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Director, General Practice Research Group Dee Mangin

MB ChB DPH(Otago)
Director, McMaster University Sentinel and Information Collaboration (M.U.S.I.C.)


Dee Mangin is currently Professor of General Practice at University of Otago, Christchurch and at McMaster University, Canada. She is Director of the Primary Care Research Group at the University of Otago, Christchurch. She previously held the David Braley Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine for 10 years at McMaster University, Canada, and has been an active adviser in Canada during this time on health system improvement and operationalisation in primary care.

As well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, Dee’s overarching interests are the influences of science, policy and commerce on the nature of care. Her interest in research is as a lever for advocacy, to support and improve health care for patients that will best enable a life worth living, on their terms.

Dee has wide clinical research experience in primary care, including observational and interventional quantitative research methods and community RCTs of innovative models of care. Topics areas include innovative systems of care (incorporation of patient priorities and preferences into care, complex interventions for older adults, extended models of primary care), rational medicine use (antidepressants, antibiotics, deprescribing trials of the reduction of single medicines as well as deprescribing multiple medicines in older adults).

Dee supported capacity building for primary care research through the development and inception of the David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative while Associate Chair, Research at McMaster DFM and supporting capacity development for General Practice and General Practice research continues to be a strong interest. She is happy to be contacted by anyone interested in developing their primary care research role or skills.

Current research Interests

  • Multimorbidity and its natural consequence, polypharmacy
  • Integration of evidence- and patient- centred practice to improve care
  • Innovative models of primary care
  • Understanding and enhancing the value of generalist care at education and health system level


RNZCGP Distinguished Service Medal (2012) and The Canadian College of Family Physicians Donald I Rice Award (2018), both for leadership and service to General Practice nationally and internationally, as well as the Canadian College of Family Physician Researcher of the Year Award (2023).


Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., Naganathan, V., Potter, K., Comans, T., Hilmer, S., … Mangin, D. (2024). Deprescribing to optimise health outcomes for frail older people: The Opti-med study. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 43(Suppl. 1), OR21. doi: 10.1111/ajag.13323 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hafid, S., Freeman, K., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Queenan, J., Drummond, N., Lawson, J., … Mangin, D., & Howard, M. (2024). Describing primary care patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across Canada: A quasi-experimental pre-post design cohort study using national practice-based research network data. BMJ Open, 14, e084608. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084608 Journal - Research Article

Nicholson, K., Liu, W., Fitzpatrick, D., Hardacre, K. A., Roberts, S., Salerno, J., … Mangin, D. (2024). Prevalence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy among adults and older adults: A systematic review. Lancet Healthy Longevity, 5(4), e287-e296. doi: 10.1016/s2666-7568(24)00007-2 Journal - Research Other

Cossette, B., Griffith, L., Emond, P. D., Mangin, D., Moss, L., Boyko, J., … Dolovich, L. (2024). Drug and natural health product data collection and curation in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0714980823000806 Journal - Research Article

Okafor, C. E., Keramat, S. A., Comans, T., Page, A. T., Potter, K., Hilmer, S. N., … Mangin, D., … Etherton-Beer, C. (2024). Cost-consequence analysis of deprescribing to optimize health outcomes for frail older people: A within-trial analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.12.016 Journal - Research Article

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