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Dhita De La Roche imageBMed, MD (Atma Jaya Catholic University), MHealSc (University of Canterbury)


PhD topic

Title: The Role of Passenger Transport: A Factor for Obtaining Healthcare Services by Women with Disabilities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Supervisors: Dr Angela Curl, Dr Helen Fitt


Having a background in medicine and health sciences, Dhita focuses on the nonclinical field of health. She is expanding her interest in disabilities and women's rights with the aim of achieving equality and better health outcomes. Dhita is keen to apply her knowledge and contribute to disability studies in her home country, Indonesia.

Research interests

Disability and inclusion, disability rights, women's rights, social change and justice, and mobility justice.


Women with disabilities face even more challenges than the general population when accessing healthcare. One crucial factor influencing their decision to seek medical attention is the availability and accessibility of transportation options.

The relationship between healthcare facilities and transport networks can play a significant role in improving the health outcomes of disabled communities. Although public transport is the primary mode of travel for women with disabilities in Indonesia and similar low-middle-income countries, it remains inaccessible and unfavourable. In Indonesia, public transport is an essential mode of transport that is often characterised by congestion, inadequate infrastructure, and safety concerns that can negatively impact the health and well-being of commuters, including women with disabilities.

Aim of the study

The aim of this study is to understand the experiences of women with disabilities travelling by passenger transport to obtain healthcare services in Indonesia.

The findings may suggest ways to reduce the perpetuation of exclusion and marginalisation of women with disabilities. By understanding the travel experiences of women with disabilities, this study could help initiate and develop a targeted discussion of a sustainable, inclusive, and accessible transport system in a city considered disabled-friendly.

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