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Evans JJ, Wilkinson T and Wall DJN
A two-pathway mathematical model of the LH response to GnRH that predicts self-priming
International Journal of Endocrinology 2013; 2013:

Chitcholtan K, Asselin E, Parent S, Sykes PH, and Evans JJ.
Differences in growth properties of endometrial cancer in three dimensional (3D) culture and 2D cell monolayer.
Experimental Cell Research 2013; 319:75-87.

Evans JJ, and Anderson GM.
Balancing ovulation and anovulation: integration of the reproductive and energy balance axes by neuropeptides.
Human Reproduction Update 2012; 18: 313-32.

Ibrahim SN, Murray L, Evans JJ, and Alkaisi MM.
Trapping Single Cells: Comparison between Sandwiched Insulation with Back Contact (SIBC) and Planar Biochip.
Materials Science Forum 2012 700 188-194.

Chitcholtan K, Sykes PH, and Evans JJ.
The resistance of intracellular mediators to doxorubicin and cisplatin are distinct in 3D and 2D endometrial cancer.
Journal of Translational Medicine 2012; 10:38,

Evans GE, Martinez-Conejero JA, Phillipson GT, Simon C, McNoe LA, Sykes PH, Horcajadas JA, Lam EY, Print CG, Sin IL, and Evans JJ.
Gene and protein expression signature of endometrial glandular and stromal compartments during the window of implantation.
Fertility and Sterility 2012; 97:1365-1373 e1361-1362.

Evans GE, Phillipson GT, Sin IL, Frampton CM, Kirker JA, Bigby SM, and Evans JJ.
Gene expression confirms a potentially receptive endometrium identified by histology in fertile women.
Human Reproduction 2012; 27:2747-2755.

Evans JJ, Chitcholtan K, Dann JM, Guilford P, Harris G, Lewis LK, Nagase J, Welkamp AAW, Zwerus R, and Sykes PH.
Adrenomedullin interacts with VEGF in endometrial cancer and has varied modulation in tumours of different grades.
Gynecologic Oncology 2012; 125:214-219,, curated in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD;

Ibrahim SN, Murray L, Evans JJ, and Alkaisi MM.
The Quadrupole Microelectrode Design on a Multilayer Biochip.
Microelectronic Engineering 2012; 97:369-374.

Yoshida A, Chitcholtan K, Evans JJ, Nock V, and Beasley SW.
In vitro tissue engineering of smooth muscle sheets with peristalsis using a murine induced pluripotent stem cell line.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2012; 47:329-335.

Evans JJ, and Chitcholtan K.
Extracellular Matrix Proteins in the Anterior Pituitary Gland.
The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2011; 4:111-119.

Evans JJ.
The Anterior Pituitary Gland - Co-Ordinating an Alphabet of Peptides.
The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2011 4:22-24.

Nock V, Murray L, Samsuri F, Alkaisi MM, and Evans JJ.
Microfluidic Arrays for Bioimprint of Cancer Cells.
Microelectronic Engineering 2011; 88:1828-1831.

Samsuri F, Alkaisi MM, Evans JJ, Chitcholtan K, and Mitchell JS.
Detection of changes in cell membrane structures using the Bioimprint technique.
Microelectronic Engineering 2011; 88 1871-1874.

Nock V, Murray L, Samsuri F, Alkaisi MM, and Evans JJ.
Microfluidics-assisted photo nanoimprint lithography for the formation of cellular bioimprints.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 2010; 28:C6K17-C16K22.

Samsuri F, Alkaisi MM, Mitchell JS, and Evans JJ.
Replication of cancer cells using soft lithography bioimprint technique.
Microelectronic Engineering 2010; 87:699-703.


'Anticancer Effects of Seaweed Extracts on Endometrial Cancer Cells; A report of preliminary studies', Prepared for Leanne Bramley of Sustainable Seafood NZ Ltd by J J Evans, L H Tan and K Chitcholtan, December 2011

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