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BOPP Study (B-NP and Occult Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterms)

Pulmonary hypertension is increasingly recognised as a complication of premature birth. This study aims to investigate B-type natriuretic peptide as a possible biomarker of rising pulmonary artery pressure in premature infants. It has the potential to allow clinicians to stratify infants risk of pulmonary hypertension and better identify which infants require further investigation.

BLIS Tonsillitis Trial

This project will bring more than a decade of basic science research in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Otago to a high-quality clinical trial on the prevention of tonsillitis in children with recurrent infections (Walls, Power & Tagg, 2003). Recurrent tonsillitis is one of the major indications for tonsillectomy in children. The primary objective of this research is to establish if the use of probiotics can reduce the burden of disease, and as a consequence, the need for surgical intervention.

Crohn's and Colitis in Children Study

This is a multi-faceted study looking at different aspects of Inflammatory Bowel disease in children and young adolescents including; disease outcomes, disease patterns, genetics and the development of new and better ways to monitor progress over time.

Designing a mobile health app for children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

This study will show whether a mobile health app designed for children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease can help them learn about their disease and treatment. The app has been designed to help improve treatment adherence, increase knowledge, and encourage symptom tracking.

Faecal S100 Proteins in Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal genetic disease in the Caucasian population. Poor nutrition in these patients is not only strongly linked to poorer lung function but is an independent risk factor for early death. The purpose of this study is to use non-invasive tests (measuring inflammatory (S100) proteins in the stool) to define the frequency and extent of gut inflammation in a group of children with CF and to correlate these with growth and other factors that can affect nutrition such as gut symptoms.

Inflammatory bowel disease in New Zealand children - the state of play

This study extends the use of robust, proven methodology to create a New Zealand-wide paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) repository.

Malnutrition in Children

The overall objectives of these studies were to define nutritional status in hospitalised children of developing and developed countries (Iran and NZ) and assess the validity of Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) tools in recognition of malnutrition.

Nutritional therapy and gut inflammation in Crohn's disease

The purpose of the study is gain a greater understanding of how nutritional therapy affects gut inflammation during active Crohn's disease. It will help us to further understand the impact nutritional therapy has in adults on disease inflammation, control of disease and quality of life.

Nutrition and Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The purpose of this study is to assess habitual dietary intake and subsequent nutritional status of children with diagnosed IBD and their siblings without IBD who live within the Canterbury Catchment area.

NZ Very Low Birthweight Study

We are looking at health and developmental outcomes in young adulthood for New Zealand children born in 1986 who were born very early (premature) or of very low birthweight (less than 1500 grams)

Paediatric Australasian Gastroenterology Research Network

PEDAGREE is a research network linking people with research interests in gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition in children and adolescents across Australasia.

Research for Children Aotearoa

The Research for Children Aotearoa (RCA) Collaborative brings together established Research Institutes, organisations and communities to advance equitable, innovative, world-leading research for children. Proudly supported by Te Papa Hauora, this Collaborative fosters research excellence across disciplines to strengthen impact across clinical, medical, sociological and educational domains.

Safety Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Tdap Vaccine in Pregnancy (SMARTVIP)

This study will examine the safety of giving Tdap vaccination to pregnant women in Canterbury and look at the health of infants born to these mothers in their first year of life.

The CREATE Trial

The CREATE Trial is a ground-breaking study in the treatment of type one diabetes. It is a randomised controlled trial of an open-source, community-built algorithm for automated insulin delivery. This technology allows for improvement in control of blood glucose and reduces the burden of care for people with type one diabetes.

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