Cupples J and Thompson L. Heterotextuality and digital foreplay: Cell phones and the culture of teenage romance. Feminist Media Studies 10(1):1-17, 2010.
Cox B, Richardson A, Graham P, Gislefoss RE, Jellum E, Rollag H. Breast cancer, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus: a nested case-control study. British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 20 April 2010
Faatoese A, Pitama S, Gillies M, Huria T., ..., Richards M, Troughton R, Wells E, Sheerin I, & Cameron V. A comparison of metabolic risk profiles among rural and urban maori in New Zealand. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 19(Suppl. 2): S254, 2010.
doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2010.06.622
James ML, Lehman M, Hider PN, Jeffery M, Hickey BE, & Francis DP. Fraction size in radiation treatment for breast conservation in early breast cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11, CD003860. 2010.
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003860.pub3
McKenzie JE, Priest P, Audas R, Poore MR, Brunton CR, Reeves LM. Hand sanitisers for reducing illness absences in primary school children in New Zealand: a cluster randomised controlled trial study protocol. Trials 11(7), 2010.
Sabanli M, Balasingham A, Bailey W, Eglinton T, Hider P & Frizelle FA. Computed tomographic colonography in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 97(8), 1291-4, 2010.
doi: 10.1002/bjs.7098
Abel G, Fitzgerald L, Healy C and Taylor A. (eds) Taking the crime out of sex work. New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation. Policy Press, Bristol. 2010
Media release
Chapters in Books
Abel G & Fitzgerald L. Introduction. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 1-24). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010.
Abel G & Fitzgerald L. Risk and risk management in sex work post-Prostitution Reform Act: A public health perspective. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 217-238). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010.
Abel G & Fitzgerald L. Decriminalisation and stigma. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 239-258). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010
Abel G & Fitzgerald L. Conclusion. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 259-264). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010
Abel G, Fitzgerald L & Brunton C. Christchurch School of Medicine study: Methodology and methods. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 159-72). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010.
Brunton C. Becoming inspectors of brothels: Public health authorities' experience of implementing the Prostitution Reform Act. In: G Abel, L Fitzgerald & C Healy with A Taylor (Eds.), Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation (pp. 173-96). Bristol, UK: Policy Press. 2010.
Abel G, Fitzgerald L and Brunton C. The impact of decriminalization on the number of sex workers in New Zealand. Journal of Social Policy 38(3): 515-31, 2009.
Barnett R, Pearce J, Moon G, Elliott J, Barnett P. Assessing the effects of the introduction of the New Zealand Smokefree Environment Act 2003 on Acute Myocardial Infarction hospital admissions in Christchurch New Zealand. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 33(6): 515-20, 2009.
doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2009.00446.x
Barnett P, Tenbensel T, Cumming J, Clayden C, Ashton T, Pledger M, Burnette M. Implementing new modes of governance in the New Zealand health system: An empirical study. Health Policy 93: 118-27, 2009.
Davidson PJ, Sheerin IG, Frampton C. Renal stone disease in Christchurch, New Zealand. Part 1: presentation and epidemiology. New Zealand Medical Journal 122(1297), 2009.
Davidson PJ, Sheerin IG, Frampton C. Renal stone disease in Christchurch, New Zealand. Part 2: a community study on the burden of renal stone disease. New Zealand Medical Journal 122(1297), 2009.
Duncan AR, Priest PC, Jennings LC, Brunton CR, Baker MG. Screening for influenza infection in international airline travelers. American Journal of Public Health 99: S360 - S2, 2009.
doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2008.158071
Hider PN, Griffin G, Walker M, Coughlan EP. The information-seeking behavior of clinical staff in a large health care organization. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(1), 47-50, 2009.
doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.97.1.009
Rumball-Smith J & Hider P. The validity of readmission rate as a marker of the quality of hospital care, and a recommendation for its definition. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1289), 2009.
Rumball-Smith J, Hider P, Graham P. The readmission rate as an indicator of the quality of elective surgical inpatient care for the elderly in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1289), 2009.
Sheerin I. Hospital expenditure on treating complications of diabetes and the potential for deferring complications in Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal 122 (1288), 2009.
Thompson L, Barnett R, Pearce J. Scared straight?: Fear-appeal anti-smoking campaigns, risk, self-efficacy and addiction. Health, Risk and Society 11(2): 181-96, 2009.
Thompson L, Pearce J and Barnett R. Nomadic identities and socio-spatial competence: making sense of post-smoking selves. Social and Cultural Geography 10(5): 565-81, 2009.
Sheerin I. Costs of injecting drug use: benefits of treatment. VDM Verlag Dr Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co, Saarbrucken. 2009
Chapters in Books
Barnett R and Barnett P. Health Systems and Health Services. In: R Kitchin and N Thrift (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 5:58-70. Elsevier, Oxford. 2009.
Abel G and Fitzgerald L. On a fast-track into adulthood: An exploration of transitions into adulthood for street-based sex workers in New Zealand. Journal of Youth Studies 11(4): 361-76, 2008.
Ashton T, Tenbensel T, Cumming J and Barnett P. Decentralizing resource allocation: early experiences with District Health Boards in New Zealand. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 13(2): 109-15, 2008.
Barnett P, Penny M, Brunton C, Begg A. Dispatches from the front-line: Reports on fluoridation campaigns in southern New Zealand. New Zealand Dental Journal 104 (4): 139-43, 2008.
Tenbensel T, Cumming J, Ashton T and Barnett P. Where there's a will, is there a way?: Are New Zealand's publicly funded health services able to steer towards population health? Social Science and Medicine 67: 1143-52, 2008.
Chapters in Books
Barnett R and Barnett P. Restructuring primary care: the New Zealand case compared. In: Crooks V and Andrews G (eds) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate Press, London. pp 149-65, 2008.
Malcolm L and Barnett P. Disclosure of treatment injury in New Zealand's no-fault compensation system. Australian Health Review 31(1): 116-22, 2007.
Pitama S, Robertson P, Cram F, Gillies M, Huria T & Dallas-Katoa W. Meihana model: a clinical assessment framework. New Zealand Journal of Psychology 36(3): 118-25, 2007.
Technical report
Abel G, Fitzgerald L and Brunton C. The impact of the Prostitution Reform Act on the health and safety practices of sex workers: Report to the Prostitution Law Review Committee, Department of Public Health and General Practice, University of Otago, Christchurch. 2007 PDF 811 KB
ISBN: 0-9582732-0-0
O'Dea D and Sheerin I. A proposed intervention to reduce childhood obesity and improve population health: The prohibition of TV advertising of 'energy-dense' foods and drinks during children's watching hours. A report to the Ministry of Health. 2007
Sheerin I and O'Dea D. Prioritisation and economic analysis in public health. A worked example: a health promotion programme to reduce consumption of sugary soft drinks in New Zealand. A report to the Ministry of Health. 2007