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Rose Crossin imageSenior Lecturer
Undergraduate Convener

BSc (Massey), BSc (Hons) (Queensland), PhD (Melbourne)

Tel +64 3 364 3617

Department of Population Health
University of Otago, Christchurch
PO Box 4345
Christchurch 8140


Rose got her undergraduate degree in biological sciences in New Zealand before moving to Australia and working in the public sector in research and strategy roles for a number of years. Following her PhD she worked as a researcher at Monash University, and then in drug policy advocacy and research at Penington Institute, before returning home to NZ in 2020.


Rose completed her PhD with the University of Melbourne in 2018. She studied in an addiction neuroscience lab at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, and her PhD was titled “The growth and energy balance consequences of adolescent inhalant abuse”.

Her PhD utilised pre-clinical research, epidemiological data analysis, a clinical cohort, and systematic review and meta-analysis to understand the impacts of inhalant misuse during adolescence. Her research identified previously unknown endocrine and growth consequences of inhalant misuse, and developed a novel approach for identifying inhalant misuse in adolescents.

Supervisors: Dr Jhodie Duncan (Florey Institute), Professor Andrew Lawrence (Florey Institute), Associate Professor Zane Andrews (Monash University)

Research interests

  • Alcohol and drug harm
  • Drug and alcohol policy
  • Harm reduction
  • Public health

Professional groups

  • Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs
  • International Society for the Study of Drug Policy
  • Public Health Association of New Zealand
  • Health Coalition Aotearoa

Current projects


Petty, J., Crossin, R., McNally, S., Ryan, J. (2019). From the overdose report to a national naloxone distribution trial: an example of effective research to policy translation, oral presentation to Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference, Hobart.

Crossin, R., Scott, D., Arunogiri, S., Smith, K., Dietze, P., Lubman, D.I. (2019). Pregabalin misuse in Australia, poster presentation at College on Problems of Drug Dependence Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Crossin, R., Scott, D., Arunogiri, S., Smith, K., Dietze, P., Lubman, D.I. (2018). Acute harms associated with pregabalin misuse in Victoria: a 6-year examination of ambulance attendances, oral presentation to Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference, Auckland.

Crossin, R., Scott, D., Witt, K. G., Duncan, J. R., Smith, K., & Lubman, D. I. (2018). Acute harms associated with inhalant misuse: Co-morbidities and trends relative to age and gender among ambulance attendees, oral presentation to Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference, Auckland.

Scott, D., Crossin, R., Coomber, K., Smith, K., Miller, P., Lubman, D. I. (2018). Exploring the characteristics of family violence relative to packaged liquor outlet density using ambulance attendance data, poster presentation to Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Conference, Auckland.

Crossin, R., Lawrence, A.J., Andrews, Z.B., Oldfield, B., Stefanidis, A., Pang, T., Duncan, J.R. (2017).
Adolescent inhalant abuse induces an endocrine disorder analogous to adrenal insufficiency, oral presentation to Students of Brain Research Conference, Melbourne.

Crossin, R., Lawrence, A.J., Andrews, Z.B., Oldfield, B., Stefanidis, A., Pang, T., Duncan, J.R. (2017). Characterising the metabolic phenotype in adolescent inhalant abuse: long-term changes to energy balance independent of food intake, oral presentation to Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society, Adelaide.

Crossin, R., Lawrence, A.J., Andrews, Z.B., Oldfield, B., Stefanidis, A., Pang, T., Duncan, J.R. (2017). Adolescent inhalant abuse induces a disorder analogous to adrenal insufficiency, oral presentation to Endocrine Society of Australia, Perth.

Crossin, R., Lawrence, A.J., Sims, N., Andrews, Z.B., Duncan, J.R. (2016). Adolescent inhalant abuse: a disruption to energy balance regulation masquerading as malnutrition, oral presentation to Students of Brain Research Conference, Melbourne.

Crossin, R., Lawrence, A.J., Andrews, Z.B., Duncan, J.R. (2016). Effects of adolescent inhalant abuse on growth: malnutrition or altered energy homeostasis?, poster presented to European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Copenhagen.

Crossin, R., Cairney, S., Lawrence, A.J., Duncan, J.R. (2015). Adolescent inhalant abuse: the use of growth as a potential diagnostic measure, oral presentation to International Conference for Neurology and Epidemiology, Gold Coast.

Crossin, R., Cairney, S., Lawrence, A.J., Duncan, J.R. (2015) Failure to thrive and growth impairment: the link to inhalant abuse, oral presentation to Youth Health Conference, Melbourne.


Crossin, R., Ball, J., & Boden, J. (2024). Alcohol and suicide: The facts. The Briefing, (31 October). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Crossin, R., Dikstaal, J., McKerchar, C., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Sex-specific analysis of acute alcohol use in suicides and reporting of alcohol as a contributor to suicide deaths in New Zealand 2007-2020: A cross-sectional study of coronial data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1604), 62-72. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Gonzalez-Recio, P., Crossin, R., Donat, M., Palma, D., Caballero, D. G., Moreno-Garcia, S., … Belza, M. J. (2024). Chemsex session typologies and associated sociodemographic factors in sexual minority men: Latent class analysis from a cultural perspective using a cross-sectional survey. JMIR Public Health & Surveillance, 10, e60012. doi: 10.2196/60012 Journal - Research Article

Joyce, L. R., McCombie, A., & Crossin, R. (2024). Alcohol-related harm and Aotearoa New Zealand emergency departments. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1596), 9-12. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Sutcliffe, O., Crossin, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2024). A citizens’ wānanga on alcohol policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: An essay on theoretical underpinnings and practical considerations. Contemporary Drug Problems, 51(2), 89-110. doi: 10.1177/00914509241255317 Journal - Research Article

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