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Dick Sainsbury

MB ChB(Otago) FRACP Grad Dip Arts(Massey) MA(Dist)Massey

Department of Medicine
University of Otago, Christchurch
The Princess Margaret Hospital
P O Box 800


Current Roles

  • Emeritus Professor, Health Care of the Elderly, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Past President, N.Z. Geriatrics Society
  • Locum Physician in Geriatric Medicine, The Princess Margaret Hospital, Burwood Hospital Christchurch Hospital
  • Elected member Medical Council of New Zealand
  • Board member, New Zealand Artificial Limb Board

Research Interests

  • Physiological function of Older People
  • Hip fracture
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Service Innovations for Older People
  • Older People in Literature

Top 10 Publications

  • Ebrahim SBJ, Sainsbury R., Watson S. Foot problems in the elderly - a hospital survey. Brit Med J (1981); 283: 949-950. [100708]
  • Bennett T, MacDonald IA, Sainsbury R. The influence of acute starvation on the cardiovascular responses to lower body sub-atmospheric pressure or to standing in man. Clin Science (1984); 66: 141-146. [100599]
  • Bennett T, MacDonald IA, Sainsbury R. The influence of a 48 hour fast on thermo-regulatory responses to graded cooling in man. Clin Science (1984); 67: 445-452. [100599]
  • Begg EJ, Sharman JR, Kidd JE, Sainsbury R., Clark DWJ. Variability in the elimination of Mianserin in elderly patients. B J of Clin Pharmacology (1989); 27: 445-452. [100708]
  • Nichol SR, Sainsbury R., Bailey RR, King A, Frampton C, Elliot JR, Turner JG. Assessment of creatinine clearance in healthy subjects over 65 years of age. Nephron (1991); 59: 621-625. [100713]
  • Wilkinson TJ, Sainsbury R. Elderly people referred for institutional care - is prior assessment necessary? NZ Med J (1992) 105; 945: 451-452. [100708]
  • Wilkinson TJ., Buhrkuhl DC., Sainsbury R. Assessing and restoring function in the elderly - more than rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation. (1997); 11: 321-328. [100708]
  • Wilkinson, TJ., Hanger HC., George P., and Sainsbury R. The response to treatment of subclinical thiamine deficiency in the elderly. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997); 66:925-8. [100708]
  • Hanger HC., Fogarty B., Wilkinson TJ., Sainsbury R. Stroke patients' views on stroke outcomes: Death versus disability. Clinical Rehabilitation (2000) 14; 4: 429 - 436
  • Watson DR., Wilkinson TJ., Sainsbury R., Kidd JE. Effect of hospital admission on the opinions and knowledge of elderly patients regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Age and Ageing (1997); 26: 429-434.


Sainsbury, D., Wilkinson, T., O’Brien, L., & Croucher, M. (2023, July). Ageing well: Never too early, never too late. Public Talk Series: Celebrating 50 years of University of Otago Christchurch, Otautahi, New Zealand. Retrieved from Other Research Output

Sainsbury, R. (2018, August). Reflections on a career in geriatric medicine. Verbal presentation at the 9th South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Christchurch, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Sainsbury, R. (2017). How literature enhances the practice of geriatric medicine [Invited]. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 36(Suppl. 2), (pp. 18). doi: 10.1111/ajag.12419 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hutchinson, C., Hanger, C., Wilkinson, T., Sainsbury, R., & Pithie, A. (2009). Spontaneous spinal infections in older people. Internal Medicine Journal, 39(12), 845-848. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2009.02052.x Journal - Research Article

Wong, A., Burford, S., Wyles, C. L., Mundy, H., & Sainsbury, R. (2008). Evaluation of strategies to improve nutrition in people with dementia in an assessment unit. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 12(5), 309-312. doi: 10.1007/BF02982660 Journal - Research Article

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