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Sarah Berger imageHonorary Clinical Senior Lecturer


Research interests

Dr Sarah Berger is Nursing Director for Te Ratonga Ārai Mate, Infection Prevention and Control Service, covering the transalpine regions of Waitaha Canterbury and Te Tai o Poutini West Coast, New Zealand.

She returned to Christchurch in 2019 after seven years working in an academic research and teaching role at the Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg, Germany in the Department of General Practice and Health Services Research.

She is a health services researcher with a broad-based methodological experience across the quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods spectrum.

Her particular expertise and special interest is in the field of interprofessional education and collaboration.

Sarah is passionate about improving collaboration among members of health care teams in the interest of patient safety and improved patient outcomes.

Sarah is an Associate Editor with the  Journal of Interprofessional Care, a leading publication in the field of interprofessional research in health and social care including education and collaborative practice


Roth, C., Breckner, A., Krug, K., Mahler, C., Wensing, M., & Berger, S. (2025). Integrating internationally qualified nurses: A qualitative exploration of nurse managers' influence from nurses' experiences. BMC Nursing, 24, 233. doi: 10.1186/s12912-025-02875-7 Journal - Research Article

Berger, S., & Borren, J. (2024, August). Kaitiakitanga: Looking forward: Advancing IPC capabilities with a novel postgraduate infection prevention and control curriculum in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Infection Prevention and Control Nurses College (IPCNC) Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Roth, C., Breckner, A., Wensing, M., Mahler, C., Krug, K., & Berger, S. (2023). Barriers and enabling factors for workplace integration of internationally qualified nurses: A qualitative study of perceptions of German nurses. Nursing Open, 10(8), 5225-5235. doi: 10.1002/nop2.1760 Journal - Research Article

Mahler, C., Orchard, C., Berger, S., Krisam, J., Mink, J., Krug, K., & King, G. (2023). Translation and psychometric properties of the German version of the "Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale" (ISVS-21-D). Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(4), 655-661. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2022.2115024 Journal - Research Article

Gewalt, S. C., Berger, S., Krisam, R., Krisam, J., & Breuer, M. (2022). University students' economic situation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in Germany. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0275055. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275055 Journal - Research Article

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