Kennedy-Smith, H., Pettie, M., Cleland, L., Miller, A., Hitchman, L., Thornton, L., Bulik, C., Kennedy, M., & Jordan, J. (2024). New Zealand's contribution to an international eating disorders GWAS: Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI). Proceedings of the 17th GeneMappers Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Crossin, R., Dikstaal, J., McKerchar, C., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Sex-specific analysis of acute alcohol use in suicides and reporting of alcohol as a contributor to suicide deaths in New Zealand 2007-2020: A cross-sectional study of coronial data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1604), 62-72. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Joyce, L. R., Cleland, L., Forman, E., Hlavac, A., Foulds, J., & Crossin, R. (2024). Changes in alcohol-related emergency department presentations: A comparison of three waves in 2013, 2017 and 2022. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1593), 56-67. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Lee, R. M., Shoorangiz, R., Foulds, J. A., Almuqbel, M. M., Le Heron, C., Cleland, L., Keenan, R. J., Mulder, R., Porter, R. J., Newton-Howes, G., Douglas, K. M., Butler, A. P. H., Boden, J. M., & Melzer, T. R. (2023). Long-term impacts of cannabis on resting state functional networks: Are there any? In K.-L. Horne (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research (AWCBR). (pp. 57). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Wilkins, C., Rychert, M., Adamson, S., Potiki, T., Pomerleau, A. C., … Noller, G., … Bagshaw, S., … Boden, J. (2023). The New Zealand drug harms ranking study: A multi-criteria decision analysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/02698811231182012
Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
Crossin, R., Dikstaal, J., McKerchar, C., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Sex-specific analysis of acute alcohol use in suicides and reporting of alcohol as a contributor to suicide deaths in New Zealand 2007-2020: A cross-sectional study of coronial data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1604), 62-72. Retrieved from
Joyce, L. R., Cleland, L., Forman, E., Hlavac, A., Foulds, J., & Crossin, R. (2024). Changes in alcohol-related emergency department presentations: A comparison of three waves in 2013, 2017 and 2022. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1593), 56-67. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Kennedy-Smith, H., Pettie, M., Cleland, L., Miller, A., Hitchman, L., Thornton, L., Bulik, C., Kennedy, M., & Jordan, J. (2024). New Zealand's contribution to an international eating disorders GWAS: Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI). Proceedings of the 17th GeneMappers Conference. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Wilkins, C., Rychert, M., Adamson, S., Potiki, T., Pomerleau, A. C., … Noller, G., … Bagshaw, S., … Boden, J. (2023). The New Zealand drug harms ranking study: A multi-criteria decision analysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/02698811231182012
Cleland, L., Kennedy, H. L., Pettie, M. A., Kennedy, M. A., Bulik, C. M., & Jordan, J. (2023). Eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image research in New Zealand: A scoping review. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1), 7. doi: 10.1186/s40337-022-00728-1
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Lee, R. M., Shoorangiz, R., Foulds, J. A., Almuqbel, M. M., Le Heron, C., Cleland, L., Keenan, R. J., Mulder, R., Porter, R. J., Newton-Howes, G., Douglas, K. M., Butler, A. P. H., Boden, J. M., & Melzer, T. R. (2023). Long-term impacts of cannabis on resting state functional networks: Are there any? In K.-L. Horne (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research (AWCBR). (pp. 57). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Acute alcohol use and suicide deaths: An analysis of New Zealand coronial data from 2007-2020. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1558), 65-78. Retrieved from
Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Dhakal, B., Fenton, A., Welch, J.-L., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and the menopause transition in a cohort of midlife New Zealand women. Menopause, 29(7), 816-822. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001976
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). The association between alcohol use disorder and suicidal ideation in a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56(12), 1576-1586. doi: 10.1177/00048674211064183
McLeod, G. F. H., Cleland, L., Welch, J., Spittlehouse, J. K., Fenton, A., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2022). Menopause status and climacteric symptoms in a birth cohort of mid-life New Zealand women. Climacteric, 25(3), 271-277. doi: 10.1080/13697137.2021.1948005
Journal - Research Other
MacDermod, C., Pettie, M. A., Carrino, E. A., Cruz Garcia, S., Padalecki, S., Finch, J. E., … Kennedy, H. L., … Kennedy, M. A., Cleland, L., Jordan, J., … Bulik, C. M. (2022). Recommendations to encourage participation of individuals from diverse backgrounds in psychiatric genetic studies. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, 189B, 163-173. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32906
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Rychert, M., Wilkins, C., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Measuring drug harm in New Zealand: A stocktake of current data sources. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1554), 93-104. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). A multi-methods study to understand the relationship between alcohol and suicide in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 41(Suppl. 1), 15. doi: 10.1111/dar.13537
Lee, R. M., Cleland, L., Foulds, J. A., Shoorangiz, R., Almuqbel, M. M., Le Heron, C., Keenan, R., Mulder, R., Porter, R., Newton-Howes, G., Douglas, K., Butler, A., Boden, J. M., & Melzer, T. R. (2022). Early cannabis use and its impact on the ageing brain: An MRI study of a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort. In K. Horne (Ed.), Proceedings of the 38th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research (AWCBR). (pp. 51). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Bulik, C. M., Thornton, L. M., Parker, R., Kennedy, H., Baker, J. H., MacDermod, C., … Cleland, L., Miller, A. L., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M. A., & Martin, N. G. (2021). The Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI): Study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 234. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03212-3
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Cleland, L., Dhakal, B., & Horwood, L. J. (2020). Attitudes towards cannabis and cannabis law change in a New Zealand birth cohort. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1515), 79-88. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Lacey, C., Clark, M. T. R., Manuel, J., Pitama, S., Cunningham, R., Keelan, K., Rijnberg, V., Cleland, L., & Jordan, J. (2020). Is there systemic bias for Māori with eating disorders? A need for greater awareness in the healthcare system. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1514), 71-76. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Kennedy, M. A., Jordan, J., Miller, A. L., Cleland, L., Kennedy, H. L., & Bulik, C. (2020). The genetics of eating disorders: What do we know and where are we going? Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Zoom Symposium. Retrieved from
Cleland, L. J., Jordan, J., & Watterson, R. (2020). Elevated medical and psychiatric comorbidities in a New Zealand sample of those with eating disorders. Proceedings of the Virtual International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), co-hosted by the Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) and Academy for Eating Disorders (AED). Retrieved from