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Henrietta Trip

Senior Lecturer, Academic Lead – MHealSc Programme

DipNS(CPIT) CertAdultTchg(CPIT) BN(Massey) MHealSc(Otago)(Dist) PhD(Otago) RN

Tel +64 3 364 3857

Research interests

Henrietta's research interests include:

  • Long-term conditions across the lifespan including ageing for people with learning (intellectual & developmental) disability and other populations considered vulnerable.
  • Self-management approaches and the impact of acute, long-term conditions and outcomes for the people themselves is informed by the role, knowledge, skills and attitudes of the workforce – including nursing.
  • Social models and accessibility in regard to health, disability and social services for individuals and those of significance in their network of support including family/whānau.
  • Nursing education and workforce development in disability and family nursing is also a core focus of Henrietta's research.

Teaching responsibilities

Supervision responsibilities

PhD and Masters students

Henrietta is available to supervise in the following areas:

  • Learning disability, nursing and vulnerable populations
  • Self-management approaches and long-term condition management
  • Health care accessibility, person-centred care and/or ageing with an impairment
  • Community access, integration and quality of life for individuals and their family/whanau


Trip, H., Northway, R., & Horan, P. (2024). Pre- and post-registration education: Preparing nurses to address health and well-being inequities globally. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(7), (pp. 760). doi: 10.1111/jir.13166 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). It's your death: You've got to say what you want! Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(7), (pp. 665). doi: 10.1111/jir.13166 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

McKenzie, N., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Trip, H., & Conder, J. (2024). My plan for a good life, right to the end: An accessible approach to advance care planning. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 2362979. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2024.2362979 Journal - Research Article

Horan, P., Desroches, M., Marsden, D., Fisher, K., Stych, J., Ailey, S., … Trip, H., & Wilson, N. (2022). Caring for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) during the COVID-19 pandemic: A transcontinental study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 76(Suppl. 1), (pp. A56). doi: 10.1136/jech-2022-SSMabstracts.116 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Trip, H., Northway, R., Perkins, E., Mirfin-Veitch, B., & Adams, R. (2022). COVID-19: Evolving challenges and opportunities for residential and vocational intellectual disability service providers. Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19, 102-115. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12414 Journal - Research Article

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