of research

Fergus Allan was going to be an accountant when he left Palmerston North Boys High.

08 Jan 2021

Gold Medal for Research

Professor Chris Charles has received the University of Otago Gold Medal for Research.

Research Group award 2020 thumbnail

17 Dec 2020

CHI receive Research Group Award

Christchurch Heart Institute is the 2020 recipient of the University of Otago Research Group Award.

Mark Richards image thumb

27 Oct 2020

Centres for Research Excellence

The Christchurch Heart Institute is excited to be part of a new cardiovascular Centre for Research Excellence (CoRE), ai...

06 Oct 2020

Welcome to the CHI!

We warmly welcome Dr Wendy Ip to the CHI team, as Laboratory Manager in the Omics Lab.

06 Oct 2020

Super charging heart hormones

Dr Nicola Scott and Associate Professor Miriam Rademaker of the CHI’s Preclinical Lab, have won funding from the Canterb...

06 Oct 2020

Heart health risk of premature birth

The heart health of adults born prematurely, and their mothers, is the focus of a new collaborative study between the CH...

06 Oct 2020

Personalised healthcare

Dr Sarah Appleby has been awarded a Canterbury Medical Research Foundation (CMRF) grant ($109,719) and a Heart Foundatio...

06 Oct 2020

Pasifika heart health

Research Fellows Dr Moritz Lassé and Dr Allamanda Faatoese have been awarded a two-year Heart Foundation project grant (...

06 Oct 2020

Celebrating Heart Foundation Fellowships

Dr Janice Chew-Harris of the Translational Biodiscovery Lab and Evie Templeton, who is nearing the end of her PhD in the...

06 Oct 2020

Faster detection of kidney injury

Aiming to develop better blood tests to identify which patients with acute heart failure are at risk of incurring damage...

06 Oct 2020

World first study on protective blood hormone could help reduce cardiovascular deaths

Deaths from cardiovascular disease could be reduced thanks to another world-first finding by researchers at the Christch...

02 Oct 2020

Breakthrough findings may help prevent heart failure after a heart attack

A breakthrough discovery combining two powerful technologies looks set to help doctors intervene earlier and perhaps pre...

CHI2020 image

17 Sep 2020

Christchurch cardiac research group wins University’s premier award

A Christchurch research group whose work has changed the way clinicians around the globe diagnose and treat heart condit...

26 Aug 2020

World-first study on blood hormone could help reduce cardiovascular deaths

A simple blood test could identify seemingly-healthy people with a high hidden risk of heart disease thanks to a world-f...

CHI thumbnail

03 Aug 2020

NZ’s aged care sector to gain from new cardiovascular research focus

NZ’s aged care sector to gain from new cardiovascular research focus

29 Jun 2020

International opportunities enhance PhD perspectives

International opportunities enhance PhD perspectives

15 Apr 2020

Christchurch team gets wacky in the name of team building and morale

Christchurch team gets wacky in the name of team building and morale

06 Dec 2019

New Light on Heart Failure in Obesity

Obese people with heart failure are less able to produce a naturally occurring heart-protecting hormone, due to a change...

06 Dec 2019

Maori and Pasifika make point of difference in heart failure salt study

New Zealanders with heart failure are taking part in an international study to find out if a low salt diet will improve...

11 Nov 2019

Not doomed by genetics

It is well-known that heart disease runs in families. The good news is our genetic inheritance does not mean we are doom...

29 Oct 2019

Detective Work

Detective Work with Research Fellow D Moritz Lasse at the Christchurch Heart Institute

06 Oct 2019

Safer medication

Safer medication news article, Christchurch Heart Institute

05 Sep 2019

With gratitude

With gratitude to the Hugo Trust, Christchurch Heart Institute

28 Aug 2019

Inspired Health

Inspired Health - news article from Christchurch Health

26 Jun 2019

Ground-breaking human heart tissue study

Ground-breaking human heart tissue study, Christchurch Heart Institute

15 May 2019

Not doomed by genetics

Not doomed by genetics

15 Mar 2019

Dr Amjad Hambi, Rest in Peace

Dr Amjad Hambi, Rest in Peace

18 Oct 2018

New blood test may help rule out heart attack within 15 minutes

New blood test may help rule out heart attack within 15 minutes

Heart Foundation 50 Years logo thumbnail

13 Jun 2018

Talking our socks off!

13 June 2018. It’s winter, why would we want to talk our socks off? Well, not literally of course – but the CHI team, in...

17 May 2018

Diabetes – a pressure cooker

The close relationship of diabetes and heart disease has not gone unnoticed by the CHI team.

16 Apr 2018

Medical research has its benefits

Taking part in research studies at the Christchurch Heart Institute, is an opportunity to receive on going and beneficia...

13 Mar 2018

Works of heart

13 March 2018. On a shelf in Professor Vicky Cameron’s office is something that looks like a piece of art, housed in a g...

Broken heart thumb

27 Feb 2018

New study shows when ‘broken hearts’ are most deadly

A University of Otago, Christchurch, summer student has identified the days when patients are most vulnerable to dying f...

Mark Richards thumb

27 Feb 2018

New Zealand-led heart failure findings debunk world medical view

Thousands of New Zealanders can look forward to improvements in treatment and care of heart failure following new resear...

20 Dec 2017

Ambulance driver becomes patient in own ambulance

Ambulance driver suffers heart attack in her own ambulance and is now part of the MENZACS genetic links to heart health...

26 Oct 2017

Inherited heart disease: you're not doomed by your DNA

26 October 2017. Dr Anna Pilbrow says we are not doomed by our DNA – and that having a healthy lifestyle can help offset...

19 Oct 2017

New urine test can save lives by detecting kidney disease much earlier

19 October 2017. A new urine test being trialled by University of Otago, Christchurch scientists could one day save live...

26 Sep 2017

Six CHI researchers receive Heart Foundation grant awards 

The Christchurch Heart Institute team is delighted that six of its researchers received grants in the 2017 Heart Foundat...

11 Sep 2017

Up-and-coming Otago researchers’ excellence recognised through awards

Up-and-coming Otago researchers’ excellence recognised through awards

A Teng thumb

08 Sep 2017

Canterbury quake damage increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Media Release - 8 September 2017 - Canterbury quake damage increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Zoe Ward thumbnail

22 Aug 2017

PhD study brings non-coding RNA out of the shadows

Bioinformatics PhD student joins genetics team at Christchurch Heart Institute

15 Aug 2017

Free public talks by Christchurch Heart Institute and the Heart Foundation

15 August 2017. Learn about heart health and the world-leading heart research being carried out here in Christchurch.

08 Aug 2017

PhD aims to pre-empt acute kidney injury in heart failure

PhD explores new markers for early detection of acute kidney injury in heart failure

21 Jun 2017

Professor Richard Troughton awarded Health Research Council Grant

Professor Richard Troughton awarded a Health Research Council grant which is set to boost the IMPERATIVE-HF study by $73...


15 Jun 2017

Major funding for innovative University of Otago health research

University of Otago researchers have been awarded more than $24M in new health research funding to support their world-c...

06 Jun 2017

University of Otago, Christchurch, geneticist awarded Queen’s Birthday honour

Professor Vicky Cameron, a renowned geneticist and Deputy Dean of the University of Otago, Christchurch, has been made a...

chris pemberton thumb

01 Jun 2017

Christchurch Heart Institute and the Heart Foundation first to work with cardiovascular charity partnership

The Christchurch Heart Institute is working alongside the Heart Foundation as part of an innovative approach to cardiova...

24 May 2017

New Consultant Cardiologist joins the Christchurch Heart Institute team

Dr Geoff Clare, Consultant Cardiologist, leaves Wales to join the Christchurch Heart Institute, NZ


15 Mar 2017

15 March 2017, Otago’s flagship research centres confirmed

The University of Otago has reconfigured the line-up of its flagship research centres after a rigorous evaluation proces...

14 Mar 2017

Christchurch Heart Institute team in City2Surf

The Christchurch Heart Institute team is gearing up to take part in the 2017 City2Surf fun run

Clocktower thumbnail

09 Mar 2017

Major support for Otago health research provided through latest lottery grants

University of Otago researchers have gained more than $2.6m in funding from the Lottery Grants Board to support studies...

03 Mar 2017

Hormone could predict those at risk of hospital readmission or death after cardiac event

Accurately predicting the likelihood of readmission or even death following a heart attack is now more possible, accordi...

02 Mar 2017

Research and Clinical Nurses support new strategy for discharge management of heart failure

Professor Troughton and his team is behind a plan that looks at reducing the likelihood of people with heart failure nee...

Vicky Camereon thumb

24 Aug 2016

New Deputy Dean for Christchurch campus

Professor Vicky Cameron is a firm believer in scientists’ responsibility to share findings with the community - particul...

29 Sep 2015

Heart Foundation funds University of Otago research projects

University of Otago researchers have been awarded grants to pursue six research projects in the latest annual National H...

Clocktower thumbnail

25 May 2015

Otago health researchers supported by lottery grants

University of Otago researchers have gained nearly $2.2M in funding from the Lottery Grants Board to support studies aim...

COVID-19 antibodies and heart health, focus of new study

Thursday, 12 August 2021 9:05am

Christchurch researchers are aiming to get a handle on the number of Kiwis exposed to COVID-19 and how long antibodies to COVID-19 may last as part of a Government-funded study.

Raising awareness of Māori heart health

Thursday, 8 July 2021 8:40am

The Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI), Rangahau Manawa o Ōtautahi, is working alongside the Māori community to raise awareness of heart health and to implement research to support the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease among Māori.

Otago projects receive $1.64m Health Research Council funding

Monday, 31 May 2021 3:33pm

Better outcomes for women suffering from New Zealand's most common gynaecological cancer and a bioactive toothpaste that will mean fewer visits to the dentist are just two University of Otago projects funded by the Health Research Council this week.

Keeping on track

Friday, 12 March 2021 11:24am

Professor Vicky Cameron ran the Buller Half Marathon recently, coming second in the 65+ age group.

New Māori Research Adviser at the Christchurch Heart Institute

Friday, 12 March 2021 11:09am

The Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI) has recruited a Māori Research Adviser to help them appropriately respond to the cultural best practices of Te Ao Māori (all things Māori).

A gut response

Friday, 12 March 2021 10:08am

Working in a lab to help further research into the relationship between the microbiome and cardiovascular disease, may not be how many young people would want to spend their summer.

Medical student's summer of research

Friday, 12 March 2021 9:07am

Fergus Allan was going to be an accountant when he left Palmerston North Boys' High.

Gold Medal for Research

Friday, 8 January 2021 11:26am

Professor Chris Charles has received the University of Otago Gold Medal for Research.

CHI receive Research Group Award

Thursday, 17 December 2020 11:19am

Christchurch Heart Institute is the 2020 recipient of the University of Otago Research Group Award.

Centres for Research Excellence

Tuesday, 27 October 2020 4:25pm

The Christchurch Heart Institute is excited to be part of a new cardiovascular Centre for Research Excellence (CoRE), aiming to close a seven-year gap in life expectancy for Māori and Pacific people, compared with other New Zealanders.

Welcome to the CHI!

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 1:10pm

We warmly welcome Dr Wendy Ip to the CHI team, as Laboratory Manager in the Omics Lab.

Super charging heart hormones

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 1:06pm

Dr Nicola Scott and Associate Professor Miriam Rademaker of the CHI's Preclinical Lab have won funding from the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation (CMRF; $109,252) and the Heart Foundation ($154,802), to investigate how to maximize the effects of heart hormones.

Heart health risk of premature birth

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 12:56pm

The heart health of adults born prematurely, and their mothers, is the focus of a new collaborative study between the CHI and Dr Sarah Harris, specialist neonatal paediatrician.  Dr Harris has been awarded a Heart Foundation project grant of $300,000.

Personalised healthcare

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 12:48pm

Dr Sarah Appleby has been awarded a Canterbury Medical Research Foundation (CMRF) grant ($109,719) and a Heart Foundation project grant ($150,000), for her work that will explore novel biological markers for the detection and follow up of heart failure in patients that also have conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and atrial fibrillation.

Pasifika heart health

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 12:43pm

Research Fellows Dr Moritz Lassé and Dr Allamanda Faatoese have been awarded a two-year Heart Foundation project grant ($157,549) to support their study looking at concentrations of the heart health marker, NT-proBNP, in Pasifika.

Celebrating Heart Foundation Fellowships

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 12:24pm

Dr Janice Chew-Harris of the Translational Biodiscovery Lab and Evie Templeton, who is nearing the end of her PhD in the 'Omics Lab, have both been awarded Heart Foundation Research Fellowships.

Faster detection of kidney injury

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 12:02pm

Aiming to develop better blood tests to identify which patients with acute heart failure are at risk of incurring damage to their kidneys, is the focus of work led by Dr Anna Pilbrow, for which she has received a Heart Foundation small project grant of $14,900.

World first study on protective blood hormone could help reduce cardiovascular deaths

Tuesday, 6 October 2020 11:55am

Deaths from cardiovascular disease could be reduced thanks to another world-first finding by researchers at the Christchurch Heart Institute.

Breakthrough findings may help prevent heart failure after a heart attack

Friday, 2 October 2020 3:21pm

A breakthrough discovery combining two powerful technologies looks set to help doctors intervene earlier and perhaps prevent heart failure in at risk patients, who have already had a heart attack.

Christchurch cardiac research group wins University's premier award

Thursday, 17 September 2020 2:00pm

A Christchurch research group whose work has changed the way clinicians around the globe diagnose and treat heart conditions has won the University of Otago 2020 Research Group Award.

World-first study on blood hormone could help reduce cardiovascular deaths

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 12:24pm

A simple blood test could identify seemingly-healthy people with a high hidden risk of heart disease thanks to a world-first discovery by University of Otago, Christchurch researchers.

NZ's aged care sector to gain from new cardiovascular research focus

Monday, 3 August 2020 2:17pm

Raising the standard of cardiovascular care in New Zealand's retirement sector is the focus of a New Zealand first, joint initiative between Ryman Healthcare, The Heart Foundation of NZ and the Christchurch Heart Institute.

International opportunities enhance PhD perspectives

Monday, 29 June 2020 11:41am

When Evie Templeton began her PhD she was not expecting overseas travel, so when she found herself standing in front of a 12th century monastery in northern Italy, she had to pinch herself.

Christchurch team gets wacky in the name of team building and morale

Wednesday, 15 April 2020 2:58pm

Hearing her husband laughing up riotously from his home office was Professor Vicky Cameron's inspiration for a 'freaky Friday' dress-up Zoom meeting with her Christchurch research colleagues.

Maori and Pasifika make point of difference in heart failure salt study

Friday, 6 December 2019 2:02pm

New Zealanders with heart failure are taking part in an international study to find out if a low salt diet will improve their health. With Maori and Pasifika people offering a unique point of difference among the participating countries.

New Light on Heart Failure in Obesity

Friday, 6 December 2019 1:45pm

Obese people with heart failure are less able to produce a naturally occurring heart-protecting hormone, due to a change in protein processing according to new research from the Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI), a University of Otago Research Centre.

Not doomed by genetics

Monday, 11 November 2019 11:54am

It is well-known that heart disease runs in families. The good news is our genetic inheritance does not mean we are doomed, even if we have already experienced a heart attack.

Detective Work

Tuesday, 29 October 2019 3:39pm

Research Fellow Dr Moritz Lassé, has been awarded a Heart Foundation small project grant ($14,050) to help detect kidney damage occurring during worsening heart failure.

Safer medication

Sunday, 6 October 2019 4:27pm

Kiwi researchers are trying to find out how long to give blood-thinning treatments to heart attack survivors.

With gratitude

Thursday, 5 September 2019 2:59pm

Our sincere gratitude goes to the Hugo Trust for the generous and kind  donation of NZD$5,000 which was received earlier this year.

Inspired Health

Wednesday, 28 August 2019 4:31pm

When Meg Christie saw an advertisement in the CDHB's CEO Update newsletter asking for healthy volunteers for a study called INSPIRE, she jumped at the chance to take part.

Ground-breaking human heart tissue study

Wednesday, 26 June 2019 2:55pm

Research predicting the impact on heart muscle during a heart attack is being unravelled in the field of genetics, in a ground-breaking study, using human heart tissue.

Not doomed by genetics

Wednesday, 15 May 2019 2:54pm

It is well-known that heart disease runs in families.  The good news is our genetic inheritance does not mean we are doomed, even if we have already experienced a heart attack.

Dr Amjad Hambi, Rest in Peace

Friday, 15 March 2019 2:13pm

The loss of our esteemed colleague and friend, Dr Amjad Hamid, in the Al Noor Mosque attack has been hard for the CHI team to face. Amjad will always have a special place in our hearts. We extend our deepest sympathy and love to his wife and family.

New blood test may help rule out heart attack within 15 minutes

Thursday, 18 October 2018 2:12pm

A preliminary study of a new, quick and accurate, bedside blood test performed in Emergency Departments (ED) could help reduce the time it takes to rule out heart attacks. The study findings have been published this morning in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Cardiology).

Talking our socks off!

Wednesday, 13 June 2018 11:55am

It's winter, why would we want to talk our socks off? Well, not literally of course – but the CHI team, in collaboration with the Heart Foundation, are running free public talks in Christchurch, from June to September.

Diabetes – a pressure cooker

Thursday, 17 May 2018 11:31am

The close relationship of diabetes and heart disease has not gone unnoticed by the Christchurch Heart Institute team.

Medical research has its benefits

Monday, 16 April 2018 10:05am

Taking part in research studies at the Christchurch Heart Institute, is an opportunity to receive on going and beneficial medical care that could be life-saving, say Research Nurses Stephanie Rose and Carol Groves.

Works of heart

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 11:38am

On a shelf in Professor Vicky Cameron's office is something that looks like a piece of art, housed in a glass cylinder to protect it. The heart, striking in its intricate detail, is in fact made of coloured resin.

New study shows when 'broken hearts' are most deadly

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:52am

A University of Otago, Christchurch, summer student has identified the days when patients are most vulnerable to dying from a 'broken heart'.

New Zealand-led heart failure findings debunk world medical view

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 12:00pm

Thousands of New Zealanders can look forward to improvements in treatment and care of heart failure following new research findings that look set to alter the clinical approach and health care planning for heart failure globally.

Ambulance driver becomes patient in own ambulance

Wednesday, 20 December 2017 3:18pm

Ambulance driver suffers heart attack in her own ambulance and is now part of the MENZACS genetic links to heart health study

Inherited heart disease: you're not doomed by your DNA

Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:20pm

Dr Anna Pilbrow says we are not doomed by our DNA – and that having a healthy lifestyle can help offset genetic risks.

New urine test can save lives by detecting kidney disease much earlier

Thursday, 19 October 2017 2:48pm

A new urine test being trialled by University of Otago, Christchurch scientists could one day save lives.

Six CHI researchers receive Heart Foundation grant awards

Tuesday, 26 September 2017 4:05pm

The Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI) team is delighted that six of its researchers have been successful in being awarded grants in the 2017 Heart Foundation grant round

Up-and-coming Otago researchers' excellence recognised through awards

Monday, 11 September 2017 9:41pm

University of Otago researchers Dr Simon Jackson and Dr Anna Pilbrow were recently honoured with awards bestowed by the organising bodies of the prestigious Queenstown Research Week.

Canterbury quake damage increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Friday, 8 September 2017 3:32pm

A Healthier Lives National Science Challenge study using New Zealand linked datasets  reveals the impact of residential housing damage from the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes on hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease.

PhD study brings non-coding RNA out of the shadows

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 11:30am

PhD candidate Zoe Ward uses bioinformatics to explore how non-coding RNAs in our genetic material contribute to coronary heart disease risk

Free public talks by Christchurch Heart Institute and the Heart Foundation

Tuesday, 15 August 2017 3:26pm

Tuesday 15 August 2017 at Christchurch Community House, 301 Tuam Street.

PhD aims to pre-empt acute kidney injury in heart failure

Tuesday, 8 August 2017 4:50pm

PhD candidate, Evie Templeton, is working to identify microRNAs as early markers in the detection of likely kidney injury in heart failure

Professor Richard Troughton awarded Health Research Council Grant

Wednesday, 21 June 2017 3:27pm

A Health Research Council grant awarded to Professor Richard Troughton is set to boost the IMPERATIVE-HF study by $730,000 over 36 months.

Major funding for innovative University of Otago health research

Thursday, 15 June 2017 9:30am

University of Otago researchers have been awarded more than $24M in new health research funding to support their world-class studies aimed at improving New Zealanders' health and well-being.

University of Otago, Christchurch, geneticist awarded Queen's Birthday honour

Tuesday, 6 June 2017 3:29pm

Professor Vicky Cameron, a renowned geneticist and Deputy Dean of the University of Otago, Christchurch, has been made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in this Queen's Birthday honours list.

Christchurch Heart Institute and the Heart Foundation first to work with cardiovascular charity partnership

Thursday, 1 June 2017 8:36am

The Christchurch Heart Institute is working alongside the Heart Foundation as part of an innovative approach to cardiovascular disease (CVD) research, following a significant donation of $330,000 from Ryman Healthcare yesterday.

New Consultant Cardiologist joins the Christchurch Heart Institute team

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 10:32am

What must be a loss for Wales has become a gain for Christchurch with the arrival of Consultant Cardiologist Geoff Clare to the Christchurch Heart Institute team.

Otago's flagship research centres confirmed

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 9:56am

The University of Otago has reconfigured the line-up of its flagship research centres after a rigorous evaluation process.

Christchurch Heart Institute team in City2Surf

Tuesday, 14 March 2017 3:09pm

The Christchurch City2Surf 2017 event is on this Sunday (March 19) and the Christchurch Heart Institute team is gearing up to take part.

Participation in the event is one of a number of initiatives that are underway in an effort to increase the CHI's profile in Christchurch.

Major support for Otago health research provided through latest lottery grants

Thursday, 9 March 2017 1:57pm

University of Otago researchers have gained more than $2.6m in funding from the Lottery Grants Board to support studies aimed at improving the health status of New Zealanders.

Hormone could predict those at risk of hospital readmission or death after cardiac event

Friday, 3 March 2017 10:46am

Accurately predicting the likelihood of readmission or even death following a heart attack is now more possible, according to recently published findings by the Christchurch Heart Institute (CHI).

Research and Clinical Nurses support new strategy for discharge management of heart failure

Thursday, 2 March 2017 1:37pm

Professor Richard Troughton, a Consultant Cardiologist and Researcher with the Christchurch Heart Institute, a University of Otago Research Centre based at Christchurch Hospital, is behind a plan that looks at reducing the likelihood of people with heart failure needing readmission to hospital for further heart failure events. Research and Clinical nurses are working collaboratively to bring this about.

New Deputy Dean for Christchurch campus

Wednesday, 24 August 2016 2:08pm

Professor Vicky Cameron is a firm believer in scientists' responsibility to share findings with the community - particularly their research participants. This is one of the reasons Professor Cameron is excited about becoming the Deputy Dean of the University of Otago's Christchurch campus.

Heart Foundation funds University of Otago research projects

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 11:43am

University of Otago researchers have been awarded grants to pursue six research projects in the latest annual National Heart Foundation funding round announced today.

Otago health researchers supported by lottery grants

Monday, 25 May 2015 8:38am

University of Otago researchers have gained nearly $2.2M in funding from the Lottery Grants Board to support studies aimed at improving the health status of New Zealanders.

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