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Postdoctoral ResearcherMax Yavitt image

BEng Chemical Engineering (McMaster University), MSc/PhD Chemical Engineering (University of Colorado Boulder)

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F. Max Yavitt

Dr Max Yavitt is an early career researcher and biomedical engineer working under the supervision of Professor Tim Woodfield in the Christchurch Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering (CReaTE) Research Group. Specialising in biomaterial development, his research focuses on the utilisation of novel hydrogel chemistries and biofabrication approaches to direct the organisation of cells and organoids for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.


Kirkpatrick, B., Yavitt, F., Moldovan, R., Dempsey, P., & Anseth, K. (2023, April). Induced epithelial curvature in photopatterned intestinal organoids regulates symmetry breaking via pre-transcriptional changes in membrane tension and resting potential. Verbal presentation at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, USA. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Mohagheghian, E., Luo, J., Yavitt, F. M., Wei, F., Bhala, P., Amar, K., … Wang, N. (2023). Quantifying stiffness and forces of tumor colonies and embryos using a magnetic microrobot. Science Robotics, 8(74), eadc9800. doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.adc9800 Journal - Research Article

Liu, X., Yavitt, F. M., & Gitsov, I. (2023). Supramolecular linear-dendritic nanoreactors: Synthesis and catalytic activity in "green" Suzuki-Miyaura reactions. Polymers, 15(7), 1671. doi: 10.3390/polym15071671 Journal - Research Article

Yavitt, F. M., Kirkpatrick, B. E., Blatchley, M. R., Speckl, K. F., Mogagheghian, E., Moldovan, R., … Anseth, K. S. (2023). In situ modulation of intestinal organoid epithelial curvature through photoinduced viscoelasticity directs crypt morphogenesis. Science Advances, 9(3), eadd5668. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.add5668 Journal - Research Article

Yavitt, M. (2022, September). Photoinduced hydrogel network reorganization modulate intestinal. Keynote presentation at the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) 32nd Annual Conference, Bordeaux, France. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

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