Assistant Research Fellow
Teaching FellowBA (Otago), DPH (Otago), MPH (Otago)
Els graduated with a BA in economics and human geography from Otago in 2018 and recently completed her MPH in 2022 titled: A Place to Call Home: Māori experiences of social housing in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Her MPH utilised a Kaupapa Māori methodology and qualitative methods. She is currently working as both an assistant research fellow and teaching fellow in the department.
Her research interests are the social determinants of health and in particular how social policy is experienced by Māori. She is also interested in health economics and health funding decision-making.
Curl, A., Russell, E., McKerchar, C., & Berghan, J. (2024). Transport and health equity: Considering the needs of diverse populations\n. In J. Cidell (Ed.), A research agenda for transport equity and mobility justice. (pp. 87-104). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781802201888.00014 Chapter in Book - Research
Russell, E., McKerchar, C., Berghan, J., Curl, A., & Fitt, H. (2024). Considering the importance of transport to the wellbeing of Māori social housing residents. Journal of Transport & Health, 36, 101809. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2024.101809 Journal - Research Article
McKerchar, C., Russell, E., Williams, N., & Hodgson, R. (2023, May). Transport perspectives: Māori, women and youth. Verbal presentation at the Connect with Transport Research Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Russell, E., McKerchar, C., Thompson, L., & Berghan, J. (2023). Māori experiences of social housing in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Kōtuitui, 18(4), 352-369. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2023.2180762 Journal - Research Article
Fitt, H., Curl, A., el Orfi, Y., McKerchar, C., Berghan, J., Banwell, K., Dares, C., Russell, E., Coppens, A., … Faber, K. (2022, November). ACTIVATION: Towards equity in transport and transport research. Verbal presentation at the 4th Transport Research Network (TRN) Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs