Research Associate Professor
Associate Professor Brigit Mirfin-Veitch is a Research Associate Professor with the Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies. As a sociologist, Brigit has a strong interest in understanding the social lives of people with learning (intellectual) disability and is committed to initiating and achieving social change through research.
Brigit's research covers a wide range of topics, but she is particularly focused on health and wellbeing, access to justice issues, and parenting by people with a learning disability. She is experienced in qualitative research methodologies, and regularly undertakes transformative evaluation projects, education, and advisory roles within the disability sector.
Brigit is also the Director of the Donald Beasley Institute and an Adjunct Associate Professor within the School of Health and Social Development, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia (since 2018).
Brigit is currently supervising a number of PhD students, all pursuing disability-related doctoral research.
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). It's your death: You've got to say what you want! Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(7), (pp. 665). doi: 10.1111/jir.13166 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). My plan for a good life, right to the end: An accessible approach to advance care planning. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 2362979. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2024.2362979 Journal - Research Article
Watene, R. F., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Asaka, U. (2023). Disabled person-led monitoring of the UNCRPD in Aotearoa New Zealand: Maximising the potential of civil society in the implementation of Article 33.3. In S. Robinson & K. R. Fisher (Eds.), Research handbook on disability policy. (pp. 85-99). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800373655.00014 Chapter in Book - Research
Frawley, P., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2023). Sexuality and relationships: Informing rights-based policy and practice through research with and by people with intellectual disability in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. In S. Robinson & K. R. Fisher (Eds.), Research handbook on disability policy. (pp. 289-302). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800373655.00032 Chapter in Book - Research
Anns, F., D'Souza, S., MacCormick, C., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Clasby, B., Hughes, N., … Bowden, N. (2023). Risk of criminal justice system interactions in young adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Findings from a national birth cohort. Journal of Attention Disorders, 27(12), 1332-1342. doi: 10.1177/10870547231177469 Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). My plan for a good life, right to the end: An accessible approach to advance care planning. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 2362979. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2024.2362979
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). It's your death: You've got to say what you want! Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(7), (pp. 665). doi: 10.1111/jir.13166
Chapter in Book - Research
Watene, R. F., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Asaka, U. (2023). Disabled person-led monitoring of the UNCRPD in Aotearoa New Zealand: Maximising the potential of civil society in the implementation of Article 33.3. In S. Robinson & K. R. Fisher (Eds.), Research handbook on disability policy. (pp. 85-99). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800373655.00014
Frawley, P., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2023). Sexuality and relationships: Informing rights-based policy and practice through research with and by people with intellectual disability in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. In S. Robinson & K. R. Fisher (Eds.), Research handbook on disability policy. (pp. 289-302). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800373655.00032
Journal - Research Article
Anns, F., D'Souza, S., MacCormick, C., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Clasby, B., Hughes, N., … Bowden, N. (2023). Risk of criminal justice system interactions in young adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Findings from a national birth cohort. Journal of Attention Disorders, 27(12), 1332-1342. doi: 10.1177/10870547231177469
Miyahara, M., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2023). Developmental passages to dance improvisation: An interpretive phenomenological study of lived and living conscious experiences. Research in Dance Education, 24(2), 173-192. doi: 10.1080/14647893.2021.1873262
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Dixon, L., Treharne, G., Pettie, M., Bowden, C., Patterson, T., Beres, M., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Shaw, R., Eketone-Kelly, A., & Ashdown, J. (2023). Male survivors of sexual violence and abuse (SVA): Barriers and facilitators to reporting and accessing services. (pp. 1-110). Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Social Development. [Technical/Scientific Report].
Journal - Research Article
Clasby, B., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Blackett, R., Kedge, S., & Whitehead, E. (2022). Responding to neurodiversity in the courtroom: A brief evaluation of environmental accommodations to increase procedural fairness. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, 32, 197-211. doi: 10.1002/cbm.2239
Trip, H., Northway, R., Perkins, E., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Adams, R. (2022). COVID-19: Evolving challenges and opportunities for residential and vocational intellectual disability service providers. Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19, 102-115. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12414
Bowden, N., Milne, B., Audas, R., Clasby, B., Dacombe, J., Forster, W., Kokaua, J., Gibb, S., … Taylor, B., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2022). Criminal justice system interactions among young adults with and without autism: A national birth cohort study in New Zealand. Autism, 26(7), 1783-1794. doi: 10.1177/13623613211065541
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Pettie, M., Dixon, L., Treharne, G., Bowden, C., Patterson, T., Beres, M., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Shaw, R., … Eketone-Kelly, K. (2021). What helps and hinders male survivors’ help-seeking behaviour in Aotearoa New Zealand? Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP). (pp. 43). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Conder, J. A., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. F. (2020). “Getting by”: People with learning disability and the financial responsibility of independent living. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 48, 251-257. doi: 10.1111/bld.12329
Journal - Research Other
Perry, M. A., Ingham, T., Jones, B., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2020). "At risk" and 'Vulnerable"! Reflections on inequities and the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 48(3), 107-116. doi: 10.15619/NZJP/48.3.02
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ward, T., Treharne, G., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2020). Exploring autistic adults' engagement in tabletop role-playing games. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Symposium. (pp. 16). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Kanagasabai, P., Mulligan, H., Devan, H., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Hale, L. (2019). Environmental factors influencing leisure participation of children with movement impairments in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A mixed method study. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 47(2), 105-117. doi: 10.15619/NZJP/47.2.05
Trip, H., Whitehead, L., Crowe, M., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Daffue, C. (2019). Aging with intellectual disabilities in families: Navigating ever-changing seas: A theoretical model. Qualitative Health Research, 29(11), 1595-1610. doi: 10.1177/1049732319845344
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Payne, D., Channon, A., & Richardson, G. (2019). Increasing the participation of women with intellectual disabilities in women's health screening: A role for disability support services. Research & Practice in Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 6(1), 86-96. doi: 10.1080/23297018.2018.1466354
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Conder, J., & Trip, H. (2019). Confronting versus comfortable: Two approaches to the recruitment of people with learning disability in an advance care planning study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 9(Suppl. 2), (pp. A14). doi: 10.1136/spcare-2019-ACPICONGRESSABS.42
Chapter in Book - Research
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Conder, J., Treharne, G. J., Hale, L., & Richardson, G. (2018). Challenging methodological and ethical conventions to facilitate research that is responsive to people with learning disabilities. In C. I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka & G. J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of ethics in critical research. (pp. 355-370). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74721-7_23
Journal - Research Article
Matthews, M., Bell, E., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2018). Comparing psychopathology rates across autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities. Advances in Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities, 12(5/6), 163-172. doi: 10.1108/AMHID-04-2018-0023
Hale, L., Potiki Bryant, K., Ward, A. L., Falloon, A., Montgomery, A., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Tikao, K., & Milosavljevic, S. (2018). Organisational views on health care access for hauā (disabled) Māori in Murihiku (Southland), Aotearoa New Zealand: A mixed methods approach. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 46(2), 51-66. doi: 10.15619/NZJP/46.2.03
Kanagasabai, P. S., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Hale, L. A., & Mulligan, H. (2018). A child-centered method of interviewing children with movement impairments. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 38(3), 255-268. doi: 10.1080/01942638.2017.1365322
Kanagasabai, P. S., Mulligan, H., Hale, L. A., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2018). "I do like the activities which I can do..." Leisure participation experiences of children with movement impairments. Disability & Rehabilitation, 40(14), 1630-1638. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1303093
Chapter in Book - Research
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Milner, P., & McDonald, J. (2017). The pull and push of rural life: Scott and Graham's story. In K. Soldatic & K. Johnson (Eds.), Disability and rurality: Identity, gender and belonging. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Conder, J., & Brandford, S. (2017). "I'm still here": Exploring what matters to people with intellectual disability during advance care planning. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(6), 1089-1098. doi: 10.1111/jar.12355
Kanagasabai, P. S., Mulligan, H., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Hale, L. (2017). Leisure participation patterns of children with movement impairments in New Zealand. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 29(1), 16-22. doi: 10.1097/pep.0000000000000334
Foster-Cohen, S., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2017). Evidence for the effectiveness of visual supports in helping children with disabilities access the mainstream primary school curriculum. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 17(2), 79-86. doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12105
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Hale, L., Potiki Bryant, K., Ward, A. L., Russell, A., Montgomery, A., Tikao, K., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Milosavljevic, S. (2017, November). Health care accessibility among hauā Māori in Murihiku/Southland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Disability Matters Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conder, J., Payne, D., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2017, November). Access to breast and cervical screening for women with learning disabilities. Verbal presentation at the Disability Matters Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Diesfeld, K. (2017, November). Giving expression to Article 13: Promoting access to justice from the inside out. Verbal presentation at the Disability Matters Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Milner, P., Schmidt, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Brown, S. (2017). Getting the life I want: Key informant interviews. Commissioned by CCS Disability Action. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 92p. Retrieved from
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2017). "Institutions are places of abuse": The experiences of disabled children and adults in State care. Commissioned by NZ Human Rights Commission. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 55p. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Milner, P., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). Making a space for the lost stories of inclusion. In R. Jackson & M. Lyons (Eds.), Community care and inclusion for people with an intellectual disability. (pp. 74-89). Edinburgh, UK: Floris Books.
Journal - Research Article
Potiki Bryant, K., Hale, L., Tikao, K., Milosavljevic, S., Wright-Tawha, T., Ward, A. L., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. F. (2016). Art as a tool for disseminating research outcomes: The Hauā Mana Māori Project and Participatory Action Research in New Zealand. Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation. Retrieved from
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Harland, T. (2016). Perceptions of physiotherapists towards research: A mixed methods study. Physiotherapy, 102, 210-216. doi: 10.1016/
Hale, L. A., Mirfin-Veitch, B. F., & Treharne, G. J. (2016). Prevention of falls for adults with intellectual disability (PROFAID): A feasibility study. Disability & Rehabilitation, 38(1), 36-44. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1017613
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Diesfeld, K. (2016). Achieving responsive legal practice and legal processes in New Zealand through research. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), (pp. 709). doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
McKenzie, N., Brandford, S., Conder, J., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). Why won't you tell me I'm dying? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), (pp. 707). doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
McKenzie, N., Brandford, S., Conder, J., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). I'm still here!: Exploring what matters. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), (pp. 707). doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Treharne, G. (2016). Unpacking a falls prevention intervention for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), (pp. 676). doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
Conder, J., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). A doorway into services: Young New Zealanders with disabilities who live away from home. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), (pp. 651). doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
Commissioned Report for External Body
Milner, P., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Brown, S., & Schmidt, L. (2016). Getting the life I want: National online survey. Commissioned by CCS Disability Action. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 122p. Retrieved from
Milner, P., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Brown, S. (2016). Getting the life I want: Integrative literature review. Commissioned by CCS Disability Action. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 127p. Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Conder, J., Schmidt, L., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). Listening to the voices of children with disabilities in New Zealand: Literature review. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 23p. Retrieved from
Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2016). Exploring Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: An integrative literature review. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 99p. Retrieved from
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Payne, D., Conder, J., & Channon, A. (2016). Know who I am: Women with learning disability and their understanding and experiences of women's health screening in New Zealand. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 77p. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Conder, J. A., Mirfin-Veitch, B. F., & Gates, S. (2015). Risk and resilience factors in the mental health and well-being of women with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 28, 572-583. doi: 10.1111/jar.12153
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Harland, T. (2015). Are physiotherapists ready to conduct research as part of their daily practice? Physiotherapy, 101(Suppl. 1), (pp. e670). doi: 10.1016/
Hale, L., Potiki-Bryant, K., Tikao, K., Milosavljevic, S., Wright-Tawha, T., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2015). Enabling access to physiotherapy services for Hauā Māori (Māori living with disability). Physiotherapy, 101(Suppl. 1), (pp. e504-e505). doi: 10.1016/
Commissioned Report for External Body
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2015). The experiences of disabled young people living away from home under Sections 141 and 142 of the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989. Commissioned by New Zealand Ministry of Social Development. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 90p. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Sutherland, D., van der Meer, L., Sigafoos, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Milner, P., O'Reilly, M. F., … Marschik, P. B. (2014). Survey of AAC needs for adults with intellectual disability in New Zealand. Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities, 26, 115-122. doi: 10.1007/s10882-013-9347-z
Kanagasabai, P. S., Mulligan, H., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Hale, L. A. (2014). Association between motor functioning and leisure participation of children with physical disability: An integrative review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56(12), 1147-1162. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12570
Pal, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Claydon, L. (2014). Injuries and falls among adults with intellectual disability: A prospective New Zealand cohort study. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 39(1), 35-44. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2013.867929
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Crowe, M. (2014). Looking good: Multiple meanings for the body image of women with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4), (pp. 355). doi: 10.1111/jar.12105
Commissioned Report for External Body
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Diesfeld, K., Gates, S., & Henaghan, M. (2014). Developing a more responsive legal system for people with intellectual disability in New Zealand. Commissioned by New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 70p.
Journal - Research Article
Pal, J., Hale, L., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2013). Experiences of therapists trying to reduce falls risk for people with intellectual disability. Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 10(4), 314-320. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12058
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B. F., & Harland, T. (2013). Building the research capacity of clinical physical therapists using a participatory action research approach. Physical Therapy, 93(7), 923-934. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20120030
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Treharne, G. J. (2013). A novel intervention to improve balance and activity participation for adults with intellectual disability: A feasibility study. Proceedings of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Conference: New Moves. (pp. 65). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2013, April). Upping our game for women who have an intellectual disability. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists (NZCCP) 23rd National Conference: Upping our game "Nga Ringa Raupa", Dunedin, New Zealand.
Pal, J., Hale, L., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2013, March). Insights into reducing falls risk for people with intellectual disability. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Rehabilitation Conference: Connecting, Living, Rebuilding, Nelson, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Paris, A., & Milner, P. (2013). Improving access to primary care for disabled people. Commissioned by Health Workforce New Zealand and the Ministry of Health's Disability Support Services Group. Auckland, New Zealand: Te Pou o Te Whakaaro Nui, The National Centre of Mental Health Research, Information and Workforce Development. 71p. Retrieved from
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Paris, A. (2013). Primary health and disability: A review of the literature. Commissioned by Health Workforce New Zealand and the Ministry of Health's Disability Support Services Group. Auckland, New Zealand: Te Pou o Te Whakaaro Nui, The National Centre of Mental Health Research, Information and Workforce Development. 75p. Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Milner, P., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2013). On the margins of good health: An analysis of the health status, health knowledge and health literacy of people with a learning disability who completed the Special Olympic HAS Health Promotion screen. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 125p. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Gates, S. (2012). Being heard: Maximising participation for women with intellectual disability in qualitative research. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(7-8), (pp. 717). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_10.x
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Harland, T. (2012). Experiences of hospital based physiotherapists involved in conducting their own research project. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 40(1), (pp. 33). [Abstract]
Conder, J., Crowe, M., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2012). Women with intellectual disability and their body image. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(7-8), (pp. 758). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_10.x
Commissioned Report for External Body
Milner, P., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2012). "I am here": The Article 19 Project: Finding a place for the life stories of disabled people. Commissioned by CCS Disability Action. Dunedin, New Zealand: Donald Beasley Institute. 114p. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Sanders, J., & Munford, R. (2011). Planned pregnancy, planned parenting: Enabling choice for adults with a learning disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(2), 105-112. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2010.00625.x
Conder, J., Milner, P., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2011). Reflections on a participatory project: The rewards and challenges for the lead researchers. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 36(1), 39-48. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2010.548753
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Harland, T. (2011). Stimulating research involvement in clinical physiotherapists. Physiotherapy, 97(Suppl. 1), (pp. eS549-eS550). doi: 10.1016/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Janssen, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Harland, A. (2011, November). Experiences of hospital based physiotherapists involved in conducting their own research project. Verbal presentation at the Southern Physiotherapy Symposium 6, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Conder, J., Gates, S., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2010, August). Maintaining the mental health and wellbeing of women with intellectual disability through life transitions. Verbal presentation at the 7th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the NZ Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability (NZASID), Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Pal, J., Hale, L., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Dockerty, J. (2009). Falling: A problem for adults with intellectual disability. Physical Therapy Reviews. 14(1), (pp. 9). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Conder, J., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2009, August). "He will be just like his Mum and Dad": The children of parents with an intellectual disability. Verbal presentation at the 6th Conference and Annual General Meeting of NZ Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability (NZASID), Hamilton, New Zealand.
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2009, August). "What difference does it make?": Citizenship and community participation in the lives of adults with intellectual disability. Verbal presentation at the 6th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the NZ Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability (NZASID), Hamilton, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Conder, J., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2008). Giving and receiving personal care: What does it mean for clients and carers? Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 14(10), 20-22.
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Sanders, J. (2008). “I've got to think of him...”: Relationships between parents with an intellectual disability and foster parents. Developing Practice, 21(Autumn/Winter), 17-25.
Munford, R., Sanders, J., Mirfin Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2008). Ethics and research: Searching for ethical practice in research. Ethics & Social Welfare, 2(1), 50-66. doi: 10.1080/17496530801948754
Munford, R., Sanders, J., Mirfin Veitch, B., & Conder, J. (2008). Looking inside the bag of tools: Creating research encounters with parents with an intellectual disability. Disability & Society, 23(4), 337-347. doi: 10.1080/09687590802038845
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Sanders, J., & Munford, R. (2008, November). Planned pregnancy, planned parenting: Evidence for policy and practice. Verbal presentation at the 43rd Australasian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability (ASSID) Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Journal - Research Article
Johnston, H., Henaghan, M., & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2007). The experiences of parents with an intellectual disability within the New Zealand Family Court system. New Zealand Family Law Journal, 5(9), 226-236.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Conder, J., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Sanders, J., Bray, A., Munford, R., & Henaghan, M. (2006, September). "I have to work with what I have been given": Risk, resilience and parents with an intellectual disability who have children in foster care. Verbal presentation at the 41st Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability (ASSID), Canberra, Australia.
Chapter in Book - Other
Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Ballard, K. (2005). Says who? Supporting participation in disability research. In P. O'Brien & M. Sullivan (Eds.), Allies in emancipation: Shifting from providing service to being of support. (pp. 189-198). Southbank, Australia: Thomson.
Journal - Research Article
Mirfin-Veitch, B., Bray, A., Williams, S. M., Clarkson, J. E., & Belton, A. J. (1999). Supporting parents with intellectual disabilities. New Zealand Journal of Disability Studies, 6, 60-74.
Authored Book - Other
Watson, M., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Holton, D., & Tomkins, A. (1997). Professional Development for Staff Involved with Students with Disabilities. Dunedin: Donald Beasley Institute Inc., 56p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Mirfin-Veitch, B. F., & Bray, A. (1997). Grandparents: Part of family. In B. Carpenter (Ed.), Families in context: Emerging trends in early interventiaon. (pp. 76-88). London: David Fulton Publishers.
Journal - Research Article
Mirfin-Veitch, B. F., Bray, A., & Watson, M. (1997). We're just that sort of family: Intergenerational relationships in families including children with disabilities. Family Relations, 46(3), 305-311.