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Research ProfessorJohn Pickering

BSc(Hons) PhD BA(Hons)


Ahorangi Rangahau (Research Professor) John Pickering joined the Department of Medicine in 2007, initially to study how to better diagnose and treat kidney failure in the intensive care.  Now, he is a kaipūtaiao (scientist) and kaitātara koiora (biostatistician) with the Rangahau Manawa o Ōtautahi (Christchurch Heart Institute) research group of University of Ōtago Christchurch, and the Emergency medicine research group of Christchurch Hospital. His interests include optimising the use of biomarkers for diagnosis, clinical pathway development and translational research in acute care. His special interest are accelerated diagnostic pathways and troponin for possible acute myocardia infarction.

He comes from a physics background and was once part of the team that pioneered the use of lasers to remove birthmarks. In his spare time he engages in citizen science and outreach in astronomy.


Pemberton, C. J., Lee, J. A., Wise, J., Raudsepp, S. D., Paton, L., Powell, J., … Troughton, R. W., Adamson, P. D., Richards, A. M., … Than, M., & Pickering, J. W. (2024). Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) measurement in the detection of significant CAD in acute chest pain patients triaged using the No Objective Testing (NOT) rule. European Heart Journal, 45(Suppl. 1), ehae666.1572. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae666.1572 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Pickering, J. W., Joyce, L. R., Florkowski, C. M., Buchan, V., Hamill, L., & Than, M. P. (2024). Emergency Department use of a high-sensitivity Point-of-Care troponin assay reduces length of stay: An implementation study preliminary report. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/ehjacc/zuae114 Journal - Research Article

Florkowski, C. M., Buchan, V., Li, B. V., Taylor, F., Phan, M., Than, M., & Pickering, J. W. (2024). Analytical verification of the Atellica VTLi point of care high sensitivity troponin I assay. Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2024-0312 Journal - Research Article

Than, M. P., Pickering, J. W., Mair, J., Mills, N. L., on behalf of the Study Group on Biomarkers of the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care of the ESC. (2024). Clinical decision support using machine learning and cardiac troponin for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/ehjacc/zuae085 Journal - Research Other

Pilbrow, A., Fa'atoese, A., & Pickering, J. (2024). Making small studies count: The need for more appropriate data analysis and guidelines to avoid reinforcing inequities. Heart, Lung & Circulation, 33(Suppl. 2), (pp. S69). doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2024.04.243 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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