Journal - Research Article
Fridman, M. R., Thompson, S. G., Tyson, A., Barber, P. A., Davis, A., Wu, T., Fink, J., … Punter, M. N. M., & Ranta, A. (2024). Sex differences in stroke reperfusion therapy in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Internal Medicine Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/imj.16318
Journal - Research Article
Denison, H. J., Corbin, M., Douwes, J., Thompson, S. G., Harwood, M., Davis, A., Fink, J. N., Barber, P. A., Gommans, J. H., … Levack, W., McNaughton, H., … Ranta, A. (2023). Ethnic differences in stroke outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand: A national linkage study. International Journal of Stroke. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/17474930231164024
Kim, J., Cadilhac, D. A., Thompson, S., Gommans, J., Davis, A., Barber, P. A., Fink, J., Harwood, M., Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2023). Comparison of stroke care costs in urban and nonurban hospitals and its association with outcomes in New Zealand: A nationwide economic evaluation. Stroke, 54, 848-856. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.040869
Berry-Noronha, A., Myall, D., Hong, J. B., Collecutt, W., Krauss, M., Fink, J., … Chatterjee, A., … Le Heron, C., … Wu, T. Y., & Wilson, D. (2023). Clinical outcomes of delayed mechanical thrombectomy: Descriptive analysis and development of a screening tool. European Journal of Neurology, 30, 671-677. doi: 10.1111/ene.15658
Dunphy, H., Garcia-Esperon, C., Hong, J. B., Manoczki, C., Wilson, D., Chew, B. L. A., Beharry, J., … Ranta, A., Fink, J. N., & Wu, T. Y. (2023). Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke improves and maintains function in the very elderly: A multicentre propensity score matched analysis. European Stroke Journal, 8(1), 191-198. doi: 10.1177/23969873221145778
Garcia-Esperon, C., Wu, T. Y., Carraro da Nascimento, V., Yan, B., Kurunawai, C., Kleinig, T., … Ranta, A., … Fink, J., … on behalf of the ANZ Ultra-Long EVT Transfer Group, including Collecutt, W., & Krauss, M. (2023). Ultra-long transfers for endovascular thrombectomy: Mission impossible?: The Australia-New Zealand experience. Stroke, 54, 151-158. doi: 10.1161/strokeaha.122.040480
Thompson, S., Levack, W., Douwes, J., Girvan, J., Abernethy, G., Barber, P. A., Fink, J., … Ranta, A. (2023). Patient, carer and health worker perspectives of stroke care in New Zealand: A mixed methods survey. Disability & Rehabilitation, 45(18), 2957-2963. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2117862
Journal - Research Article
Harwood, M., Ranta, A., Thompson, S., Ranta, S., Brewer, K., Gommans, J., … Fink, J., … Levack, W., & Douwes, J. (2022). Barriers to optimal stroke service care and solutions: A qualitative study engaging people with stroke and their whānau. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1556), 81-93. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Thompson, S. G., Barber, P. A., Gommans, J. H., Cadilhac, D. A., Davis, A., Fink, J. N., … Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2022). Geographic disparities in stroke outcomes and service access: A prospective observational study. Neurology, 99(4), e414-e426. doi: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200526
Thompson, S. G., Barber, P. A., Gommans, J. H., Cadilhac, D. A., Davis, A., Fink, J. N., Harwood, M., Levack, W., McNaughton, H., … Denison, H., … Wilson, A., Douwes, J., & Ranta, A. (2022). The impact of ethnicity on stroke care access and patient outcomes: A New Zealand nationwide observational study. Lancet Regional Health: Western Pacific, 20, 100358. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100358
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Fink, J. (2022, August-September). What's new in IV thrombolysis? Verbal presentation at the Stroke Society of Australasia (SSA) 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Beharry, J., Palmer, D., Wu, T., Wilson, D., Le Heron, C., Mason, D., … Fink, J., Mulder, R., & Duncan, R. (2021). Functional neurological disorders presenting as emergencies to secondary care. European Journal of Neurology, 28, 1441-1445. doi: 10.1111/ene.14728
Wu, T. Y., Myall, D., Palmer, D., Beharry, J., Lim, J. Y., Mason, D. F., … Duncan, R., Weaver, J., Collecutt, W., Lim, A., Hurrell, M. A., … Ranta, A., Fink, J. N., & Le Heron, C. (2021). Increased large vessel occlusive strokes after the Christchurch March 15, 2019, terror attack. Neurology, 96(4), 171-174. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000011341
Journal - Research Other
Zhong, C. S., Beharry, J., Salazar, D., Smith, K., Withington, S., Campbell, B. C. V., … Le Heron, C., Mason, D., Duncan, R., … Ranta, A., Fink, J. N., & Wu, T. Y. (2021). Routine use of tenecteplase for thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke [Brief report]. Stroke, 52, 1087-1090. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030859
Ranta, A., Thompson, S., Harwood, M. L. N., Cadilhac, D. A.-M., Barber, P. A., Davis, A. J., … Fink, J. N., … Wilson, A. (2021). Reducing Ethnic and Geographic Inequities to Optimise New Zealand Stroke Care (REGIONS Care): Protocol for a nationwide observational study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), e25374. doi: 10.2196/25374
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Kim, A., Cadilhac, D. A., Thompson, S., Gommans, J., Davis, A., Barber, A., Fink, J., Harwood, M., Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2021). Understanding the differences in the costs of acute stroke care in urban and non-urban hospitals of New Zealand: REGIONS Care project. International Journal of Stroke, 16(1, Suppl.), (pp. 17). doi: 10.1177/17474930211036296
Corbin, M., Denison, H., Thompson, S., Harwood, M., Gommans, J., Davis, A., … Fink, J., … Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2021). Ethnic differences in stroke outcome in Aotearoa New Zealand: Administrative data analysis. International Journal of Stroke, 16(1, Suppl.), (pp. 8). doi: 10.1177/17474930211036296
Kim, J., Cadilhac, D., Thompson, S., Gommans, J., Davis, A., Barber, A., Fink, J., … Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2021). Costs and quality adjusted life years at 12 months after stroke by urban and non-urban areas: REGIONS Care economic evaluation. International Journal of Stroke, 16(2, Suppl.), (pp. 114). doi: 10.1177/17474930211041949
Ranta, A., Thompson, S., Davis, A., Barber, P. A., Fink, J., Gommans, J., … Levack, W., … Douwes, J. (2021). Urban versus non-urban hospital location impacts on stroke outcomes. Stroke, 52(Suppl. 1). doi: 10.1161/str.52.suppl_1.29
Thompson, S., Davis, A., Gommans, J., McNaughton, H., Barber, A., Fink, J. N., … Levack, W., … Ranta, A. (2021). Geographic location impacts access to stroke rehabilitation services. Stroke, 52(Suppl. 1), AP231. doi: 10.1161/str.52.suppl_1.P231
Journal - Research Article
Thompson, S., Barber, P. A., Fink, J., Gommans, J., Davis, A., Harwood, M., Douwes, J., … McNaughton, H., … Wilson, A., Denison, H., … Levack, W., & Ranta, A. (2020). New Zealand hospital stroke service provision. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1526), 18-30. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Other
Senadeera, S. C., Palmer, D. G., Keenan, R., Beharry, J., Lim, J. Y., Hurrell, M. A., … Fink, J. N., … Lim, A., & Wu, T. Y. (2020). Left atrial appendage thrombus detected during hyperacute stroke imaging is associated with atrial fibrilation. Stroke, 51(12), 3760-3764. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030258
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ranta, A., Thompson, S., Fink, J., Barber, P., Davis, A., Gommans, J., … Douwes, J. (2020). Impact of various stroke interventions at the population level to guide health service planning. International Journal of Stroke, 15(1, Suppl.), (pp. 344). doi: 10.1177/1747493020963387
Ranta, A., Thompson, S., Harwood, M., Fink, J., McNaughton, H., Barber, P., … Douwes, J. (2020). NZ Māori and Pacific peoples experience poorer long-term outcome following stroke in New Zealand. International Journal of Stroke, 15(1, Suppl.), (pp. 104). doi: 10.1177/1747493020963387
Journal - Research Article
Perry, S. E., Miles, A., Fink, J. N., & Huckabee, M.-L. (2019). The dysphagia in stroke protocol reduces aspiration pneumonia in patients with dysphagia following acute stroke: A clinical audit. Translational Stroke Research, 10(1), 36-43. doi: 10.1007/s12975-018-0625-z
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Thompson, S., Douwes, J., Barber, P. A., Cadilhac, D., McNaughton, H., Fink, J., … Ranta, A. (2019). New Zealand hospital stroke service provision: A national survey. International Journal of Stroke, 14(2, Suppl.), (pp. 26). doi: 10.1177/1747493019862960
Thompson, S., Douwes, J., Barber, A., Cadilhac, D., McNaughton, H., Gommans, J., Fink, J., … Ranta, A. (2019). New Zealand hospital stroke service provision: A national survey. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 90(e7), (pp. A33-A34). doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2019-anzan.91
Journal - Research Article
Langton Burnell, A., Ranta, A., Wu, T., Fink, J., McGuinness, B., Caldwell, J., Collecutt, W., … Barber, P. A. (2018). Endovascular clot retrieval for acute ischaemic stroke in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1484), 13-18. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Wu, T., Coleman, E., Wright, S. L., Mason, D. F., Reimers, J., Duncan, R., … Hurrell, M., … Fink, J. N. (2018). Helsinki stroke model Is transferrable with “real-world” resources and reduced stroke thrombolysis delay to 34 min in Christchurch. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, 290. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00290
Journal - Research Other
Fink, J. (2017). Improvements in acute stroke treatments in New Zealand: No one should be left behind. New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1453), 6-7. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Article
Joshi, P., Fink, J., Barber, P. A., Davis, A., Lanford, J., Seymour, A., … Busby, W., … Ranta, A. (2016). Stroke thrombolysis in New Zealand: Data from the first 6 months of the New Zealand Thrombolysis Register. New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1438), 42-47. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Other
Fink, J. (2016). Ethnic inequalities in stroke: Improvements not fast enough for everyone. New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1437), 6-7. Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Joshi, P., Fink, J., Barber, P. A., Davis, A., Lanford, J., Wright, P., … Ranta, A. (2016). New Zealand stroke thrombolysis: Comprehensive national data from a newly implemented mandatory national registry. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 42(Suppl. 1), (pp. 31-32). doi: 10.1159/000447732
Journal - Research Article
Brownlee, W., Ranta, A., Dale-Gandar, J., Bennett, P., Gommans, J., Fink, J., & Barber, P. A. (2014). Changes in the provision of transient ischaemic attack services in New Zealand 2008 to 2013. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1390). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Ranta, A., Bonning, J., Fink, J., Fleischer, D., Gommans, J., Jones, P., … Ardagh, M. (2014). Emergency and stroke physician combined consensus statement on thrombolysis for acute stroke. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1392). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Davies, S., Huckabee, M.-L., Fink, J., & Tompkins, G. (2014). Examining factors which may reduce the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in patients with acute stroke and dysphagia. New Zealand Dental Journal, 110(1), (pp. 25-26). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Davies, S., Huckabee, M.-L., Fink, J., & Tompkins, G. (2013, October). Examining factors which may reduce the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in patients with acute stroke and dysphagia. Verbal presentation at the 9th Biomouth Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Child, N., Fink, J., Jones, S., Voges, K., Vivian, M., & Barber, P. A. (2012). New Zealand National Acute Stroke Services Audit: Acute stroke care delivery in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 125(1358). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Article
Child, N., Barber, P. A., Fink, J., Jones, S., Voges, K., & Vivian, M. (2011). New Zealand National Acute Stroke Services Audit 2009: Organisation of acute stroke services in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 124(1340). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/124-1340/4810/content.pdf
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hughes, L., Butler, A., & Fink, J. (2010). Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with multiple myeloma. Internal Medicine Journal, 40(Suppl. 1), (pp. 104). doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2010.02187.x
Journal - Research Article
Lever, M., George, P. M., Slow, S., Elmslie, J. L., Scott, R. S., Richards, A. M., Fink, J. N., & Chambers, S. T. (2009). Fibrates may cause an abnormal urinary betaine loss which is associated with elevations in plasma homocysteine. Cardiovascular Drugs & Therapy, 23(5), 395-401. doi: 10.1007/s10557-009-6188-1
De Silva, D. A., Fink, J. N., Christensen, S., Ebinger, M., Bladin, C., Levi, C. R., … EPITHET Investigators. (2009). Assessing reperfusion and recanalization as markers of clinical outcomes after intravenous thrombolysis in the echoplanar imaging thrombolytic evaluation trial (EPITHET). Stroke, 40(8), 2872-2874. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.543595
Authored Book - Other
Gommans, J., Barber, P. A., & Fink, J. (2008). For the assessment and management of people with recent Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Wellington, New Zealand: Stroke Foundation of New Zealand, 37p.
Journal - Research Article
Barber, P. A., Gommans, J., Fink, J., Hanger, H. C., Bennett, P., & Ataman, N. (2008). Acute stroke services in New Zealand: Changes between 2001 and 2007. New Zealand Medical Journal, 121(1285). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/121-1285/3343/content.pdf
Amadeus Investigators, including Fink, J. (2008). Comparison of idraparinux with vitamin K antagonists for prevention of thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation: A randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial. Lancet, 371, 315-321. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60168-3
McKinlay, A., Kaller, C. P., Grace, R. C., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Anderson, T. J., Fink, J., & Roger, D. (2008). Planning in Parkinson's disease: A matter of problem structure? Neuropsychologia, 46(1), 384-389. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.08.018
Fink, J. N., Frampton, C. M., Lyden, P., Lees, K. R., on behalf of the VISTA Investigators. (2008). Does hemispheric lateralization influence functional and cardiovascular outcomes after stroke? An analysis of placebo-treated patients from prospective acute stroke trials. Stroke, 39(12), 3335-3340. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.523365
McKinlay, A., Grace, R. C., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Anderson, T., Fink, J., & Roger, D. (2008). Neuropsychiatric problems in Parkinson's disease: Comparisons between self and caregiver report. Aging & Mental Health, 12(5), 647-653.
McKinlay, A., Grace, R. C., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Anderson, T., Fink, J., & Roger, D. (2008). A profile of neuropsychiatric problems and their relationship to quality of life for Parkinson's disease patients without dementia. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 14(1), 37-42. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2007.05.009
Davis, S. M., Donnan, G. A., Parsons, M. W., Levi, C., Butcher, K. S., Peeters, A., … Fink, J. N., … EPITHET Investigators. (2008). Effects of alteplase beyond 3 h after stroke in the Echoplanar Imaging Thrombolytic Evaluation Trial (EPITHET): A placebo-controlled randomised trial. Lancet Neurology, 7(4), 299-309. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70044-9
Journal - Research Other
McKinlay, A., Grace, R. C., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Anderson, T., Fink, J., & Roger, D. (2008). The accuracy of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-Section 1) as a screening measure for depression [Letter to the editor]. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 14(2), 170-172. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2007.03.002
Journal - Research Article
Chao, C.-Y., Florkowski, C. M., Fink, J. N., Southby, S. J., & George, P. M. (2007). Prospective validation of cerebrospinal fluid bilirubin in suspected subarachnoid haemorrhage. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 44(2), 140-144. doi: 10.1258/000456307780117966
Hanger, C., Fletcher, V., Fink, J., Sidwell, A., & Roche, A. (2007). Improving care to stroke patients: Adding an acute stroke unit helps. New Zealand Medical Journal, 120(1250). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/120-1250/2450/content.pdf
Journal - Research Other
Jardine, D. L., Hurrell, M. A., & Fink, J. (2007). Tilt-test diagnosis of hypotensive transient ischaemic attacks. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(7), 498-501.
Journal - Research Article
Moore, S., David, T., Chase, J. G., Arnold, J., & Fink, J. (2006). 3D models of blood flow in the cerebral vasculature. Journal of Biomechanics, 39, 1454-1463.
Journal - Research Other
Fink, J. (2006). Ethnic trends in stroke in New Zealand: Closing the gaps or widening? [Editorial]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119(1245). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/119-1245/2305/content.pdf
Authored Book - Other
McAlister, H., Fink, J., Wilkinson, T., & et al (2005). The management of people with atrial fibrillation and flutter: Evidence-based best practice guideline. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Guidelines Group. Retrieved from http://www.nzgg.org.nz
Journal - Research Article
Anderson, N. E., Mason, D. F., Fink, J. N., Bergin, P. S., Charleston, A. J., & Gamble, G. D. (2005). Detection of focal cerebral hemisphere lesions using the neurological examination. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 76, 545-549.
Fink, J. (2005). Twelve-month experience of acute stroke thrombolysis in Christchurch, New Zealand: Emergency department screening and acute stroke service treatment. New Zealand Medical Journal, 118(1214). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/118-1214/1430/content.pdf
Fink, J. N., Selim, M. H., Kumar, S., Voetsch, B., Fong, W. C., & Caplan, L. R. (2005). Insular cortex infarction in acute middle cerebral artery territory stroke: Predictor of stroke severity and vascular lesion. Archives of Neurology, 62(7), 1081-1085.
Moorhead, K. T., Moore, S. M., Chase, J. G., David, T., & Fink, J. (2005). Impact of decentralised control in cerebral blood flow auto-regulation using 1D and 3D models. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies & Applications, 1(1-2), 95-110.
Moore, S. M., Moorhead, K. T., Chase, J. G., David, T., & Fink, J. (2005). One-dimensional and three-dimensional models of cerebrovascular flow. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 127(3), 440-449.
Butcher, K. S., Parsons, M., MacGregor, L., Barber, P. A., . . ., Fink, J., & … (2005). Refining the perfusion-diffusion mismatch hypothesis. Stroke, 36(6), 1153-1159.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McKinlay, A., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Anderson, T. J., Fink, J. N., & Barrett, P. (2004). The two towers: Parkinson's disease and cognition. Movement Disorders, 19(Suppl. 9), (pp. S173-S174). [Abstract]
Chapter in Book - Research
Fink, J. N., & Caplan, L. R. (2003). The importance of specific diagnosis in stroke patient management. In S. Davis, M. Fisher & S. Warach (Eds.), Magnetic resonance imaging in stroke. (pp. 1-14). Cambridge University Press.
Journal - Research Other
Fink, J. N., & Caplan, L. R. (2003). Cerebrovascular cases. Medical Clinics of North America, 87, 755-770.
Journal - Research Article
Selim, M. H., Fink, J. N., Linfante, I., Kumara, S., Schlaug, G., & Caplan, L. R. (2002). Diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis with echo-planar T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Archives of Neurology, 59(6), 1021-1026. doi: 10.1001/archneur.59.6.1021
Fink, J. N., Kumara, S., Horkan, C., Linfante, I., Caplan, L. R., & Schlaug, G. (2002). The stroke patient who woke up: Clinical and radiological features, including diffusion and perfusion MRI. Stroke, 33, 988-993.
Fink, J. N., Selim, M. H., Kumara, S., Silver, B., Linfante, I., & Caplan, L. R. (2002). Is the association of NIHSS scores and acute MRI volume equal for patients with right and left- hemisphere ischemic stroke? Stroke, 33, 954-958.
Selim, M. H., Fink, J. N., Kumara, S., Caplan, L. R., Horkan, C., Chen, Y., … Schlaug, G. (2002). Predictors of hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Prognostic value of initial apparent diffusion coefficient and diffusion-weighted lesion volume. Stroke, 33, 2047-2052.
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2002). Mastoid air sinus abnormalities associated with lateral venous sinus thrombosis: Cause or consequence? Stroke, 33, 290-292.
Selim, M. H., Fink, J. N., Kumar, S., Caplan, L. R., Horkan, C., Chen, Y., … Schlaug, G. (2002). Predictors of hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: Prognostic value of the initial apparent diffusion coefficient and diffusion-weighted lesion volume. Stroke, 33, 2047-2052.
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2002). Mastoid air sinus abnormalities associated with lateral venous sinus thrombosis: Cause or consequence? Stroke, 33, 290-292.
Fink, J. N., Kumar, S., Horkan, C., Linfante, I., Selim, M. H., Caplan, L. R., & Schlaug, G. (2002). The stroke patient who woke up: clinical and radiological features, including diffusion and perfusion MRI. Stroke, 33, 988-993.
Fink, J. N., Selim, M. H., Kumar, S., Silver, B., Linfante, I., Caplan, L. R., & Schlaug, G. (2002). Is the association of NIHSS scores and acute MRI stroke volume equal for patients with right - and left - hemisphere ischemic stroke? Stroke, 33, 954-958.
Journal - Research Other
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2002). Recurrent cerebral venous thrombosis in a 24-year-old puerperal woman (Response). Stroke, 33, 2148-2149.
Selim, M., Kumar, S., Fink, J., Schlaug, G., Caplan, L. R., & Linfante, I. (2002). Seizure at stroke onset: Should it be an absolute contraindication to thrombolysis? [Case report]. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 14(1), 54-57.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2002). Recurrent cerebral venous thrombosis in a 24-year-old puerperal woman. Stroke, 33, 2148-2149.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Fink, J. N., Kumara, S., Horkan, C., Caplan, L. R., & Schlaug, G. (2002). The stroke patient that woke up: Clinical and radiological features, including diffusion and perfusion MRI. Stroke. 33, (pp. 364). [Abstract]
Schlaug, G., Kumara, S., Horkan, C., Caplan, L. R., & Fink, J. N. (2002). The stroke patient that woke up: Clinical and radiological features, including diffusion and perfusion MRI. Neurology. 58(Suppl. 3), (pp. A387-A388). [Abstract]
Fink, J. N., Kumara, S., Caplan, L. R., & Schlaug, G. (2002). Hypertension and cerebral perfusion in acute ischemic stroke: Assessment with diffusion and perfusion MRI. Stroke, 33, (pp. 364-365). [Abstract]
Selim, M. H., Fink, J. N., Kumara, S., Caplan, L. R., Linfante, I., & Schlaug, G. (2002). Hemorrhagic transformation after IV tPA: Predictive value of initial acute diffusion coefficient and diffusion-weighted lesion volume. Neurology. 58(Suppl. 3), (pp. A338-A339). [Abstract]
Selim, M. H., Fink, J. N., Kumar, S., Caplan, L. R., Linfante, I., & Schlaug, G. (2002). Hemorrhagic transformation after IV tPA: Predictive value of initial acute diffusion coefficient and diffusion-weighted lesion volume. Stroke. 33, (pp. 357). United States: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2001). Safety of anticoagulation for cerebral venous thrombosis associated with intercerebral hematoma. Neurology, 57, 1138-1139.
Fink, J. N. (2001). Localization of the ″sneeze center″ [Letter]. Neurology, 57, 161.
Fink, J. N. (2001). Localization of the ″sneeze center″. Neurology, 56, 138.
Fink, J. N., & McAuley, D. L. (2001). Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: A diagnostic challenge. Internal Medicine Journal, 31, 384-390.
Fink, J. N., Wallis, W. E., & Haydock, D. A. (2001). Myasthenia gravis with thymoma is more common in the Maori and Pacific Island population of New Zealand. Internal Medicine Journal, 31, 206-210.
Journal - Research Article
Fink, J. N., Donaldson, I. M., Avery, S. F., & Anderson, T. J. (1998). Is hypokalaemic periodic paralysis more prevalent in Maori? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 28(4), 477-478. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.1998.tb02090.x
Fink, J. N., & Anderson, T. J. (1998). Lower cranial nerve palsies due to carotid artery dissection. New Zealand Medical Journal, 111, 166-168.
Fink, J. N., & Anderson, T. J. (1998). Lower cranial nerve palsies due to carotid artery dissection. New Zealand Medical Journal, 111, 166-168.
Authored Book - Other
Beard, M. E. J., Begg, E. J., Ardagh, M. W., Chambers, S. T., Fink, J. N., Lim, V., & Town, G. I. (1996). Management Guidelines for Common Medical Conditions. (6th ed.). Christchurch: Internal Medicine Services, Canterbury Health Ltd.