Current studies
Translational cardiovascular risk prediction incorporating genomics and epigenetics
Professor Vicky Cameron's research is based around the interplay of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors that affect an individual's susceptibility to the development and progression of heart disease in New Zealand.
Investigating why heart disease runs in families
Dr Anna Pilbrow's research investigates the mechanisms underlying inherited susceptibility to heart disease and aims to discover novel circulating and genetic biomarkers to predict risk and progression of heart disease (including non-coding RNAs).
This research utilises blood and heart tissue samples generously donated by healthy volunteers and heart patients from New Zealand and the USA.
Proteomic discovery and validation of biomarkers in cardiovascular disease
Moritz Lassé's research focus is plasma proteomics, specifically to identify peptide and protein markers in blood that help predict future cardiovascular events in the general population or deterioration of renal function in heart failure patients.
He employs a new quantitative mass spectrometry approach (data independent acquisition or SWATH), a powerful technique that allows simultaneous and reproducible quantification of hundreds of proteins.
This research aims to identify plasma proteins involved in the first phase of kidney damage as potential new biomarkers for acute kidney injury in patients with acute decompensated heart failure.
Using microRNAs to identify heart failure patients at risk of acute kidney injury
This is a PhD research project being carried out by Evie Templeton.